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Who Am I? John Lennon?

Who am I? John Lennon?

By JPamLennon

Who Am I? John Lennon?: Chapter One

Today was the day the Beatles had a day off (finally!). They decided all that they would do was stay at their home (which was the part of the inspiration for the house in Help!) and rest. After all, when would be another chance to get a day off where they could stay at home instead of some posh, cramped hotel room? Especially at this time in 1965, when they were at the climax of their fame? The one busy (always busy) at the piano trying out chords to a new song was called Paul. He seemed to be involved in his own little world of notes, scales, tones and tempos. Another Liverpudlian, who was Ringo, the good chum of the group, sat on the couch and was reading. And next to him on the floor was the kookiest one of all, the cleverly witty one named John, was drawing little funny cartoons around some sheet music with the beginnings of a new song of his on it. Besides Paul’s piano chords that occasionally broke the silence, it was quiet in the house. Then…the three of them heard some clanking and clinking noises that emitted from another room.
"What is the bloody noise?!" John questioned with irritation in his voice. "If it’s not girls screaming, reporters questioning, cameras flashing and clicking in me face, it always has to be something else!" Paul and Ringo, sensing John’s frustration, tried to calm him down. Paul walked over from his piano and sat next to John on the floor while Ringo lowered his book.
"Oh, that’s all right John, love. What’s the matter? It’s just a little noise," said Paul.
"All we have to do is go see what’s happening, that’s all," said Ringo. John looked at Ringo and Paulie with slight embarrassment for getting angry over such a little thing like that.
"Sorry Paulie, Ringo…I’m just really frustrated about all this, you know, fame, pressure…I feel like I look terrible, play terrible…sigh…I just want out…" John trailed off after this and cast his eyes on the floor. A moment of silence passed between the three of them. Then it was interrupted by a loud Clank! Paul patted his troubled mate reassuringly on the shoulder, then proceeded to get up to find out what the noise was all about. He took John’s hand and helped him up off the floor.
"C’mon lads, we have to find out what’s going on," Paul instructed the other two. They followed Paul to the source of the noise, until Ringo had a realization.
"Hey fellas, where’s George?" he asked.
"You know, I was wondering that too, but I thought that you guys already knew!" Paul replied. John smiled at this and walked in front of Paul, and putting on his best high-esteemed voice, proudly announced, "Right men! I shall call for a search party!"
"A search party? For what?" asked Ringo.
"To search for George of course! Why else would I do this?" John said gleefully. He felt better now that he could joke around. Then in a sing-song voice called out, "Oh Geoorrrrge! My little mate! Where are youuuuu?" (didn’t I say he was kooky?) Paul and Ringo giggled along with John as they tried to find George and where ever the noise was coming from.
"George! What are you doing? George?" Paul called out.
"Yeah George! Where can you be?" Ringo cried. He turned to John with his hands on his hips, cocked his head to one side and plainly stated, "Looks like your little mate has disappeared Johnny."
"Hey! I shall find me little mate no matter what! He’s me little mate! George!!!" John exclaimed. Then the three of them heard a loud electrical spark… Zap! The three were startled at first, but as they regained their senses, Paul cried, "It came from over there, mates!" And he pointed to the room a little ways down the corridor. "Follow me then!" John, Ringo and Paul rushed to the room and as they entered, they saw such a big mess! And the only one who could have done it would have to be the only occupant of the room, and that was….
"Ok my little mate!" John addressed George, who was sitting in the middle of the mess. "What’s the bloody meaning of this! And what…?"
"..are you…?" Paul added looking a little puzzled at the room and he scratched his moptop in thought.
"..doing…?" Ringo finally finished. "And what was that Zap! that we heard? Sounded like an electric shock or something!"
"Oh, that was me!" George said as he looked up at his older mates with a bright smile. "Am I bothering you? I was just working on building something...but you won’t believe me when I tell you what it is...hint hint," he said smiling up at his baffled mates.
"I got that 'hint hint' of yours! I know what you’re trying to do! You’re trying to make us ask so you what you're doing so you can show off what you’ve been working on!" John said. "Ok, I give. What is it?" George happily got up and started to explain what he had built.
"Here it is, I just made it (actually from a kit) today. It was really easy. It’s a Time Machine!" George proudly stated. The others were not so happy; they were more skeptical.
"Have you lost your mind?! There is no way this, this, this thingy will take you in different parts in time!" Paul plainly said, doubting George’s sanity.
"Are you so sure about this?" Ringo asked. "Have you tried it? Is it safe?"
"Yeah, it’s safe. I tried it already! And here I am!"
"You did what???" The other three exclaimed. "How is that possible??" John asked with much surprise.
"I read the instructions," George said with a giggle. "I saw myself as a five year old. Was I cute or what?" The others rolled their eyes as George giggled some more. "But there are some things we can’t do with this you know, kinda complicated," he said sternly.
"Like what?" asked Paul curiously.
"For one, we can’t go back further than we exist in this life. Like for me, me birthday is February 25, 1943, right? I can’t go back to February 24, 1943 or any other date before that. Got it?" The others nodded. "And we can’t go forward than we exist too. This year’s 1965, and if we wanted to see what 1967 was going to be like, we couldn’t, because we haven’t been there yet! The machine doesn’t work that way. And if we do see our past selves, they won’t know who we are (although we can interact with them and them to us), but when we return to the future, they shall forget ever meeting their future selves. That way, our pasts don’t get messed up, got it?" This time, the others slowly nodded as they tried to understand this overwhelming incident. "It’s really weird how the machine works fellas," George said.
"Why would we want this Time Machine anyway?" asked John. "What could we use it for?"
"Well, think about it. If we go back and spend some time there, then come back to the future, we would still have our day off because we haven’t finished the day yet because we went back in time! So when we return, we would be back at the time when we started from!! Weird, huh?" George said smiling. John sat there awhile in thought, but then he understood. "Oh, I get it now!" How clever George!" And John patted George on the head in approval.
"So our worries about having no time for ourselves are over?!" Ringo asked hopefully. Paul's eyes brightened; he liked this idea too!
"Yeah, yeah, yeah!" George replied, slyly smiling. The others just moaned at his response.

