Lo Isve All You Need (Even In The Strangest Situations...)

It is 1965. Paul wakes up one morning (very early, which is not typical of the Beatles, it’s 6:15 a.m.!) with a pounding headache, worse than any that he’s ever had in his life! He can barely get up from bed it hurts so much.

P: Whew! Ow, my head! [put his hand to his head] Must be all the stress from recording too much! Oh well, George Martin will get a fit if I don’t show up at the studio today, and my head hurts so much I can’t get back to sleep. Better get ready to go and record then. [He enters the bathroom to prepare himself for the day. Meanwhile, John, hearing all the racket, wakes up. He feels great and is ready to work, but he thinks that that is really strange.]

J: I feel weird! Man, I wanna go and record today! What’s up with this?! It’s so bloody early too! Well, no use in getting back to sleep. [He heads toward the bathroom and at the same time, he crosses paths with Paul.]

P: [sleepily] Hey Paul.

J: Hey John.

P, J: WHAT???!!!!! [As you can guess, they are both in GREAT shock!]

J: I am standing here, looking at myself! Ohmigod, what have I done now?!!!

P: This can’t be happening to me! Am I still dreaming?!

[All their screaming wakes up George and Ringo]

G: What’s the matter, fellas? You know if I don’t get the right amount of sleep, you know how I am...

P: Aiiieeee!!! What could have happened?! I can see myself! Jeez, I never realized I have such BIG eyes! Ow! My head!

R: Are you ok? Wait! Wait wait, hold on a sec are you saying you can see yourself?!

P: Yes! What will the fans think!!

J: Uh, that I’m a LOT cuter than usual?

P: [looks to the sky in distress while John quietly giggles] Don’t be so daft!

G: Maybe we can ask Ahme. It could have been some sort of Easterner thingy!

[Later, they find Ahme and ask her, it’s about 1 p.m. now]

A: Great! I’ve never seen this happen for real before!

G: What what?!

A: According to my conclusions, they seemed to have switched bodies, but they have kept the physical characteristics of the other.

P: Man! Is that why I have a bloody headache?! John, did you drink a lot last night?

J: Yeah, I was writing a song, and I couldn’t stay awake!

A: That’s why! John should have the headache, but since Paul’s in his body, Paul has the headache!

R: OK, we’ll get you some pain pills later, but how do we cure them?!

A: Well, if I can remember this old myth, once you know what to cure them with, you have to go to this special chamber, which I know of near the temple. But you have to know what the cure is first! There’s a clue for the cure called the Luminous Omnipotent Valuable Elixir. You have to make it out of the one ingredient it contains, but I have no idea what that is! And we only have ‘til midnight tonight!

G: Oh no! It’s already five o’ clock! We have to get working on the clue!

A: Ok, here’s the clue:

"Found in the darkest places, yet known to man.

It is intangible, but you can,

Hold it tight with all your might,

And it will make the world once again right."

G: Hmmm..a riddle...

J: I think it’s a teddy bear!

P: Uh, Paul, I mean, John! (I’m getting confused!) It has to be intangible!

G: I hate these things! I should have studied for this test! Can I make it up later? Man, what can it be?!

A: Perhaps, it’s a sort of feeling, such as jealousy, generosity, or something.

G: Well, it makes the world right, so it’s a good thing.

R: I think it’s Peace! It makes the world all better and it’s hidden metaphorically!

A: Ah yes! That could be correct! We’ll just have to see! But I have a feeling you’re right! OK, let’s go!

[In the mysterious, abstract, golden, intimate chamber near the sacred temple time is 10 p.m.]

A: You two! Sit in those chairs, we don’t have much time!

J: Fine! Just hold on! It takes forever to get used to these gigantic eyebrows of yours Paul!

P: Well, it’s no picnic being right-handed either! I can’t play my bass, and I write everything backwards!

G: Stop your bickering and sit there!

[John(Paul?) and Paul(John?) sit in those special chairs.]

R: Now what?

A: [gets a glass bowl of water and places it in the center of the room on a table] Here, George, Ringo, take these wands, and think about Peace while you stir the wands into the water. The water should glow, hence the name of the cure Luminous Omnipotent Valuable Elixir, and you’ll know if it worked!

