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More Coffee?

By Denise L. Bell
Copyright 2000 California

     Ben rummaged through the refrigerator for a Coke, the worn brown paper bag in his way reminding him that he missed Suzanna – as it did every time he fought his way through the left-over, take-out, prepackaged fast food that he called sustenance. Usually Ben could shake the feeling, it had been 10 years, and move on, but this day it seemed particularly difficult.
     Ben pensively fingered the edge of the crumbled bag before actually finding the Coke he hoped would relieve his headache. He carried his treasure to the living room to collapse in the recliner and pop the top of the soda. Ben wrestled with the remote, but stopped on the National Geographic Explorer special, "Spain’s Costa del Azahar." It was a sign; clearly now was the time to find Suzanna and resolve "the thing" between them.
     While Ben sat shocked at his instant decision, he realized it really hadn’t been such an instant choice after all. Off-and-on for years he had contemplated reconnecting with Suzanna. His mind flashed back sharply to their sophomore year in Barcelona. It seemed like a fairy tale.
     Even with the contents of his life strewn around the one-bedroom apartment, a melange of packing boxes several months old, Ben couldn’t recall the real reason he and Suzanna separated. Surely it couldn’t have been such a simple thing as college… He grinned, and knew it was that and so much more. They had been first loves, made a giddy high by each others’ mere presence.
     Oh, yes, there was definitely still the sting of separation, but it was almost worse than that of his recent divorce. Luckily there were no children involved in either case. It was time to contact her. Ben’s mind reeled with the possibilities… Would she still be single? Would she still talk to him? Would he even be able to find her?
     Ben drifted to sleep with memories of the days with Suzanna at the foreign university playing in his head. Later he awoke for the first time in ages with a set purpose. He would find Suzanna. Ben started by calling their college’s alumni association. Otherwise he had no idea where to start. He didn’t have to reach far for the phone, and information was more than happy to connect him.
     Ben’s heart beat stronger as the assistant searched for any record of Suzanna Carvalho. He knew that this had to work. The silence coated his impatience as he began to want the paper bag he had preserved in the fridge for so long. Yet, Ben could only share it with Suzanna. No one else would understand. Suzanna was the only one who would appreciate the eight rolls of film documenting their last months together in Europe. Ben promised he wouldn’t look at them without her. And he was a man of his word, now made a man with a mission.
     That seemed very important now as he wrote her number down on the back of his hand. Ben made his way to the kitchen to retrieve the aged bag of film. He stretched in an attempt to focus his fuzzy mind before calling on Suzanna, the paper of the crumbled bag dampening with his growing tension. He dialed the number and sank back into his chair to wait, the dial tones echoing in his ears.
     Ben's mind froze for a second as a familiar voice greeted the line, "Hello." Suzanna’s lilt was unmistakable and it gave Ben courage. "Wanna join me for coffee?" he stammered, though much less than he thought he would. There it was, he had asked to see her. Suzanna’s response was smooth, a simply request to know who, exactly, was calling.
     She knew, she just wanted a minute to compose herself. Suzanna hadn’t forgotten the curly brown-haired friend/lover who swept her off her feet in college. She’s run to Spain to be with Ben, though she claimed it was for her foreign language credits and a breath of parental freedom – neither complete lies. Suzanna always planned to travel Europe and she thought of no better companion then her beloved, Ben.
     It was only moments for the whole picture to register with her. Ben was calling because he wanted to see her. They missed each other. Suzanna was apprehensive, having just gotten over the death of her husband two years earlier. She was looking forward to getting on with life. The honesty of the moment was clear. In fact, Suzanna had already accepted a new job offer in Madison, WI. She had no idea that Ben was in Chicago.
     Ben acknowledged who he was and let Suzanna know that he had been thinking about her and was anxious to get together so they could get their film developed. She could hardly believe it, but it seemed that Ben had waited to find her before taking in the film – now roughly 10 years old. Suzanna seriously wondered how the prints would develop.
     The one thing she did know was that she wanted to see Ben. Suzanna knew also that the timing was right. She didn’t start her new position for two weeks and a trip to Chicago would be nice. They conversation was halting at times, but it was understandable, they hadn’t spoke in nearly 10 years. They briefly exchanged pertinent information and agreed to meet in one week, on Sunday, at 6 p.m., in Chicago. Suzanna said she would stay at the Downtown Hyatt Regency and meet him at the corner Starbucks.
     Neither of them knew what to say once they arranged their get together. They said their "Byes," and Ben said, "I’ll bring the film." A nervous chuckle escaped his lips as he realized how stupid he must have sounded. Then the line was cut, punctuating the lack of Suzanna’s presence which had started to flood over him. The following week was a flurry of activity for them both, both physical and mental preparation for their date. There were a few sleepless nights until the day of meeting came… Suzanna was charged with nervous energy as she boarded the morning plane from Madison’s Dane County Regional Airport to Chicago’s O’Hare.