Who Am I? John Lennon?: Chapter Two

A cloudy, beautiful night descends, slowly calming a busy and rather hectic day of 1965(Remember last chapter?). The sun sinks as the full moon trades places with it. The diamonds of the sky come out and sparkle one by one and try to be seen from behind the clouds; the streets become silent, peaceful, like Heaven on a Sunday. Today, the three other Beatles discovered that their youngest member, George, has just built a Time Machine. The three other lads are skeptical, but go along with George on his little "Time Machine" ploy(George did try it out, and he came back safe). Tomorrow would be the end of their day off, so the all decided to immediately get ready for bed. Each of them gradually succumb to sleep. Ringo tosses his pillow to the opposite end of his bed, lies down and places his feet on it(and yes, he starts snoring). George happily smiles as he sees his own bed, surrounded with fresh cut grass.
"Good night mates…" George sleepily says to John and Paul, who had just pulled his pure white blankets over his head.
"Huh?" Paul said sort of bewildered (because of his tiredness) in his white bed. "Oh, good night Geo." And Paulie fell asleep. But John was not quite ready for bed, although he was dead tired.
"Aww, George! Did you put the heater on high again this morning and didn’t turn it off like I told you to?? You know how I hate it when the temperature gets too high!" John said in an irritated manner, and he crossed his arms to show it. George glanced over to John.
"Oh, I’m sorry John," George said after he yawned. "Yeah, I know, you get cranky when it gets too hot. And I clearly remember how I paid the price last time…But I’m so tired, I haven’t slept a wink, so please, turn it down yourself…" Then he slipped off to sleep.
John moaned. "Ack, sometimes my little mate Geo, he justs…oh well," he said to himself. Not wanting to lower the heater down because the controls for it were located in another room, he took his pillow, blanket and favorite book(In His Own Write/A Spaniard In The Works, take your pick! =) ) from out of his pit and decided to sleep next to the window on the floor. He set up his new "bed" on the floor and opened the window. A cool breeze gently brushed up against his face and hair and wistfully blew his pajamas, making them sway a bit. He inhaled the fresh air with satisfaction, lied down on the floor and went to sleep.
Now, the full moon emerged from behind the silent clouds. A moon beam sliced through the sky and shined through John’s open window. John was now blanketed with the soft touch of the light, but remained unaware of his surroundings. Then quietly, the moon concealed itself again behind the dark cloud.
~~* * *~~
"Tap..Tap..Tap…" Paul, hearing some footsteps around his bed, suddenly awoke from his beauty sleep and sat up. "Oh no! The fans have broken in the house!" he said to himself as he opened his wide eyes. "Oh, wait, it can’t be. No girls screaming," Paul looked around and tried to find the source of the footsteps. He saw a black figure walk by slowly, as if cautiously, around the room. "What the bloody devil is going on here?" Paul thought. The figure was talking to itself. Paul had to strain his ears in order to hear what it was saying. He concluded to himself that the figure was John(which it was) walking around talking to himself. Knowing that his partner valued his sleep, Paulie grew a little concerned.
"Hey," Paul said in a whispered voice. "Hey John, are you all right, love?" John kept on his nightly escapade and seemed to ignore Paul. "Where…am I? Who…am I?" John asked nobody in particular and kept walking as if to find the answer.
"Ha ha John, very funny," Paul replied. "I know you better than that, now go to sleep please! It’s three in the morning! What will the fans think if I have red eyes in the morning?" Paul yawned, fell back on his bed, and was fast asleep, quicker than one could say, "Yesterday."
A couple minutes later, John’s night adventure awoke a 2nd Beatle. This time it was the lead guitar playing Beatle(who clutches his guitar like a Teddy Bear when he sleeps). "No, not Raunchy again fellas! No!" George said sleepily as he sat up from his bed after hearing the noise. He shook his moptopped head to wake himself up. "Aie, I hate it when I talk in my sleep…" he paused as he saw John pass by. "Uh, John? Is that you John?" George asked. "It’s me, your little mate George…" John continued his strange expedition into the night.
"What is my name? What is…this place?" John asked. At this, George got out of bed and walked toward his rambling mate. "Hey John, you all right? What are you doing at this ungodly hour!" George inquired.
"Oh, I’m just fine," John replied stoically. George gave a sigh of relief.
"Whew. This is really weird, even for you John," George said. "Now let’s go back to bed, tomorrow’s another big day recording, c’mon, ok?" George said as persuasively as he could.
"Um…ok…" John slowly replied. George was just going to lead John to bed until John asked…
"But…who are you?"
At this, George was shocked! He couldn’t believe his Beatle ears! It just couldn’t be….
"Uh, John, it’s me, George. John, you know, you’re really beginning to scare me…"
"Who? Are you referring to me? John? Who’s that?" John asked. This was really freaking out George(who doesn’t really get freaked out until he sees a hypodermic needle). He told himself to stay calm and somehow…tell the others.
"Ok, you’re John. John." He repeated. "Got that?" John nodded his head slowly. "Now you stay here while I go get the others, ok?" George led him to his own bed near the grass and told John to sit. John sat there pondering about his newly christened name: John. George muttered to himself as he went to wake Paul up, "What is bloody wrong with him??" George got to his older mate and saw him under his white sheets. George tapped Paul on the shoulder to get him up. "Paul? Paul? Please get up…I have this, um, emergency I guess, and…" Paul snored as George was talking. George grew aggravated, so he grabbed hold of some of the sheet material and pulled them towards himself. However, this caused our snuggled Beatle to fall out of his own bed with a big thump!! Paul, now on the floor, looked up at George and asked, "Man, what do you want now?? I’m not getting a glass of milk for you like I did last time, ok?" Paul said as he was trying to untangle himself from his sheets.
"No, I tell you man, this is important," George said seriously. The big thump woke up the snoring Beatle, Ringo, and he immediately came over to see what was happening. "Is everything all right lads?" Ringo asked. "I heard a big thump, did you?" he asked.
"Yeah I heard it," muttered Paul. "And felt it too," he said gruffly.
"You wouldn’t get up Paulie! Now listen! This is important!" George said.
"What is it Geo?" Ringo asked. Ringo and Paul both listened.
"There’s something wrong with John," George said quietly. All three stood in silence. Paul and Ringo exchanged looks, then both looked at George. Had he lost his mind? The two thought. "Newsflash George, there is always something wrong with John, got it?" Paul said getting back on the bed. "Now I want to go back to bed and..."
"NOOO!!!" the quiet Beatle cried out. Paul wasn’t used to hearing George scream so loud, so he fell back on the floor in surprise. "Sheesh, that’s double time on my behind!" Paul said.
"Must be very important Geo. What’s the matter, mate?" asked Ringo, who was actually showing more concern than left-handed Paulie.
"John can’t, I mean, he might not, uh, he hasn’t…he…he doesn’t remember who he is or where he is," George finally stumble out. Ringo looked surprised. Paul tried to explain: "Oh, is he faking it? He came ‘round my bed and was talking to himself like a bumbling softhead…I told him to stop but he didn’t…did he do that to you too?" Paul asked George.
"He certainly did! He looked lost, and…he didn’t know who I was." George lowered his head and looked as if he might be on the verge of tears. How could his best mate forget him? He thought. Ringo comforted George then helped Paul up and said, "I think we should look into this Paulie," Ringo said. "George doesn’t get worked up like this for nothing." Paul agreed, convinced by Ringo. "Where is Johnny now?" Paul asked. George summoned the two to follow him. "He’s over here on my bed. C’mon," he said. The three walked across the room to George’s green grass and bed. There, the three saw John lying on the bed: silent, stoic, hands locked together resting on his stomach, eyes seeming lost, focused at the ceiling with such intensity he could have burned a hole thru it. He didn’t notice three figures standing next to him until one of them(George) poked him on the shoulder. John was startled out of his trance, and looked over to see three people, one of whom he had seen earlier.
"Oh…do I know you?" John asked George. "I think you were the one who told me I was John….who are you? And who are you?" He said as he pointed his guitar-calloused finger to Paul and Ringo. Ringo and Paul were stunned. What happened to their once vivacious, lively, all knowing friend? George sensed this feeling and told them to keep cool. He cleared his throat, sat on the bed besides the lying down Beatle and began to explain to John the situation.
"Ok John, listen to me," John sat up and listen carefully. "I’m George. Got it? George." George pointed to Ringo. "This is Ringo. Remember that. Ringo." George repeated. John pointed to Ringo and whispered softly to himself "Ringo." John nodded with approval. George pointed to Paul and said, "All right then, this is Paul. Your partner in songwriting. Paul." George said. John looked at Paul, and said, "You’re my...partner?…Paulie?" Paulie nodded. John pondered a bit and said, "I got it." He pointed to each one and said their names: George, Ringo, and…Paulie! He was so proud of himself, then frowned. "You were the one who found me first and called me John," John said to George. George smiled. John was not yet satisfied. "I write songs?" he asked George. "With Paulie here?" John said as he pointed to Paul. Paul, George and Ringo sighed. It was gonna be a long day. The sun was already rising from its sleep, ready to shed light on anything it saw. The first rays came thru the window John first opened and enveloped the four of them with a soft glow. George, Paul and Ringo tried to think. "What are we going to do about Lennon?" Ringo said almost whispering, wisely using John’s last name in order to not let John know that they were talking about him.
"Hmm…I don’t know…" Paul said. "Harrison?" Paul asked. George’s idea came so quickly to him he almost got knocked over.
"Fellas, I’ve got the right thing," he said with a triumphant smile. "C’mere mates," he said as he wanted them to follow him. Ringo took John’s hand and followed George and Paul. "Where are we going?" John asked.
"We going to help you get better!!" George shouted over his shoulder back to Ringo and John. He opened the door to his workroom. There it was. The three others follow suit. Paul and Ringo looked and were delighted. George just beamed at his genius. John wondered aloud, "What is that thing?" George was happy to explain it once again(while Ringo and Paul just rolled their eyes). "Tis a Time Machine, John," he explained. "It can take you back to wherever you want in your lifetime." John nodded slowly again(he seems to be doing that a lot lately). Ringo wanted to know more though. He had never been on one of these thingys before. "George, are you sure this is safe?" Ringo asked.
"Heck, I don’t even know what you’re gonna do with that to help John, luv," Paul said ponderingly. George smiled again. He said that he’d like to try his new machine(also, he noted that he was getting as clever as "Lennon"). "Ok McCartney, we’re gonna take Joh-I mean, Lennon here on a fiber optic vacation on his life! That way he can see his past and hopefully as he sees himself, it can jog his memories up to the present!" Paul was astounded by George’s streak of genius. "You’re a genius, George, sheer genius!" Ringo and Paul both applauded and George took a bow(under his breath as he bowed he grinned and said, "I know, I know.") By this time John was feeling left out, so he interrupted. "Fellas! What are we doing now?? Who’s Lennon and McCartney?" The other three gave each other winks. "John," George addressed him. "We’re gonna take a trip." John smiled. "Let’s go then!" he said. George told the others to gather ‘round the Machine as he fumbled with the dials and buttons. He set the time to February 26, 1943. George said, "I can’t set the clock further behind than that date cos I won’t exist, and I don’t want you two(Ringo and Paul) to be messing around with the Machine cos you don’t know how to use it! We’re gonna take Lennon to his childhood first then all right?" Ringo and Paul agreed, but Paul asked, "Hey, I thought I was still in my childhood! I’m only 22!" George and Ringo rolled their eyes. "Ok, grab on tight to each other!" Ringo, Paul and John gripped each other(and George) tightly. "Here we go!" George said as he pushed the ‘go’ button. White and yellow light surrounded them; blue, pink and green sparks flew around, then an electrical zap!
And the Beatles disappeared.

