When MEL was at the ASPCA, he was so MELancholy. Here is the actual page from the ASPCA brochure that included poor Mel...

They didn't even get his name right. They just gave him the generic "Tiger."

He was in the cat-jail for weeks and weeks and weeks. Who could let such a caraMEL MELt in misery? So now he has a new home

At first we couldn't find him. He kept hiding. But like some bright-eyed ring-tailed wildcat on the plain, you could easily find him lurking in the dark....

After a while he found the cozy bed....

And he soon was displaying the full range of his personality. He IS a funny guy. Which is why he ended up with lots of nicknames, from MacTabbish to Melvin Belly to the wheat-colored Wheatabix. (Or Bix Wheata.)

He's intelligent, discerning, and has in some ways gotten over his caution and his shyness. Especially if cheese is involved.

Mel has found all kinds of likely and unlikely places to hide in the house. Sometimes he'll hide in plain sight.

And for recreation, he enjoys boxing.

Here's more Mel Sports! Plus the Arts! It's all just a click away....