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Abracadabra, Abrakad’abra was a monotonous prayer, set in the form of a triangle, of short and disconnected sentences, so arranged that it was without beginning or ending, the which a person might repeat over and over to induce sleep or trance. Persons who practiced casting themselves into trance by this method were called Abrcadabras. The following is a sample prayer. O Mighty One! Devoured am I with sin. Immerse me in Thee, O my Father in Heaven! Hide me, that I be no more forever! Death I covet, O All One! Sweet world in pain, Death in life! Mighty Creator! Blessed! Heavenly! Amen! Extinguish mine iniquities! Make me as nothing! I fain would be a saint. Talk to me, Thou High Ruler, who has made me before I knew it! O Mighty, All Perceiving! Holy, Holy, above all else! What am I that I should call upon Thee? Thou knowest. I am not hidden. My flesh is dead even while I live. Remove all that is foul in me! Come Thou near me, if only for once, O Mighty One! I could be destroyed by a stroke of Thy hand, O All One! I am but a waist particle in Thy members. Give me the obliterating stroke! Purify me, O Father, or blot me out! O Mighty One! Thou, never seen, though the print of Thy presence is all around me! Glory be to Thee, on high, O Mighty One! How fearfully madest Thou me! Take out that which is dead in me, and lo I am not! Hallowed be Thy works, O Father! All Holy be Thy hidden name! Mighty and everlasting! I dare not call Thee by Thy name, O Father! Holiness is in the thought of Thee; but words blot Thee. Take me into Thee, that I shall be lost forever! Now I am going! Hold me, O Father! My vision is clouding. O Thou, All Creator! O Thou Mighty One! Swallow me up, that I be no more! Immerse me in Thy being! Make me all forgetfulness, forever! I rest in Thee, forever. Amen! O Thou Mighty One! Thou All Holy! One, and one only forever! Amen! Blessed be Thy works! Blessed by my songs of Thee! Blessed be all Thy creation! Blessed be All Thy sons and daughters, forever! Amen! O Thou Mighty One! Thou everlasting Creator! O Mighty One! When the prayer Abrakadabra was given to a man, it was from mouth to ear, and never written. The receiver was told that on learning it he should forever keep it secret, and only reveal it to one person just before his death. He was told also that it had power to induce the trance state in himself; and this he usually believed, hence it was universally effective. Persons who thus attained to the self-trance state became oblivious to pain and to all knowledge of things around them for a certain period of time, which was generlly marked out by themselves beforehand. In this trance, the person worked what was then called miracles. When he applied himself to heal the sick, he made the sick one keep repeating the word “Abrakadabra.” This of course also had its faith effect on the sick one, in which case a healing was sure to take place. The word is pronounced Abraka, as if written aub, rau, kau, and d’aub, rau; or, in the English language as if written ob re kaw’, de ob raw’. The meaning of the word in the ancient tongue is: Ab: Something is, as the earth and sky. Things move. I am, and I move. My hand moveth. Life in me maketh my hand move. Therefore life is primus; motion cometh aferward. Life in me causing motion showeth that life moveth all the universe. It is the I AM, self-existent everywhere. We now have corpor, motion and life, three in one. This is the foundation of the problem, and is called ab. Ra: Things move two ways, to life and from life. One is creating and coming together, and the other is going away from, as destruction or death. This is ra, or the second part of the problem. I cannot exist separate from thinking, nor can my life move even my hand without thinking. Therefore thinking is before life itself. I could not think if I had not inherited it from the I AM. Therefore He is the Knowledge pervading all life and all corporeal things. This thinking is ka. D’ab is the fourth proposition in the problem, signifying a creation coming out of the first and second. For as ab standeth for general creation, life and coming together, motion, etc., etc., so d’ab signifieth that that creates out of the evil creation, or lesser creation. As man sinneth against creation if he killeth. Thus he becometh a creator himself, but of death. This is d’ab. Ra: the fifth part of the problem, which is evil crossing conditions of earth. I may plan war, but of my own self kill not; but my soldiers do the killing. My thoughts, my life and my powers are directed to evil creation. I am the d’ab ra, or evil creator. Ra alone is sin, evil, destruction, death; but he that standeth behind as the inventive mind is the creator of sin, the d’ab ra. At least such was the doctrine of the ancients. They held that the word was the digest of all things into five simple problems. Moreover, they taught that to repeat the word over and over put man in conjuction with the I AM in all holiness.

