Over Me


Ringo and John were just starting to get into a very interesting (from Ringo's point of view) conversation about music when they were interrupted by a knock on the door. Ringo walked over and peered out the window to see who it was.

Now, it might seem that Ringo should have been able to recognize Paul anywhere, no matter what his disguise was, but he failed to. It could have been the poor light of the evening that helped to disguise Paul. It could have been because he hadn't seen Paul since he had been in his own world, a place that seemed ages ago. It could have been because he wasn't suspecting Paul to show up anywhere near him. It could have been that this Paul was an consummate actor. Or it all could have been the fact that Paul was mentally willing himself not to be recognized. Whatever it was, telepathy or darkness, Ringo did not recognize the man standing on the front steps in a floppy hat, and dark sunglasses to be James Paul McCartney.

That was his first mistake.

His second came when he let James in, even after John had assured Ringo that this was not someone that either Rich or himself knew.

"Hello," James said, completely dropping the english accent he had been born with, "Sorry to impose on you, but I'm new to this area, and I've lost my way."

"I'm rather new here meself," Ringo stated warmly, feeling a kind of kinship with the stranger on his doorstep, "but I think this guy might be able to help you out. He has me an awful lot. Come on in."

"Thank you kindly. Could you please direct me to--" James started, still on the doorstep.

"In such a rush are you?" Ringo asked.

"Actually... no," James responded, grinning inwardly...this was working out to his liking.

"Well then, come on in. Have a cup a tea. My name is Rich Starkey," Ringo stuck out his hand, and James accepted it.

"I'm Tom Cavern," said James, "Nice to meet you."

James followed Ringo inside and introduced him to John.

"Tom, this is John Lennon. John--Tom Cavern. He's looking for directions."

"I'll get a map," John volunteered, "Go on into the kitchen and sit down."

James left for the kitchen, secure that he could take over the situation whenever he wanted. Ringo started to follow, but John held him back.

"There's something strange about that guy..." John whispered, then shook his head, "the sooner he's gone the better."

"C'mon," Ringo whispered back, "he's just a lost guy... loosen up."

John walked off to get the map, shaking his head.

As Ringo walked into the kitchen, he saw James had taken off his hat and coat.

He realized that John had been right. There was something strange about that man. Ringo could place exactly what that strange thing was now.

"Tom Cavern" was really James Paul McCartney!

The look on Ringo's face must've betrayed his revelation, because James reached for his holster. Ringo got a glimpse of the gun and backed off. In fact Ringo backed up so quickly that he bumped into John, who was returning with the map.

James pointed the gun at the two of them, and both froze.

"That's the problem with people today," James muttered, getting up from the kitchen table, "To damn trusting for their own good--"

He was about to continue when there was a loud knock on the door.

James walked over to Ringo and John, "Expecting visitors, hm?"

But before either could answer, the door opened, and a bright light shown in from outside. A bright light accompanied by a voice.

"And on with our quest for the story behind the story..." George Harrison, world famous talk show host, walked in, with his camera men following.

James had no time to duck out of the view of the camera, so he did the next best thing. He shot it.

There was shattering sound as the camera lens broke. The camera man dropped the camera. George stopped in mid sentence. Toni, caught off guard, reached for his gun rather late. Too late, in fact.

"Hand it over," James said, pointing his gun at George. Toni gave his gun to James.

"Get in here," James motioned again with his gun, and Toni and the camera man both walked in the house to where George was. James looked out the door at the van they had come in.

"Is there anyone in--" James was cut off mid-question.

"Get help!" John yelled, hoping there was someone in the van.

The van squealed off, and James slammed the door, locking it. He raised the gun...

...and aimed it at John.

John was probably a more worthwhile person than he could ever become, Ringo said to himself. Anyhow, John had saved his life once... Ringo thought fiercely. Now was the time to break even. He stepped out in front of John.

"What are you doing?!" John hissed at him.

James cocked the gun, and then, as if thinking better of shooting, lowered it. He'd rather not have to kill anyone personally. Anyhow, he reminded himself... these people were the only bargaining chips he had.

Ringo let out an inaudible breath.

George fainted.

James swiveled around just in time to see Toni catch the fainting George.

"Have a seat everyone," James announced, securing the curtains so that no one could see in the window. Everyone sat, excluding George, of course, who didn't quite sit, but rather slumped in a chair.

"Paul--" Ringo started.

"James?" Toni asked, recognizing him.

"Macca?" asked the Camera man.