Who Am I? John Lennon?: Chapter 3

Zap! Poof! The Beatles appeared from way out the blue on a lonely street. The date: February 26, 1943. Paul and Ringo cautiously glanced around. They saw old Liverpudlian streets they recognized. Familiar buildings and people, places and things. George stood waiting for a response. The lads were really back to their "childhood."

"Whoa George, I still can’t get over it, it really worked," Paul said with his hands akimbo. He blew a bit of his bangs up nonchalantly. John stood around trying to comprehend his surroundings.

"Now mate, what’s next on the agenda?" Ringo said. George cleared his throat. "Ok, here’s the thing: we have to go to Lennon’s house and show him around, so he can see and perhaps jog his memory of his childhood…maybe he’ll remember something(hmm, sounds like a good song title)." He summoned the others to follow him. As they ambled on to John’s house, lost Beatle John kept whispering under his breath, "This really looks familiar, but what is it called? Aiee, I can’t remem…wait…is this Liverpool?" The other three stopped in their tracks. "Yeah! This is Liverpool, home to Liverpudlians!" George said brightly. "See," as he turned to Paul and Ringo, "I told you it would work!"


They continued on their way for a little while, and then, stopped at a corner.
"Where are you going?? I said we were lost, but nooo, you had to keep walking the wrong way!!" Paul accused George.
"Hey, I know what I’m doing McCartney, don’t raise your voice at me!!!" George retorted. Ringo and John tried to calm them down, but…
"I’m not raising me voice!! Now I’m gonna find the right way to Lennon’s house! Step aside," Paul said as he stepped forward in front of George.
"Fine! Be my guest, " George said as Paul’s back was to him. "Incompetent idiot," he added under his breath. Paul turned his head back(but he kept walking) and gave George a evil glare. Then a smack! Paul walked right into a sign post! "Ow…hey! Where did that come from??" Paul cried as he adjusted his moptop in front of his giggling mates.
"Ha ha, Paulie, watch where you’re going next time! Ha ha!" George said happily. He examined the sign post. "Geez Paul, I don’t think we’re lost anymore!! See, I was right!" he said as he pointed to the sign. Paul, Ringo and John looked up at it.
It read: Menlove Ave.
"Man, oh man, oh man! How many times today have I been right!" George exclaimed. "Now we should all know where we’re going correct? Well, all except for John," who had just hung his head after hearing that response. "Aww, that’s all right John, you’re doing great," George said reassuringly. John gave a little smile and raised his head up to normal position. They finally found John’s house on Menlove. Now the real problem was getting in.
"Now what genius?" Paul scoffed. "Mimi’ll kill us if she finds us in there!"
"Mimi? Who’s that?" John asked.
"Oh, that’s your auntie, John," Paul said. "George? Ringo? Any ideas?" George sat down on the front lawn thinking, while Ringo walked up to the locked window that wasn’t curtained. He saw a little Lennon with a little hat, sitting playing with his little toys, unaware he was being spied on.
"My aunt Mimi? I think I know…" John said to himself as he began thinking as well.
"Hey John! Paul! Come here!" Ringo called to the others. The three looked in. "You were very cute there John, what happened?" Paul kidded as he was given a playful whack to the head by John. "Would you fellas please be quiet!" George said still thinking as he looked thru the window. "Aiee! It’s Mimi!" George cried. The lads quickly hid themselves behind bushes. They saw Mimi come over to the window, look outside, scan the neighborhood, then close the curtains, thus blocking all view of the house.
"Aw jeez, now what?" Paul said. George came up with the best idea he could.
"We could just try knocking on the door?" he said sheepishly. Paul’s eyes widened. George braced for another harangue. "Good idea!" Paul said. "Can I do it, please please?" George and Ringo were kinda shocked at his reaction, but went along with it. "Why you?" Ringo asked.
"Cos I’m the one with the little-boy-lost eyes and charm!" Ringo and George almost burst out laughing but were careful not to get Mimi’s attention. John didn’t hear his response as he kept thinking and wracking his brain to find out who this mysterious Mimi was. "Sure! Fine! Go ahead!" George said thru giggles. Paul didn’t mind the laughing, he knew he had gotten his way and that was all right. He boldly knocked on the door with the others right behind him(he hoped). The door opened. There stood Aunt Mimi. She looked puzzled and was suspicious at the sight of four rebellious looking lads, but she remained calm.
"What can I help you with?" she asked. Paul gulped and turned on his charm. "Please, ma’am, could we please come inside, if you wouldn’t mind?" he asked. "We’re, uh…" he paused. "Why are we here fellas?" He looked at George and Ringo, and all shrugged. "Thanks guys, you’re a helpful lot," he said.
"If there’s nothing I can do, then leave my doorstep! And cut your hair! Hooligans!" Mimi said as she was almost about to slam the door. Then a soft voice was heard.
"Aunt Mimi? Is that you?" John asked. Mimi was became terrified. "How did you know my name?! Why in the world did you call me your aunt! I suggest you leave this minute!"
"Wait!" George cried. "Ok, time to confess the truth, it’s our only hope. Aunt Mimi, we’re friends of John there," he said as he stepped forward and pointed at the young John sitting on the carpet in the house. "We’re friends of his from the…future., 1965 to be exact, and we need help cos your nephew…"
"What about my nephew? I don’t believe I am even having this conversation!"
"Just hold on," George persisted. "John, come here." John stepped forward, and looked at Mimi. He was beginning to remember more and more! "Aunt Mimi! Now I know!" John cried as he gave the woman a hug. She quickly wrenched free. "What nerve! You’re not my nephew! I don’t even know you!"
"Let me take a look inside and just prove it!" John said as he winked at the others. They nodded eagerly. John stepped past his aunt and into the house. "George, mates, help me out here! Help me remember!" George, Paul, Ringo all smiled as they walked in. Aunt Mimi became even more confused.
"All right then, make it very, very quick," she warned. John stood in the middle of the room and literally absorbed as many sights as his eyes could take. Memory after memory came rushing back. "Ok, aunt Mimi, without going upstairs, I can tell you where everything is! Mimi challenged the young lad. "All right, prove it to me." They stepped aside.
"Whew! John was brilliant!" Paul said as the three walked over to the little Lennon. They sat on the couch next to him.
"I wonder if this whole trip is going work out everywhere else…" George said and he folded his arms and relaxed himself on the couch.
"Don’t worry about it, at the rate that Johnny’s going, he’ll be better in no time! Guaranteed!" Ringo said.
"I hope so, I really do, I want me mate back!" George said solemnly. "I just wonder…I, oh, forget it," he said.
"What were ya going to say there Geo?" Paul asked. "Anytime at all, I’m here for you!" George smiled. "I just wanted to know, why he’s acting(is he acting at all) this way, no memory of anything, gradually learning about himself…I don’t think he’s acting though, I just, I don’t know, that’s all." Paul and Ringo thought about it. Paul had a thought that struck his mind like lightning cascading thru his brain, but quickly discarded it, thinking it wasn’t significant enough…then thought about it again…that time, near the couch, chapter one, John, frustration, no, it couldn’t be, he thought. He discarded it again. At this time, John and Mimi were practically having the time of their lives, laughing and hugging each other.
"Looks as though he’s remembered, and succeeded in convincing Mimi! Thanks goodness!" Ringo said with relief.
"Yeah, I thought we were doomed there for a second," George said. The three got up and walked over to the jubilant pair. John smiled, he knew he had prevailed.
"Sorry I misjudged you boys the first time. John here is my nephew, and explained how he came here…I never knew you’d grow to be this handsome(Narrator sighs and agrees with her)!" Mimi said.
"That’s perfectly all right Aunt Mimi," Paulie said again, pouring out more of his Macca charm. "Thank you for helping us out! I think it’s best we get going now lads." The others agreed. "Wait," George said. "Do you remember everything from this part of your life then?" John nodded.
"Of course I do lads! Why not? Auntie here helped, and so did you guys!" George, Paul and Ringo beamed. But Ringo stopped for a sec and then asked, "Hey John luv, do you know anything about a place called Hamburg?" John stopped and thought about it. "Umm, don’t think so, was it very important?" John inquired. This caught George and Paul’s attention! "Great, now we have to go to Hamburg and solve that problem! We’re not thru yet!!" George said. Ringo, John and Paul quickly thanked Mimi again(who was getting a little more puzzled now) and the Fabs left the house and found their way back to the TM.
"Onward to Hamburg! The wonderful city Baby Beatles grew up in!" Paul said nostalgically. "Let’s go!" They all hung on for dear life, George pushed the "go" button, and once again…Zap! The Beatles disappeared.

