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Sounds.That's the beginning and the end of it right there.

Sounds. Yeah, I know.

Tom Servo:"Joel,I'm pregnant with your child." Joel:{spitting out water}
Crow:"Bite Me!"
Ned the Nanite:"Joooddddyyy!AAaaahhh!"
Mike:"We'll be right..down...down..." Crow and Tom Servo:"MIKE!"
"Robot Roll Call."
Joel and 'bots:"We got movie sign!"
Crow:"Bad movie?You're soaking in it."
Midi recording of the theme song.
Midi recording of the ending theme during the credits.
Mike:"Look,over there.It's the Dark Grandma of Death!"
Mike:"Look,are you ready for some FOOTBALL?"
Crow:"Ow my spine!"
Frank:"That's right,we're evil.EVIL!!"
"Tom Servo."
DR.F:"Push the Button,Frank."Frank:"I am the Button."
A long discussion on how to tell if you're a beatnik or not.
Joel and the 'bots:"For TORCHA!"
Guy in Movie:"When we return to our home planet the high court will sentence you to TORCHA!"
Tom Servo:"Wow!That's naughty!"
Jody the Nanite:"It were durin' the union summer when the praire fire started.some said they caved that mine in on purpose,but I could hardly believe it.Ma told me just to mind myself."
Joel:"Bad touch."
Joel & the 'bots:"He tried to kill me with a forklift!"
Nanites:"We're nanites!United!We'll never be defeated!"
Torgo's theme music.

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