G: You aren’t doing it?

A: Can’t, this elixir can only be made by close friends. It won’t work if I help.

R: Great! Oh well, not much time, so George, think: Peace!

[George and Ringo close their eyes and stir the water with their wands while thinking of Peace but--]

A: Oh no! The water should be glowing by now! The answer to the clue is wrong!

P: Hurry! Ow! My head, I mean, your head oh, whatever! I’ll be stuck in John’s body forever!

J: Speak for yourself, pretty boy!

P: Oh yeah, well.

R: You two just calm down, while we try to think!

[John and Paul quiet down, but are very nervous and jumpy about the whole thing.]

R: What could it possibly be?

[A spark of brilliance hits George!]

G: Hey, I got it! We’re Beatles, right?!

J, P,

R: Yeah, so?

G: And what do Beatles sing about?!

R: LOVE! Go George!

G: [puts hand to his head] Duh! It’s the name of the elixir! And it fits the clue! Love is found in the heart, that’s a dark place if you don’t open it up, and love is not tangible unless you share it with loved ones! It’ll make the world right! It’s got to, it’s love!

A: Good job guys! Now stir those wands in the water and concentrate on Love!

R: Start singing! It’s the easiest way!

[George and Ringo both sing And I Love Her for Paul and It’s Only Love for John they stick the wands in the water and the water begins to give off a pinkish glow.]

A: Now it’s all set! They just have to drink it!

P: Are you sure it’s not habit forming?

J: What about insurance? Oh whew! Thank God I did not switch bodies during the filming of your shrinking scene Paulie!

P: John, quit being a softhead!

J: Well, it’s your brains I’m in now! And you’re the one with the headache!

G: Lads! For once, just stop quarreling for one day! Here drink this, Paul, uh, I mean John.

J: OK. [He drinks the elixir] That’s sweet! What did you guys put in it! Pretty good though.

P: [Drinks it the elixer too] It tastes good but, ow, my head!

[Clock strikes midnight, the room goes black and two quiet thuds are heard]

G: Aieee! I hate the dark! [Lights come back on mysteriously] Oh, there we go! Aieee!

R: Quit your Aiiieee-ing! Aieee! What happened to them now?!

[George and Ringo see John and Paul (Paul and John?) both unconscious.]

G: I hope it wasn’t too late!

R: It can’t be too late! Beatles always prevail!

G: Yeah, we can never stop giving up hope and loving!

[Then, a very bright light flashes toward George and Ringo, blinding them]


[Attempts to block off light with his hands, but to no avail] The light’s so strong!

R: [Does the same] Yeah, I can’t see!

[When they can see again, they are back home the next morning. John and Paul are on the floor, still unconscious]

G: Uh oh, they’re not awake. Hey, where’s Ahme?

R: Don’t know, but we have to check on those two! She can take care of herself!

G: I guess so. [Approaches one of them who looks like John, but George is not so sure yet if it is John inside] Paul? John? Are you ok?

[John’s eyes open, but George is still not sure if it is John]

J: [Holding his head in great pain]I have the biggest and bloodiest headache on earth! I should not have drank so much last night! Ow!


[Approaches who he thinks is Paul] Paul?

P: Whew! I’m glad to be back again! My head feels a lot better and I can play my bass again! Yay!

G: I’m glad that was all over! I wouldn’t want to be the one who had to explain to the fans.

J, P: But thanks, fellas, for rescuing us! Ow! (from John)

R: Sure, no problem! We were just helping out our friends!

G: Yeah, but I think that our friend George Martin is not very happy that we missed recording... should we tell him?

P: Uh, tell him the truth? And let the fans know what strange thing happened to us?!

J: Yeah, Paulie, you can be the one to tell them that we went on this Magical Mystery Tour. Hey, that’s a clever name for a new LP! Ow! Anyway, can anyone get me some pain pills?!

G: Here you go John! [tosses the bottle of pain pills to John] [But George gets the feeling he’s shorter than usual and his nose seems a bit larger and Ringo feels the urge to play the guitar]

G, R: Uh oh, here we go again!!!!!!!

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