Who Am I? John Lennon?: Chapter 4

Shazam! Hamburg was under their feet and after their first breath of the familiar atmosphere, it permeated their brains and seeped into their minds. There was no denying the evidence that appeared in front of them; the city of Hamburg warmly greeted them with its rebellious atmosphere. What luck they had! They were standing in front of the Indra, the first club the Baby Beatles played at when they first arrived to Hamburg all those years ago.
"Wow, what perfection! I’m so good, aren’t I fellas?" George beamed while Ringo and Paul both arched their eyebrows with benign disbelief. "Ok, I don’t understand the significance of this yet…but I seem to be at home and very comfortable here," John said. "Yeah, you loved this place Johnny," Paul said. "Do you remember anything? Remember, we’re in Hamburg, maybe that’ll help. John connected with that word in some way. "You’re right Paulie, I think I had some great times here, but something’s still bothering me, something didn’t go all too right when we were here, something tragic, I can’t put me finger on it though."
Paul ,George and Ringo all knew what he was talking about and felt a cold chill thru their backs.


"Hide it I tell ya, hide it!!! Now! Don’t be a bugger and put up a fuss!!!" Paul was demanding of George. "Yeah, that’s a good point, that was my idea to have it attract attention huh?" George said slyly and sardonically. Paul gave George a look that said, "Grow up." "Yessir Sir Paulie Macca!" George went off with the TM(Time Machine) and hid it somewhere….
"You know, he’s a nice young lad, knows what he’s doing, give him a break there!" Ringo said.
"See, you’re always so sympathetic toward him and always take his side when I’m against him! Maybe it’s cos you sympathize with the youngest member huh?" Paul retorted.
"He’s old enough to know what to do by himself! He isn’t a child anymore Paul. Why don’t you understand that Geo can do it although he is the youngest?"
"I know he can! Except sometimes…it seems as though he can’t!"
"Just quit being a know-all ok? It’s getting on me nerves!"
"I’m not! It’s just Geo needs a hint here, there, and you’re making it seem like it’s everywhere!"
"Is the blood rushing to your pretty little head now?!"
"Oh, is the blood rushing to your nose! And you snore, to add on to that!"
"At least I don’t hide that fact, you little…" By this time, John was getting rather bored seeing Paul and Ringo fighting. I could’ve licked them both with 2 lines of dialogue only, he chuckled to himself. His attention was captured by the aura of the club. He was drawn inside of it, hearing his fave music, a music so familiar to him, he just had to go and see what was happening…
"Yer the one always stealing my comb! My comb! For my own moptop only!!"
"Oh yeah, well at least I’m not the one who got himself embarrassed by…"
"You just shut up! I’m not married I told you that already! Jane’s gonna kill me!"
"All for the better!"
"Why I oughta…"
"Fellas!!!!!!!" A voice interrupted the Beatle feud. "Where did you put John??"
"He’s concealed about me person, now leave us alone!"
"No! He’s lost, he’s lost for sure!" George said frantically. "Aieee!! It’s all your guys’ fault!"
"US?? What the hell are you talking about??"
"John!! Have you guys got the amnesia now??? We’re here for John’s memory! Now stop fighting, and help me look for him!" Paul and Ringo exchanged glances of scorn, but helped George. George thought about what John would do in this situation…George decided it would be best to check out the club. Besides, John loved rock and roll, so why not? George walked up to the door, and creaked it open. He saw John sitting at a table near the front of the room. Geo sighed. He prayed and hoped that John would stay there. Geo, without hesitation, pulled Paul by the collar with his right hand and Ringo by his sleeve with his left hand and dragged them both to the club and pushed them inside. He followed them in and shut the door behind him. The club wasn’t officially open for business, but people could go in and watch the band rehearse and take a break. The club’s atmosphere encased them. The three made their way up to the first table where John was sitting at. He was staring intently on the lead singer in the leather.
"Hey John, you know who that is?" George asked as he and the quarrelsome two sat down.
"I don’t know, but he’s a great rocker!" John happily answered.
"Whew! Paul! Look at you! None of your Macca charm existed here I see," Ringo mocked.
"You don’t look so great yourself now Ringo."(Narrator’s note: This is a parody. I know Ringo didn’t really join the Beatles till he was 22, and didn’t play with them at Hamburg that much. This is only a fictional story just in case anyone thought I didn’t know my Beatle facts.)
"Would you to just let it be, man?" John said. "I wanna hear the singing!"
"Yeah, he’s right mates. You guys have been fightin’(I don’t even know about what) ever since I went to hide the TM. Stop it now, ok?" Paul and Ringo nodded. "Ahem, getting back to that great rocker John, he’s you!"
"Really?? I’m that awesome rocker? I was gear, and wore gear attire huh? But who’s that?" he looked intently at the cool, somewhat sophisticated and dark haired bass player known to mates as Stu.
"John, um…that’s was your best mate, Stuart Sutcliffe. Do you remember him?"
"Yeah, I think so, we were like brothers. He had such a passion for art…but something keeps bugging me about him, something…I don’t know." George, Paul and Ringo gulped but kept their cool. They didn’t want to break the news to him just yet. Luckily, the song ended and the lead singer onstage and his mates rested. John quickly took this opportunity to scramble up on stage. "Wow man, you’re such a great singer and guitar player! I didn’t know I could do that!" The young John was now confused.
"What do you mean, you didn’t know you could do that? And what’s with the suit? You’re sure dressed up pretty, aren’t you? I wouldn’t wear something like that for a kick-off!" Young John remarked. The older John didn’t seem to mind, he knew it was him.
"Hush up John." A friend of the young Lennon said. "What did you need there mate?" An 18 year old Paul asked politely, hoping it was someone from a record company.
"Oh, just wanted to say that you have a great band lads," John complimented. The other three came up on stage as well. "Can I see your guitar?" John asked. His younger counterpart reluctantly agreed. John eyed the guitar with such love, and tried to play on it.
"No, no. You’re getting it wrong. G is here, and yeah, that’s D. No, A is here, and C minor is there. Don’t use the minor chords much cos it's not in most songs we play. Paulie here knows how to really play the guitar. I play by banjo chords."
"Yeah, I think I got it. G, A, E, D, F minor, yeah, it’s all here. Banjo chords? Me mum used taught me how to do that.
"Really? I learnt it from me mum as well…" the young John drifted off. The older John remembered why his younger counterpart was so down. "That’s ok lad, you’ll get over it, just as long as you remember her forever, she lives on."
"Hey, how did you know about me mum! I just met you!" The other three quickly jumped in.
"Uh, John…don’t talk to the lad that way…how did you know…hint hint…" George tried to change the subject.