     While the scheduled flight was timed at 45 minutes, it seemed much longer to Suzanna as she squirmed in her seat, the sweat of her palms cooled by the condensation on the mini Coke cup she had been served. The anticipation felt good she had to confess. Suzanna only hoped Ben was as anxious to see her. The four-day trip had cost way too much. The airfare and hotel bills alone were over $700.
     She had nothing to worry about. Ben was equally as nervous. He had rehearsed several times several different ways exactly what he wanted to tell Suzanna. Ben wanted to clear the air and this was the ideal opportunity. With the romance of the evening rendezvous in a new city and their pictures, he was certain he could win her back.
     Yes, Ben’s plan had formulated quickly. On-the-fly he determined to ensure he and Suzanna would never be apart again. The wall clock ticked incessantly, reminding him that he needed to clean up before heading downtown. Suzanna checked in safely at the hotel then arranged her clothes and hair, conscious of every imperfection she found.
     Finally she was satisfied, so she sat on the plush TV chair in the suite to wait. Suzanna found the Cartoon Network and began relaxing as she watched The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show. "Thank goodness there’s cable," she mused aloud. Across town Ben was double checking his pockets, wallet, jacket and bag of film. He didn’t want to blow the second chance he’d been given… Then he headed out.
     Suzanna found the two-block walk refreshing. She was only slightly unnerved by the large number of people also out enjoying the spring night. For a moment Suzanna worried that she wouldn’t recognize Ben. Then she grinned at her own foolishness. Of course she would know him when she saw him, they had been lovers.
     Ben pulled into the One-Hour Photo shop down the street from the coffee shop and dropped the rolls of film off, in both their names, before going to Starbucks and Suzanna. He took a series of deep breathes before getting out of the car. It was going to be okay, Ben told himself. They will always be friends if nothing else.
     As he walked to the door, Suzanna was getting a tall, French vanilla cappuccino, her favorite. She handed the hostess her $10 bill, and instantly the downy hairs at the nape of her neck began to tingle. It was a sign that Ben was there. It always had been. Absentmindedly Suzanna accepted her change and turned around to find him. There was a slight catch in her throat as she mechanically moved forward through the crowd, eyes searching mindless of her hot coffee.
     Ben stopped as soon as he entered the room. It took him only seconds to register that the petite raven-haired woman at the counter was Suzanna. His brain knew the silhouette. He just wanted to watch her. An impish grin emerged on Ben’s face as he waited for her to approach. Any nervousness he had was a shadowy memory. He was pleased to see Suzanna appear healthy and whole.
     In fact, Ben had always been amazed at how effortlessly she turned heads. Even if Suzanna didn’t acknowledge the various looks men gave her, he was well practiced at spotting them. At one time it would have driven Ben crazy with jealousy. Time had tempered that, along with many other things. On many points he had matured and he was sure she would notice.
     It was a twist of fate that just a Suzanna neared his position a group of "twentysomethings" descended upon the place, blocking him from her view. As soon as they began moving by Ben prepared a big smile for Suzanna. She was receptive as her gaze caught his. Relief visibly washed over them both. "I was afraid you wouldn’t show," he managed. "Me as well," Suzanna said taking a sip of her coffee, grateful for the prop in her hands steadying her nerves.
     They greeted each other and stayed to the side of the room. "Where are pictures?" she asked tentatively. Ben told her that he dropped them off, and that very soon they would be ready. Suzanna smiled. He then suggested making their way to the counter. Ben needed the liquid strength coffee traditionally afforded him, but he didn’t say so aloud. Finally he ordered a venti, mocha raspberry latte. Ben wanted something different.
     The duo made small talk, getting caught up on happenings in each others’ lives as Ben guided them to the One-Hour Photo. After walking at a leisurely pace they eventually came upon the shop. Ben held the door for Suzanna, catching a whiff of her perfumed hair as she brushed by him. The photo technician entered the store front at the sound of the bell triggered by the door. He smiled in recognition of Ben, and Suzanna whom he'd seen in the prints.
     Both Suzanna and Ben were anxious to see their prints. Ben asked for the film under both their names. As the tech handed them envelop after envelop her palms began to sweat. A couple of the sets seemed awfully thin to be double prints, as they were marked. She took the top set and slid it out of its paper protection. Suzanna almost feared looking at them. What memories it would all bring back… Were they ready for that, she wondered. Slowly Suzanna lifted the top print up and turned it over. Ben was at the counter paying the man, but he was attempting to catch a glimpse of the picture out of the corner of his eye. All of the film cost $64.38.
     Ben knew that it was worth it when he finally got to see Suzanna’s face. She was beaming. He had no clue which frame she was looking at, but her smile bespoke promise. As Suzanna gathered the sets of memories together and let Ben open the door for her, she said, "Wanna get more coffee?"