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Started talks with union reps. about cutting Workers’ Comp. costs by return to work issues i.e. mod. work ~> gave it about five (5) years to gel.


“The best thing for the worker, and the best thing for the E/R is to keep the E/E working.”


RU-120 – Initial Interview

            Said are dealing with people -     Who are bored

-         Off work for mons.

-         In chronic pain

-         In financial crisis

Feels pain can be an overriding factor, but age [over 50] can be as well.

“Their lives have been disrupted.”

“Under caps, we don’t have a lot of time for supportive counseling.”


1/1/03 – Applicants may be able to get checks via direct deposit.


                        “The Applicant quite often feels it is at them personally.”

“As the counselor, you have to figure out where the person is, and meet them there.”


Kinds of Plans:

1)                  Alt/Mod Work

It never hurts to check.

2)                  Direct Placement

This is where Applicants have skills, but didn’t know they could return to work.

3)                  On-the-Job Training

This is where the Applicant is picked up by an E/R, and the insurer reimburses a portion of the E/E’s salary to the E/R.

4)                  Training School

5)                  Self-Employment

This makes up 5.6% of the jobs/plans written.


You have to consider the following:

1)                  Attitude

2)                  Medical Situation

3)                  Barriers i.e. transportation or issues at home


After initial interview, the counselor should be able to tell plan idea(s).

            If not, the counselor was not listening or getting all of the necessary information.

            “They look at you like it is magic, but it’s your job.”

            Counselors need to know occupations and details related to the jobs.



RU-120 – Initial Interview:

            Figure out who the parties are.

                        Get authority if Applicant is represented; if no or voicemail only, send the Applicant home.

                        If meet and not agreed to by Applicant/applicant’s attorney and insurer, then counselor may not get paid.

                        Insurer needs to authorize the meetings as they pay the bills.

            First Impressions

                        If pain or transportation issues unmanageable, than Applicant is probably not vocationally feasible.

                        Within 30 day the counselor had better decide one way or another on feasibility.

            Summary – thumbnail of Applicant

                        “Tell me what we have two work with.”

                        Stay away from “labels.”

                        You may include age, marital status and work history.

The form goes over several areas critical to vocational rehabilitation plans

i.e. transportation.

                        If no answer, put “none identified.”


Max V.R.M.A. rate is $246 per week.


            This is a great way to get Applicant’s started on getting copies of things i.e. Social Security card, HS diploma etc. which will later be used when applying for jobs or at least resume creation.

            “There’s a balance between getting the information needed and being nosey.”


            Work Page 3 first

                        This is a very important page.

                        Work history is vital, so use an attachment if necessary to get down a description of job duties etc.

                        Spend time on work history, if you spend time anywhere on the form.

                        “Pull it out from the Applicant.”

                        Find out what they did in the job, even computer programs used.

                        “The more you know about what the person did, the more you can look at transferable skills.”

                        “Get the work skills, they don’t always have to have been paid positions.”


A.B. 435 – came out of an AIDS case where person had back injury.


                        Suggested quoting medical restrictions i.e. what affects employment

            Page 4 – transferable skills

                        “I pull this out, too.”

                        May include any noted salary expectations, even if unrealistic.

                        “A lot of people’s expectations get tempered with reality.”


At initial interview, Applicant can look anyway they want, but after that they need to look ready to go to an interview.


Liar ~> say they are less than accurate

Dirty ~> say they are casual

            “I wouldn’t nail them in the initial.”

            “Treat the person with respect, they are going to see this.”


May note a felony in as much as it affects possible future employment.

            “If it is not getting in the way of work, then it’s not my problem.”


Rehab Text Pg. 56


Rehab. costs are roughly 2 cents per dollar.


“A counselor now determines feasibility, ongoing.”

“It’s a real tight rope for the counselor.”


Admin. Rule § 10124.1

            Applicant’s current limitations

            Applicant’s perception of the limitations

            “If you are going to say someone is not feasible, you better be careful, and you better be able to back it up.”


“It’s rare to find the person who cannot benefit.”

“Because you’re desperate financially, not participating in rehab. doesn’t fix that.”

            See if you can get mileage advanced.

            Rehab. can be interrupted briefly if needed, instead of stopped, if able.


“It is a pretty serious thing to say someone is not feasible.”


If sporadic attendance, try an informal conference to resolve what ever the issue it.


Many times people don’t know their physical limitations.

            Can request info. from doctor via RU-91 or Job Description.

            “Doctors sometimes don’t understand rehab.”


“The most effective research is the research they [Applicants] do themselves.”