"Wait a minute," A young George interrupted. The older George almost died when he saw himself up close. "Why is his name John like yours John?" asked the little George.
"Don’t be soft George, people share the same names! But this is really getting weird, that’s all." Older Paul couldn’t take it anymore, this cycle had to be broken, eventually the younger lads had to know, maybe they had a way of helping out with John’s memory.
"Look lads," (he got 14 eyes fixed on him now). I know this is gonna sound really messed up, but…" He pointed to the young McCartney. "My name is Paul too, and you’re(he pointed to the younger George) George, just like him(he said as he pointed to the older George) and Ringo, that’s Ringo over there as well. And well, you figured out that John has the same name as yourself…and that’s Stuart standing over there in the corner talking to that blond girl, I think her name is Astrid…" The 14 eyes stared at him transfixed.
"Uh, what’s your point Paul!!" Older George said thru clenched teeth.
"What’s I’m saying is that we’re here from 1965, that’s in the future and we need your help in getting back John’s memory here."
"What? I’m perfectly fine!" John said surprised.
"No, not you, that John!" he said as he pointed to older John.
"Yeah, let’s face it. He’s telling the truth lads. You have to help him, and in the end, you guys’ll be superstars! The Toppermost of the Poppermost!" George said.
"Hey, that’s our battle cry!" A young George retorted.
"Oh, never mind that! They think they can fool us by ‘pretending’ they’re from the future or what not, and that John here has a memory problem, I mean, what’s the meaning of this anyway??" The younger John asked.
"Here, I’ll show you. Paul, come here." The younger McCartney stepped forward.
"You’re last name is McCartney huh?
"Yeah, how did you know?"
"Do you have a brother named Peter?"
"Yeah…but he doesn’t go by that, he’s goes by-"
"Michael, yeah, I should know. Do you have a first name?"
"Oh, it’s-"
"James, isn’t it? After your father. Your mother died when you were 14 and you were really devastated about that. I am too. You passed all your O finals. You have a headphone set you listen to every night before you go to bed. You used to play the trumpet and sing in choir. You wrote a song called "In Spite Of All The Danger," "Cayenne," and play bass huh? And you’re left-handed! And not to mention good-looking as well!" At this the younger McCartney was speechless, as well as his mates. His jaw dropped.
"How the hell did you know that??" the young Paul asked.
"Now do you believe me?" Paul asked.
"Heck yeah…why not? You know about so much about me-"
"That’s because I am you, except from the future."
"Oh, that’s right. Why don’t we help them out then fellas? I don’t need anymore convincing." The others agreed, and young John just went along with it.
"Ok, if it’s good by Paul, then it has to be all right. Where do we start?"
"Well, you have to slowly remind him of various things. You know, like how you wear the long tight pants, or you have to live together in such small spaces. Little things like that make him remember more and more," Older George explained. "First, get him to meet Stu….while he still can," He added under his breath.
"Oh, ok, George!" the young George replied. "Hey Stu! Yeah! C’mere please! Thanks!" Stu kissed Astrid gently on the forehead, said his goodbye, and parted with her. He coolly walked over to the group.
"Yeah, mates, what did you need there?" He said in a calm and mysterious yet friendly tone.
"Hiya Stu!" Young John said. "Here, I want you to meet John. He’s from the future you know, but he’s me from the future!" Stu kinda glanced at his best mate with doubt, but he shrugged and said, "Ok luv, whatever you say. Hi John, nice to meet you," He said.
"Yeah, nice to meet you too! I remember you…"
"How’s that?"
"Oh, Stu, he has memory loss, and he needs to remember his life in the past," young Paul explained.
"You’re saying in the future, John will lose his memory?"
"Yeah, kinda cosmic, huh?" Young George said.
"Well," older George replied. "Ahem, you two need to get acquainted, so little Lennon, you go with John and Stu here and help out. Oh, you two as well, Ringo and Ringo, that way it’ll work out." They left so John could perhaps remember stuff from Hamburg days. Little George now had the chance to eye his older counterpart, and so did young Paul.
"Wow, I never knew I would be having my hair that short! Or that neat!" Little George said.
"It’s not that short when you compare it to what people say it should really be at. I like this length though, and it’s even given us a nickname!" George replied.
"I knew there was something goin’ on when you all had your hair in the same style. Looks as though you have mops on your hear. Clever though. It keeps it neat and nice. I don’t like it now, but me mum and dad would like to see it that way," said little George.
"What kind of music have you been doing, like what do you play?" young Paul asked.
"Oh, we make up our own songs and sing them. It’s all rock and roll, the only thing we like," older Paul answered.
"Rock and roll! In suits?! Where’s the fun in that?!" Young Paul asked.
"It makes you look better that’s all. Man, I shoulda known not to wear those super tight pipe pants!" Paul said.
"Hey, I like them!" Young Paul cried.
"Yeah, I know, then later when you become stars, you’ll have to wear these," he said as he gripped part of his suit.
"That’s ok, I think I understand why we have to change the way we look, as long as we make it big then I’m fine with the suits, huh George?"
"Yeah, if it makes us look better to our public, that’s gear too."
"Don’t worry lads, it will. Remember, we’re you but from the future." Older George reminded them.
"Oh, that’s right! So George, we have to get more leather and have fun while it lasts!" Young Paul realized.
"Oooo! We have to go today, maybe Klaus knows of a good place to go!" Young George exclaimed. They both were so optimistic and innocent, it was a Beatle Pentax moment. By this time John and John, young and older Ringo and Stu were acquainted and have come back to join the pairs of Pauls and Georges.
"Whew, that didn’t take long did it? It was really awesome being able to help out myself!" Lennon said.
"Yeah John, I told you that you had to slow down and be patient cos he doesn’t remember you know? But now he does, except for the one thing he keeps talking about. Seems to involve me and him in some way, but he can't remember it," Stu said. Paul, George and Ringo Srs. all shuddered. But quickly stopped cos they didn’t want the little ones to know about it, or John Sr. for that fact.
"Ok, well, thanks again for all your help! It’s best that we get going!" Older Paul said. He was stopped by a hand that gripped his forearm. It was young Paul.
"Please, please Paul, (See? Pouring out oodles of Macca charm there now!) can we walk you out and talk more? Tell me more about our making it big!"
"Yeah, that would be great George! Please!" Little George asked. He paused. He didn’t mind it as long as it didn’t take long.
"Sure, why not? You can walk us to the Time Machine!" George said. Yays all around the little ones.
But as they walked out, they didn’t expect what was going to happen next….