Azrael- Arabic ʿIzrāʾīl or ʿAzrāʾīl, in Islam, the angel of death who separates souls from their bodies; he is one of the four archangels (with Jibrīl, Mīkāl, and Isrāfīl) and the Islamic counterpart of the Judeo-Christian angel of death, who is sometimes called Azrael.

It's a Wonderful Life!
Fleeing the horrors of Pottersville, George Bailey, at last, grasps the truth. As he once again arrives at the bridge, he finally realizes what Clarence has been trying to explain: that every man's life affects the world greatly. Forgetting himself and his problems, a humbled George pleads with Heaven to restore his existence and make the world as it was problems and all: "Clarence! Clarence! Help me, Clarence. Get me back. Get me back. I don't care what happens to me. Get me back to my wife and kids. Help me, Clarence, please. Please! I want to live again! I want to live again. I want to live again. Please, God, let me live again."

George Bailey lovingly greets Bert on the bridge after being granted a second chance. At the precise instant George utters the word "God", the blowing gusts die down, and snow begins to fall once more. At once George's lip begins to bleed. Bert's police car turns onto the bridge. Restored to life, George at first rounds on Bert angrily, but when Bert says his name, he euphorically asks "Bert, do you know me?" Bert demands to know where he has been, since the whole town has been looking for him. He then points out that George's lip is bleeding. George now knows he is truly back.

1998 Thank You from President Bill Clinton and 2018 Thank You from President Donald Trump after sending them copies of Oahspe.



Chapter XVI


1. As Jehovih, through His God, pulled aside the veil of heaven, saying: 2. Let My angels forth; together shall converse the living and the dead. 3. So santified He the day when the angels of heaven were made known to mortals. (March 31, 1848.) 4. And He gave the sign, A hand holding aside a veil, signifying, Heaven Unveiled, as the master's sign in the lodge on the day and evening commemorating the same. 5. And Jehovih gave to the members of the lodge to answer in the sign, Three Clappings, signifying, Endless Joy! 6. And Jehovih said: Remember this day, and keep it holy, to the end of the world. For, without books and without arguments, behold, I have proven unto you the immortality of the soul of man!

Chapter XVII


1. As Jehovih, through His God, delivered into freedom Guatama's (America's) slaves, and, thus, to general slavery dealt the final blow, so Jehovih blessed that day, and sanctified it. 2. And He gave to man, as the master's sign in the lodge, A hand pointing toward a pen, signifying, I have proved this mightier than the sword. 3. And Jehovih gave to the members in the lodge to answer in the sign, Clasped hands, and looking upward, signifying, In Thy Praise, Jehovih! 4. Jehovih said: Remember the day of proclamation of freedom, for it is My day, which I bequeath unto you as a day of freedom in all righteous jollification, which ye shall keep every year, and commemorate, to the end of the world.

Chapter XVIII


1. Beside the above, Jehovih gave one more holy day, Kosmon Day, which He also commanded to be kept in commemoration of another matter, which Jehovih commanded to be secret with the Faithists for a certain period time, the which time hath not expired to this day. Therefore, the day of Kosmon is still a secret with the Faithists. 2. And Jehovih said: That mortals and angels may live and labor in concert, behold, I have given certain days, whereby large congregations on earth may be met by My organic heavens, in re-union, mortals and angels, for the happiness of both, and for the glory of My works. 3. Now, behold also, as by My Presence I inspire thee, when thou laborest with Me, and thou art doing righteously, and with purity and love, so also is it with thee, in regard to My angels. 4. When thou makest and keepest thy corporeal body pure and clean, My angels, who are pure and clean, come to thee to aid thee, and to enlighten thee.

