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My life today, as a stated Nonconformist, & as an amateur Conceptual Engineer,
contains and reflects the following ideas, particularly in my thinking & analyzing processes

The extracts taken from the book:
"A World of Ideas: A Dictionary of Important Theories,
Concepts, Beliefs, and Thinkers

"Truth = The question of truth: what is it and how we can recognize it - is the oldest and most controversial in philosophy..."

Epistemology = The study of knowledge; one of the five classical fields of philosophy inquiry. Epistemology asks the questions What is knowledge? How do we obtain it? How can we verify it? What are its limits? What is the relationship between the knower and the known?...; The answers to the question of how the mind obtains knowledge fall into three main categories...; ...the third explanation... states that we create what we think of as knowledge out of our experience, which is so thoroughly dependent on our psychological, historical, or social condition that it cannot be considered objective knowledge at all...; The third explanation involves the problem of the relationship between the object of knowledge and the subject, the one who does the knowing: even if something is true, how do we know it’s true?..."

Idealism = In philosophy, the position that IDEAS, not objects, are the basis of reality; the opposite of REALISM and MATERIALISM...; The everyday connotation of the term relates to this meanings in the sense that an idealist is someone in pursuit of an ideal that is beyond the horizon but firmly grasped in the mind..." (more @ IDEAS).

Leibniz (1646-1716) = German philosopher, mathematician, historian, and statesman...; In philosophy, Leibniz is best known for his optimistic natural theology... and for his theory of monads...; (from the middle of page 228, to the top of 229)...

Innate Ideas = The concept that there are certain ideas preexisting in the mind. Knowledge of innate ideas does not depend on any particular experience; they cannot be "learned" but may be hidden, waiting to be uncovered...; To Descartes, ideas were either innate (originating within the mind, especially the idea of God), Adventitious (acquired from experience), or Factitious (assembled from other ideas)..."

Enlightenment = The state or process of coming to the truth out of ignorance...; In Eastern religion... enlightenment is the fulfillment of the human quest for perfect understanding..."

(("Romanticism = Artistic and philosophical movement... that emphasized INDIVIDUALISM, imagination, free expression of feeling, communion with nature..."))

Identity = In philosophy, the question concerning the conditions of change under which something can be said to remain the same thing; In psychology, “identity” refers to a person’s continual sense of self, based on CONSCIOUSNESS and the personal attributes and external relations she or he identifies as defining. For both PLATO and ARISTOTLE, the central ontological question was how something can undergo change – such as growth or mutilation – and yet be considered the same. Both concluded, in somewhat different terms, that beings have a fundamental form or SUBSTANCE – in the case of humans, the SOUL – which remains constant throughout physical change...; John Locke... found identity in the differing particulars of different types of entities..., to humans, whose identity is guaranteed by the continuity of consciousness and memory”.

Ideology = A system of IDEAS and believes that informs and shapes a sociopolitical worldview; often used disparagingly. The term, coined in the late 18th century and meaning literally “study of ideas”, originated in the ENLIGHMENT conviction that ideas, like objects, could be studied scientifically...”

Individualism = "... Individualism is also implied in the ROMANTIC belief in the uniqueness of each human being..."


"Acquiring the necessary skills requires understanding
the system in question..."
("Think" pg 271) helped me with the inline links.