Who Am I? John Lennon?: Chapter 5

…The baby Beatles walked out with their older counterparts out of the club. Older George knew where he had hidden his TM(Time Machine, for those of you just tuning in) and they had to walk a while to get there. They walked passed an open field, near a lovely blue lake. As they passed it, the artist, Stu, lagged behind, and eventually stopped.
"Hmm," he said as he looked over the panoramic view. He covered his eyes with his hand from the blazing sun. "This looks like a good place to paint some scenery, for my love...Astrid." He closed his eyes, opened his mind and began to paint the image of the majestic field in his heart.
However, someone with evil intent tapped his shoulder. Stu awoke from his reverie and deep concentration. He turned around to see what disturbed him.
His world turned black.
He didn’t even feel the fierce and malicious blow to his head, and the others that so cruelly followed.
His painting disintegrated into nothingness.


"NO!!!!!" cried out little Lennon. Everyone was in tears, even Astrid was there to mourn with them. They were taking temporary shelter in her home.
"Me best mate! Why do these things always happen to me??" young John continued as he fought back piercing tears.
"But what can we do about it? He’s…he’s g-gone from us forever…" one of the baby Beatles said. Young John took no notice of who said it.
"I don’t want to put up with this crap anymore!! Look, if I had a kingdom, I’d give it up for him…wait, no, that’s not right! If I could, I’d give up my life for him! I’m gonna go out and get those bloody bast—"
"John! Don’t say that! All you need is love. Don’t give in to your hate, all things must pass…don’t worry about it…" The older John cut in.
"What in hell do you mean ‘not worry about it’?? That was me best friend that I’ve lost, and I loved him! Love didn’t save him then! Nothing could have! What am I going to do?!" Young Lennon angrily questioned, and unfortunately, no one had an answer.
"Look fellas," older Ringo slowly pointed out after he blew his nose from crying so much. "It’s getting late, I know, we’re all hurt inside by this tragedy (another pause to get a tissue for more tears came streaming down his face) but we have to stay strong for Stu. Tomorrow’s another day of mourning, and we’ll figure something out tomorrow. Perhaps sleeping would kinda help wash the tears away." No one was in the mood to protest, so they all slowly went to different rooms where they were supposed to sleep. Little Lennon went to his room, and sat in a chair. He didn’t breakdown anymore, but appeared to be in saddened deep thought while he placed his elbows on his knees and one hand held up his chin. He kept his feelings bottled up inside and was waiting when he could let it loose. But with all his thoughts locked up, so much that it became a burden to him, he fell asleep in his chair...the poor thing was too depressed.
However, the older John stayed behind. He had a plan. The mischievous, cunning Beatle had a plan.


Older Lennon went out to find that scum of the earth that killed his younger counterpart’s mate. Before he started though, he wanted to get a drink to spark up his search at this late hour(about 1:45 a.m.). He went into a club. No particular one, just one that he knew had something to drink. As he entered, there were some people around, mostly men, sitting, drinking and talking loudly and laughing. John walked over to the bar and asked for a drink. He got it and took a sip. He noticed a jukebox. He wanted to see what songs were available for playing.
He got up and walked past some young, perhaps near the same age as the Baby Beatles, Germans. There were about 4 or 5 of them.
"Yeah, wasn’t that awesome!" One said in a thick German accent.
"Ha. Of course I remember! And that pathetic, worthless English artist we beat up…"
The words branded themselves on John’s brain and an intense fire blazed in the back of his head. It was them. They were the scum of the godforsaken earth that killed Stu. John kept his cool, and decided to confront them with his plan.
"You." He said sternly as he pointed to one of the young Germans. Then he made a gesture to signal all of them. "All of you. Come outside with me." They were kind of shocked at this, but followed suit at the sight of the man.
Once they were outside, John led them to a dark and solitary corner under a light.
"Why did you have to kill him??" he screamed as he punched one of them in the face. John had exploded his emotions out for little Lennon. His adrenaline was at its max. He kept on striking the young German. The others saw this and began to fight. They also fought with a passion. A passion to save their friend. They closed in. Fighting 5 to 1 seemed unfair…
….and it was. John no longer felt the pain of the blows he received as his world turned black.


"All you need is love?? Yeah, that crappy phrase just helped us all, didn’t it??" young Lennon screamed as his older equivalent was lying on the bed as if asleep. All except for the bandages that is.
"John, just shut the hell up ok?? He went out there for you; he didn’t want you to get hurt!!" Young Paul furiously retorted back.
"Both of you calm down," older George warned them.
"Yeah, I can’t stand it when you two fight!!!" younger George admitted. "Now we have to wait for him to recover or nothing will get done around here! Get more bandages John. Paul, get some water for George, Paul and Ringo." They both muttered something, but obeyed.
"Man, you’re good with orders. Do you always do that?" Older Ringo asked.
"No, he’s too shy and quiet. But when something’s really pissing him off, he can become all powerful." Young Ringo answered. Little George beamed.
"I have to be the peacemaker sometimes. How are we gonna make it big if we keep on fighting this way?" he asked. The older George didn’t seem to mind. He knew that his TM was designed to only take them back to the past, but once they left, everything was back to normal and no one remembered seeing them from the future. That way, their past doesn’t get messed up. He smiled at little George, then moved his eyes on his older mate with an expression of sorrowful concern.
"John did it for his younger self," George whispered to himself. He held his injured friend’s hand.