"Shut up," James said, calmly. They all obliged while James tried to sort out the mess he'd gotten into. It had been a good plan. James shot a glance at the unconscious George. It would have worked if George hadn't come along. But now... That van had left. The police would be here soon. Someone in the van might have seen him, recognized him and heard the gun shot. But it had turned out all right. He had hostages now...

* * *

While James was planning his next move, Ringo and John were conversing almost inaudibly.

"That's this world's James McCartney? He's so different..." Ringo sighed.

"So it seems..." John took a long look at James.

They sat in silence for a while.

"I could break for the door," Ringo suggested.

"He'd just shoot you. We'd have to distract him first," John replied.

"How?" Ringo asked.

"I need time to think of something..." John whispered tersely.

Ringo eyed James warily, "We might not have that much time..."

* * *

George started to come around. Toni helped wake him up. Just then, the phone started to ring. Had he been in the mood, Ringo might have thought about how strange it was on this world that they had holoscreens and such and still used telephones. But he wasn't in the mood. George started to moan to Toni, catching James's attention.

"Keep him quiet," James warned.

The phone continued to ring.

"People know we're home--" Ringo lied, "If we don't pick up, they'll--"

James turned, and Ringo stopped talking.

"Ok smart guy," James gestured with the gun, "Pick up. But watch what you say... or else." James picked up the phone and brought it over to Ringo.

"Hello?" Ringo asked.

"Police,--" the voice on the other end of the line identified itself.

"Who is it?" James asked, still brandishing his gun.

"The cops," Ringo answered, not even giving thought to lying about that.

"Shit," James picked up the phone.

"--and we've got the house surrounded. Tell him that there's no way out," the voice continued.

"Yeah? I've got some people in here, George Harrison too," James announced to the police. He could hear them talking to each other in hushed tones on the other end.

"Look," the police man said, and James found himself hating the man, "We can do this the easy way and no one gets hurt, or we can end up adding a couple more murders to your crimes. You don't really want that, do you? Just leave those people alone and come on out."

"Fuckin' right I will!" James responded.

* * *

James continued to talk back and forth with the police on the phone, usually in sharp tones, and Ringo figured that the police in this world didn't know tact either. A psychiatrist was what they needed, Ringo thought, not on the phone, in the room. Actually... Ringo looked over at John, sitting in the corner, eyes tightly closed, they had a psychiatrist... of sorts.

"John," Ringo edged over to John, "any ideas?"

"No," John said.

"Could you talk to him?"

"I can try..." John said nervously.

He cleared his throat. Just as he was about to speak, James slammed the phone down into its receiver.

James glared around the room, pausing on each person. George Harrison was probably his best bet for a hostage... he *was* famous, after all. But as James looked at George, George pretended to faint again. It was badly done, and James could tell it wasn't real, but it made him realize that George probably would faint, for real, if they got on the road. A body isn't the easiest thing to keep track of when you're on the run, he thought. No good. He skipped over the camera man and Toni. No one would care about them. The other guy was a priest, James could tell from the way he dressed. No use getting in bad with the church. That left the guy who had answered the door. No too smart, James judged. He looked like he had family, friends, yeah, he looked about right.

James grabbed his gun, and stood up.

"C'mon," he motioned to Ringo, "get up."

"Wha--"Ringo started.

James jerked him up, and Ringo hardly resisted. After all, James was the one with the gun.

"Watch it, move and I shoot him," James announced. He didn't particularly plan on doing it, but if he was forced... He threw open the door with Ringo standing in front of him.

"I'VE GOT A GUN!" James yelled, "NO ONE COME AFTER ME!"

Still using Ringo as a shield, he grabbed his bike and sped off before any of the police had a chance to decide whether the capture was worth one civilian life.

Ringo was still rather shocked, unable to decide what to do. Actually, it wasn't the indecision that stopped him, it was the gun still pointed at him, despite the fact that James was driving. As they went along, Ringo's vision started to blur. He blinked, but it didn't help. It wasn't exactly a blur in his sight really... more like a kind of transparent bump... Ringo shook his head, trying to clear it. The crisis was starting to get to him, he thought. James too noticed a blur in his sight. He didn't give it much notice however, not even as much as Ringo did. So neither of them expected what happened next.

Both men yelled out as they completely lost their vision. But what followed wasn't a crash, or a loud noise. It was silence. And a humming sound. And a sucking sensation. And a strange tingly feeling that seemed to last forever.

Then it stopped, and they could see again. But what they saw was far different from what they had seen only moments ago.

"Shit.." James muttered, speechless.

Ringo wasn't quite as shocked... he had only one thing to say.

"Not again..."

End of Act 1


On to Chapter 11

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