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So, I think that I have not updated this site in over a year. I doubt that anyone comes to check it anymore, but I might as well put up an update anyway.

If you have not been keeping up -check out the latest Ciara pics at her website! Click here.

Also, there is a new FAMILY website to show off our new addition to the family. Robert Cormac was born in November, and is doing well. Check him out:

Rich and I are still busy trying to get clients for our own website design venture. Click here to check us out. So, if this site is not updated often, you know why....and if you know anyone that needs a website.....

Sorry to have lost touch - I will try to do better....


LINKS For the Hell Of It!!!!!

Rich's company web page (done by me)
Our Growing Family Website
A Great Way to Waste Time!!!
Opie & Pat's wedding (beautiful Idaho scenery)
Side-Show Bob - My last band!!
My Old Photo Albums
Our Wedding Album 1999
Rental Car Destruction!!!
Our 2002 Kitchen/Bath Remodel
Our House before we moved in.
Psycho building his house