Beatle(older) John felt himself falling…falling…falling. He wondered when it would stop. The darkness of the abyss surrounded him; he couldn’t see a thing, but only felt himself falling. The only thing was, this abyss had a bottom, which he would eventually reach. He braced for impact…almost there…thud. He landed. But even from who-knows-how high(very high) he fell from, John suffered no injuries as he landed on his back. The shock of hitting the floor encompassed his body, but quickly passed away. He sat up in the darkness, holding one knee bent near his chest with his hands while the other leg was stretched out in front of him. He shivered. How he hated the dark; he always has a nightlight on before he ever went to sleep…always.
"Where am I? What am I doing here! And get me some light!" he cried out angrily. His last request was granted and a small light flickered on next to him. Still not enough though for the Beatle.
"Ha, very funny. I see this is your idea of a joke. I don’t think it’s funny though, so get me more bloody light!" he said with a rage swelling inside of him. This time, the little light flickered off and a larger light over his head turned on. It was not the greatest light source, but he lived with it.
"Ok, I guess that’s better. Who’s behind this? Tell me what I’m supposed to be here for!"
"John…" a soft voice said. It seemed distant and faint, yet gentle and soothing.
"Why does everyone know my name around here??"
"John…don’t you remember me?" the soft voice continued but a little louder than before.
"How can I remember you if I can’t see you!"
"John, John, John, me mate. You can’t recognize my voice? I think it’s been too long for you; you wouldn’t remember me anyway. You’ve got more things to worry about than me since I’ve been gone for so long. Wow, you’ve changed a lot. You’ve changed your clothes, hair’s short…sigh. I can’t believe it." The soft voice did have a home. Its home was a black figure that was slowly approaching John. John was kinda frightened, but was curious to see who it could be. The figure was now standing in the shower of light. John looked up from his sitting position…his jaw dropped.
"Do you know who I am now?" the figure asked with a smile.
"If I didn’t know you," John said as he got up. "I’d kill myself. Oh, how I’ve missed you Stu! Why are you in the dark here? I thought you were gone forever! Do you have any idea what this is all about?" Stu still looked young, around 21, just before he passed away. He patted John on the shoulder.
"Of course I know what this is about. Here’s a test you have to take first." John listened intently.
"Do you know who you are?"
"Yeah! Why not?"
"Tell me then please John."
"Where should I start? Hmm…well, I’m John Winston Lennon, born October 9, 1940 to Julia and Freddie Lennon, I have two half-sisters, Julia and Jacqui, lots of cousins. Me mum, (sniff), died when I was 17. I hated school, but I loved art. I went to Germany to play my passion: music(rock ‘n roll) and I lost you. You were only 21(sniff). But I did what I wanted, I made it big. I made it big as a rock ‘n roll star. I’m a Beatle, with me mates Paul, George and Ringo. I play rhythm guitar, Paul’s bass, George’s lead, Ringo’s the drummer-"
"Ok, John. That’s enough. You passed that question."
"There’s more??"
"Yes. How did you know all of that? Don’t you remember what you were doing last?"
"When? You mean when I was doodling on my music near the couch and I got mad over the clanking that George made with his Time Machine…" John said slowly. "Then I don’t remember anything after that…wait, then we went to see me auntie, then went to Hamburg, then we heard the news that you were (gulp) dead…then I went out and beat these Germans up after finding out they killed you…then I don’t remember anything…wait a minute again! I remember why we’re here in the first place! I couldn’t remember anything when I was a Beatle in 1965!" Stu smiled. "Exactly John."
"But how come I know everything now??"
"Here you are. You’re in your mind now, closest to your thoughts, feelings, and not to mention, memories. That’s why it’s all dark. Not saying that you’re mind is dark as in stupid, you’re brilliant John, except that your mind’s in your head, a capacity, and your eyes are closed now, so no light gets in. All the stuff that was ‘lost’ or ‘forgotten’ was actually here the whole time. Except…"
"Except what?"
"Except that when you went to retrieve your thoughts and etc. from here to remember everything, I blocked the path of you getting to them." Stu admitted. John was speechless.
"You did what? You blocked my mind from getting my thoughts and all?"
"I’m not saying your memory of me blocked them. Your memory of me is still strong and where it’s supposed to be. You know I no longer exist in the world that you are residing in now, but I exist somewhere else that I’m not supposed to reveal. It’s a lovely place though. Anyway, I’m, like, hmm…I’m like your guardian angel, watching over you. I was, or am, still your best mate, so from that love you gave me when I was alive, I give back to you by ‘helping’ you out in your life. Kinda cosmic, diving intervention I guess you could call it." John was still speechless.
"So it was your doing that I couldn’t remember anything?" Stu nodded. "You didn’t answer how you blocked my thoughts…but why did you do that mate in the first place?" John asked curiously, but not angrily.
"I thought that it would be the best for you. You said, near the couch, in chapter 1, that you wanted out and that you felt terrible about yourself, and wanted I guess, to give you temporary relief from the life of stress. So what did I do? I wanted only what me mate wanted, so I granted your request with my divine intervention. I blocked your thoughts. I granted your wish for wanting out, like when I turned on the lights in here. You wanted the lights, so here it is, the light’s on. But ever since I saw you do get beat up for my sake, for little Lennon’s sake, I dropped in here with you, and I had to set everything right. You were innocent from the first place, and you didn’t deserve to get hurt. I also had to open up all the ‘doors’ so you could reach your thoughts and remember me better so I could set everything straight…" John had a puzzled look on his face.
"Stu, I know you did what I requested, but I have to go on man. I have to, it’s my duty and destiny to be a Beatle with me mates. Plus, me mates had to come and cure me of the problem I had. And they had to worry about me the whole time, which burdened them too. But they did a pretty good job for getting some of my memory back. So they kinda opened up the doors to my thoughts you mean?"
"Yeah, when you four came back to the past and you regained some thoughts back, those were some of the ones that as you could say, ‘escaped’ from the rooms and entered your mind. Like when you remembered your Aunt Mimi."
"Mate, I understand you want to do what I asked, but you can’t do this you know? I have to live my life, I know I serve some purpose, and I think I’ve found it by becoming a musician. I can’t just forget everything that I’ve worked so hard for. I know it’s tough, very difficult being a Beatle and leader of such a big band, but those are the things I have to live with if I want to continue being successful. I will never forget you though Stu. I could never forget you, and I thank you for still loving me, and watching over me. I think you’ve helped me out a lot during me life." Stu nodded. He and John both hugged each other.
"So I guess I’ll be seeing you later since I now have all of my memory back. Thanks." John said.
"You’re welcome. Sorry for what I did. Yeah, it’s time for you to go, you have to go back man, you have to. It’s your destiny. Someday though, we will be together forever."
"Don’t worry about what you did. You did it for me. Oh, yeah, I know we’ll be together someday. Will I see you though, ever, during my lifetime here?"
"Oh, you’ll know when I’m around John, you’ll know."
"But I will see you in my dreams right?"
"If you think about me, or never forget me, we can always meet in dreams. Imagine."
"Imagine. I love that. Sigh. I love you, you’re me best mate. I don’t want to leave you. (sniff)" They hugged again. "Goodbye Stu. I shall see you in my dreams."
"I love you too John, remember, I’m always with you. Goodbye my friend."
Stu walked away into the dark and disappeared. John finally got what he wanted when he first dropped in: light. More and more light shined at him. He closed his eyes.
He felt himself lying in a bed with a bandage on him. He opened his eyes. No one was in the room.
"I’ll see you in my dreams," he whispered to himself. "Yeah, I did Stu. I did."

(A moment of silence to remember the passing of young Stuart Sutcliffe please)………@-->--- Thank you.

Who Am I? John Lennon?: Chapter 6

John, still lying down in his bed thinking to himself, surrounded by a happy bliss, decided to sit up. No one was in the room. He mustered all his strength, finally got up and then rested his back on the bedrest. He knew he was wearing the bandage; the gauzy substance protected him from any more harm. His head no longer throbbed of pain and he felt kind of light headed after the dream and all. He smiled to himself. He knew who he was! He was about to take off the bandage when he heard someone approaching his room. He recognized the voice and was glad to hear it. The voice belonged to little George Harrison.
"Yeah fellas! I’m gonna check up on John first before I join you—" He walked into the room without looking into it. (you know how you enter a room, but you’re still talking to someone else outside the room and your head is facing them?) But when he did turn his head and looked into his mate’s room, little Geo was speechless (like that’s never happened before, but anyway) and felt himself go into a surprised shock of relief and happiness. John smiled. Little George ran over to his older mate’s bed and knelt beside it, just to be at the same eye level, and out of respect. He took John’s hand into his own.
"You’re, you’re ok! I was so worried about you! How you feeling? You look better!"
"I’m a little tired I guess, but I don’t hurt anymore. I was going to take off this bandage. I don't need it I don't think…"
"No! Don’t do that!" Young George exclaimed as he gently prevented John’s hand from reaching the bandage. "I’ll do that for you." He carefully took off the bandage.
"Ok, got it off…"
"Thanks Geo." John said gratefully.
"No problem, anything for a friend luv, anything. All right, let’s check up on your wounds. Bend your head a little forward John, just a little." John did as he was told. Little Geo looked at it. It was perfectly fine as if John wasn’t injured in the first place! Again, little Geo was astounded.
"Ohmigod! Look at that! Tis perfectly normal!" he said as he felt John’s head a bit. "I gotta get the others to see this!" He got up and ran shouting out names: "George! Paul! Ringo! All of ya! Come here! Quick!" Pairs and pairs of boots came rushing over, and so did Astrid(they’re staying at her place if you don’t remember). Little George pointed at John’s head.
"Look here lads, check this out, just look at it. It’s only been 2 days and it’s perfectly fine!" Little George cried.
"Wow, that healed quick John! Are you ok?" Older Paul asked.
"Yeah, are you all right?" The others chorused.
"Yeah, I’m ok…McCartney…Harrison…Starr."
Everyone stopped and stared.
"Omigod omigod omigod!!!!" Older George screamed triumphantly and joyously at the top of his lungs. "We’ve done it! Yeah yeah yeah! Woo hoo!" Everyone else was thrilled at the news as well!
"Couldn’t have done it without your help mates!"
"We did great lads, all of us!"
"You mean you know everything John? I mean, you’re back to normal? Everything’s fine now?" Young Paulie asked eagerly.
"Young friend, I’m back. I’m glad to be here too! I have to thank you all for taking care of me." John said to everyone. "Thanks to you too, Stu," he said quietly under his breath.
"Oh, I’m so happy you’re back John!" Older George said with excitement. "But how did you do it? What happened over the past 24-48 hours to you?"
"Well, how should I explain it? A miracle? A dream? Do you want the truth, even though it may sound totally outrageous?" John asked.
"John, just tell us, please. Heck, what if this happens again to one of us huh?" Older Paul asked.
"Ok, if you want it, come and get it. Gather ‘round, it’s story time."
"Yay! Storytime!" Little Ringo said.
"Yeah I know! This is great!" Little Paulie said. Everyone gathered ‘round.


