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not so fresh [site]
ratcage [my rats]
ratkage [domain]
i ♥ me [journal]
i.m. me [via aim]

november 12, 2001
ok kids, here's the deal, i'm shutting this shit down. this was my first webpage ever. i made it in 1996, if that says anything at all. i am still suprised at how many people have actually been here and continue to come here, even though it's complete shit. even after i announced in 1999 that i was no longer doing this page, i continued to get love and hate mail for it. here's the note i've had up for awhile now, which many people obviously did not read:

OCT. 16, 1999 - i'm finished. this page is a creation of a fifteen year old me, it's been three years since it was started, and it's not me anymore. i still adore everything on it, but i looked through it today and see how much better i could make it and how many things i could've re-worded and blah blah blah. it's too much to try and change, and truthfully i don't want to. i want to come back here in a couple of years and see how i was. i am in the process of creating another page, more about me less about my fan-obsessions, but i don't think that i will be putting the address up here. if you want it, e-mail me at . so i guess that makes this massive chunk of web-stuff archival. it's still an excellent resource for stuff, ya know ani murmurs what have you. i just won't be logging into the angelfire editor anymore. --- jenny (aka nico_126)

so there's that. i came back again because it pains me to know that this all still exists. to the left, there are links to my newer stuff. to the right, there is a listing of the pages i had up here. i am no longer providing links to any of them except the guestbook, because my audience pretty clearly reflects what this page was like. that said, i'm off.

what was here:

  • ani d.
  • the murmurs
  • skeleton key
  • andi watson
  • riot grrl
  • anime
  • sex pistols
  • pointless crap
  • mscl
  • janis j.
  • trainspotting
  • g-book