OAHSPE A New Bible in the Words of Jehovih and His Angel Embassadors
As an Embassador Representative of my One God, Jehovih, God Creator of Heaven and Earth.

I declare October 8th, 2021 Holy Kosmon Day. To preserve a legend and respect a National Living Symbol of Peace and Unity. The American White Buffalo Established among the Faithists upon this the Red Star Earth. OAHSPE AN AMERICAN BIBLE BOOK OF INSPIRATION Chapter XVIII HOLY KOSMON DAY Jehovih gave this: Holy Kosmon Day, which He also commanded to be kept in commemoration of another matter, Indigenous People's Day. Therefore, the day of Kosmon is no longer a secret with the Faithists. 2. And Jehovih said: That mortals and angels may live and labor in concert, behold, I have given certain days, whereby large congregations on earth may be met by My organic heavens, in re-union, mortals and angels, for the happiness of both, and for the glory of My works. 2. And Jehovih said: That mortals and angels may live and labor in concert, behold, I have given certain days, whereby large congregations on earth may be met by My organic heavens, in re-union, mortals and angels, for the happiness of both, and for the glory of My works. 3. Now, behold also, as by My Presence I inspire thee, when thou laborest with Me, and thou art doing righteously, and with purity and love, so also is it with thee, in regard to My angels. 4. When thou makest and keepest thy corporeal body pure and clean, my angels, who are pure and clean, come to thee to aid thee, and to enlighten thee. Many truths about Spirit are told and handed down from one generation to the next of The Legend. All are meaningful and tell of the same outcome. Communication with prayer though the Creator the Great Spirit or God. With clear intent will bring Peace, Harmony, and Balance for all life living in the Earth Mother.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eighth day of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-one, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-sixth.
“ "When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another…a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” On Indigenous People Day, we honor America’s first inhabitants and the Tribal Nations that continue to thrive today. I encourage everyone to celebrate and recognize the many Indigenous communities and cultures that make up our great country.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim October 11, 2021, as Indigenous Peoples’ Day.I call upon the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities. I also direct that the flag of the United States be displayed on all public buildings on the appointed day in honor of our diverse history and the Indigenous peoples who contribute to shaping this Nation." JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR.

In a circle of fire and the cross, and the leaf of life: For by it are ye sworn to the Father's labor.


When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"


Now, when the world so desperately needs peace

We all need endlessly to learn and teach

And teach and learn, as far as we can reach

To make cruel war decline, and peace increase

For peace, with all blessings in its train

Comes from unused potential in our brain

Born in the USA

Proclamation on Indigenous Peoples
Bruce Springstein-Born in the USA 1984
President Donald J Trump ultimate inspirational tribute
History of the Woodstook Music Festival
Woodstock 1969- The Music
The Omega Man 1971
If I Die Young (Fallen Soldier Tribute)
Lonestar-I'm Already There (Soldiers Trbute)
Self Preservation In An Atomic Attack
Richie Havens-Freedom Motherless Child
American Pie
Joe Biden's inaugural quote
Love Land Gold
The Angel of Death Came to David's Room- mewithoutYou-

The Wizard

The Wizard-Uriah Heep
See ME Feel Me-The Who Woodstock 1969
Carry On- Crosby Stills Nash & Young Woodstock
Imagine-John Lennon
Joe Cocker-With A Little Help From My Friends (Captioned for the clear headed)
If Heaven-Andy Griggs
Garth Brooks-River
Joan Osbourne-One of Us

To The Real Johnathan Livingston Seagull That Lives Within Us All

Johnathan Livingston Seagull (narrated by Richard Harris)
Oahspe Seven Books of Spiritual Wisdom
It's A Wonderful Life
Four Heads of the Beast
Oahspe open library publishing info
Oahspe Seven Books of Spiritual Wisdom open library publishing info
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Johnathan Livingston Seagull (The Ending)
FBI Song
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