"The end. Uh, what do you think?"
"Heck, I’m still trying to comprehend it." Older Ringo commented.
"At least Stu is ok, wow, didn’t know that he could heal your wound as well…wait, have any of you seen little Lennon??" Older George asked.
No one said a word.
"Well, where is he??" George asked again.
"George, I’ll go and get him," responded little George.
"There we go, that’s the spirit. Go on and tell him the good news!" Older Paulie said.
Little George bolted out of the room. He ran to little Lennon’s room to see if he was there. No sign of him. "Where could he be??" Young George said to himself out loud. "John!!...John!!" He checked everywhere. Everywhere, even the bathroom. No Lennon was found.
He sat down on the floor cross legged and began to think. Where could his mate be? He thought as he stared at the floor, hoping it would give him an answer. He heard footsteps. He looked up. No, it wasn’t little Lennon, it was Astrid.
"What are you doing here George?" she asked fondly. "Need some help? You were looking for John, weren’t you?"
"Yeah, but he’s not in the house! What can I do Astrid?" George said, remaining cross legged in the floor looking up at the female photographer. She smiled.
"Have you checked the roof George?"
"Oh! No, I haven’t! Gear, thanks Astrid!" He got up and bolted like lightning to the roof.
Sure enough, there was John, looking over the land with his cool and calm air, his leather attire was on, his shades were on, his back was toward his mate. John had his knees near but not touching his chest and his elbows rested at the peak of his bent knees. But there seemed to be a lingering sadness. Little George could feel it. He sat down next to John, his boots dangling from the side of the house. Lennon seemed to know he was coming, so he wasn’t surprised to see him.
"Hey, how are you George? Come to join me?" John asked without looking at him.
"Yeah, I’m here. I’m all right…what, um…" George was a little afraid to ask.
"What about me, you wonder, you wonder about me? I’m just fine...except that I’ve lost me best mate!!! Man, can life hurt me anymore?!" He hung his head.
"John, it’s ok, Stu’s just fine. I know it and so does everyone else. That’s why I came to see you luv."
"What again?" John asked finally turning toward his mate. "Stu’s ok?? What do you mean by that?? Is this your idea of a joke, huh??" he said angrily.
"John, calm down. What are you mad at me for?? I just wanted to tell you that…"
"What?? C’mon, man, just blurt it out!"
"John’s awake because of Stu."
Little Lennon was struck.
"What? Stu?" he said with disbelief, but absorbed George’s words and began to believe them slowly.
"Now will you come with me? It’s your future self here, man. He’s ok, so that means you’ll be ok. Come and see him with me all right?" Lennon took off his shades and the both of them walked to see John’s older self.
Astrid heard them coming down from the roof. She walked over to older John’s room where everyone was. They were laughing and having a good time.
"Hey, sorry to disturb you all, but John’s coming, so be careful and comforting, he’s getting better about the whole situation though." She said softly. Just then, the two lads walked in.
"Hi John, you ok?" asked young Paulie.
"Yeah, I guess you could say that man…hey John, nice to see you ok."
"It’s great to see you." Older John said. "Come here, near the bed." John obeyed.
"John, what I did, it wasn’t smart. Going out there to get even, then I get beat up for it? No, don’t do it. It only made it worse. I didn’t think, kinda impulsive that way you know? Perhaps I did it, so you wouldn’t do it, so you could see the consequences of it."
"Yes, I understand John…thanks for looking out for me…what about Stu again? You woke up cos of him?" Astrid motioned for everyone else to leave the room. She motioned for little Harrison to go too, he didn’t want to though. He nodded to her, and after seeing that, she left the room. But little Geo stayed by his mates’ sides. He got on the bed, near older John’s shins, which were covered by his blanket. Older John then related his story to his younger counterpart.


"Ohmigosh. So he’s always with me?" Little Lennon asked.
"He’s been with you the whole time, ever since he left," older Lennon said. "Well you two, I’m getting up."
"John, just be careful, now…yeah be careful and don’t hurt yourself…" the two warned. Older John just got up like normal. He walked around a bit, did a little dance, stretched out, and felt fine.
"Lads, it’s been great seeing you, thanks for all your help." John said.
"Yeah, it was great to see our future selves, huh George!"
"I loved it! And John, we’re gonna make it big I tell ya, big!!!" They each gave each other high fives.
The three walked to another room where the others were. "Hey John! You’re up and walking! You ok then?" Older Ringo asked.
"Yeah, I feel fine. I’m all cured Ringo. Um, don’t we have to go back to 1965 now?" John asked.
"Awww!!! Don’t leave us! No, please stay a little longer! Please please!" the little ones all said.
"He's right, we have to leave now, our Beatle duties call. We’ll miss you with all our hearts!" George replied.
"We’ll miss you too! Can we walk you to the TM? Please please!!!" What could the older ones do? They had to say yes.
"You guys go ahead, I’ll be here, watching the house." Astrid said.
"Goodbye Astrid, we’ll see you later when we get back to 1965." Older Paulie said.
"All right, I’ll look forward to it." She replied. The four all hugged her. They departed.
The 8 lads all reached the TM that George had hidden.
"Wait! We have to go do something before we leave!" John said.
"Oh yeah! You’re right! We have to do it! C’mon!" Little Lennon said. They gathered many flowers from nearby, the best ones that were in the field they were near…and they paid one last visit to Stuart Sutcliffe. They placed the flowers, had a moment of silence.
"Well, it’s time we left fellas." George said.
"We must depart…we’ll remember you, always. Heh, we have to, you guys are us!" Older Paulie said.
"Bye guys! I can’t wait till we have our first number one!" Little Lennon cried.
"Oh, wouldn’t that be gear!!!" Young Paulie said.
"And the suits!!! Ha!" Ringo said.
"Yeah, our clothes need some improvement!! Bye you guys!" the four little ones waved.
"Bye with love from us to you!" the older Fab Four chorused. George pressed the ‘go’ button, and the Beatles disappeared for the last time.


Zap! The Beatles returned safe and sound back home, in 1965, at the same time they left.
"Wow, that was one psychedelic trip! We met ourselves, other people who knew us from way back when…and can you believe the moment we left, they didn’t remember a single thing?" George asked.
"It’s not unbelievable, anything is possible, just like Stu and John, the dream thing, you know?" Paul pointed out.
"Yeah, it was great, loved it…uh oh."
"What now John? What’s the matter?" Ringo asked.
"What did we just do? What did you call me?" John asked with his head cocked to one side, with a puzzled look on his face. "Who are you guys and where am I?"
"Oh great, not again! Ugh, got to start all over, man!" George said.
"No, wait a second…" Paulie questioned. He went over to his bed and took his pillow from under the covers.
"Hey, John," Paul stressed the name. "If you can’t remember now, you will after this! Take that!!!" Paul cried out as he playfully smacked John’s face with the soft pillow.
"Hey, no getting violent!!" John said as he laughed between hits from Paul. "I was only kidding! Gimme that will you!!" He grabbed the pillow and Paulie, discovering he had no weapon left, gave a mocked surprised look on his face and made a dash for it. John chased him laughing as he pursued.
"Well, looks as though we’re back together again!" George and Ringo said to each other. They grabbed their own pillows, and joined in on the fun.

The End

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