Megan's Oddities

Megan's Oddities - not responsible for lost or stolen minds

Welcome to my world. Look around - play in the random babbling. Enjoy the links. All the cool kids are doing it

You may have noticed that the "recent" updates are not so recent. Ummm, sorry but I just don't have the damn time. Suck it up and deal. I will try to do better. I will start right now. Recent updates
August 18, Diary update
Back from camp! I just added my Ballimemories section, so go take a look!
Good lord it's July 2, and i did some playing all over, go to random babbling and listen to the new sound
Same day as below: Tim Curry page was updated.
June, middle of: links, members, diary, all updated... slightly.
May something or other: Pictures of a cute blonde man
April 27: I added a fun page that highlights things I suck at.
April 16: to quote Ben Fold's Five... I wanna be Kate!
February 23 I added my performance poems for Analysis and Performance of Literature

Below we can see me. The picture is old and frankly, I don't look like that anymore. I have short short short hair and it seems to be a different color. but you get the idea. Matt Zur scanned the picture in and I stole it from his site. He said it was ok though.


Join the club

That would be the Megan Is Cool Club

Ok my birthday is May 9 and I like people who send my presents. This year I'll be so old!(20!)

I just had a thought... What if Stewie from The Family Guy met Brain from Pinky and the Brain? They would definately fight it out, but who would win? Polls have decided that it would be Stewie and I concur. I love that toddler.
"for every sprinkle I find, I shall kill you"

Please, visit the random babbling part. Most of the stuff I made is there, and there are 2 interesting, hell FASCINATING links pages at the bottom of THIS page. I also made a weak site map. But you have to keep reading this page to find where they are! At least I made an effort to keep this entertaining.

All right you dirty bastards, some of you think that you can e-mail me and not sign the guestbook! WRONG! Sign it!

Visit my new obsessive page - Tim Curry - his resume it's massive to say the least. It's also very very very dry to read but there are links at the bottom.

I am an avid Simpsons and South Park fan so obviously I am in the 15-25 age bracket. Right now I am 19. I just graduated from Union-Endicott High School,(ok it was in 1998, but time is relative)And heck, I am even going to Ithaca College now!
The Foolish Optimist is dead. I have dropped Speech Communication as a major to concentrate on drama (quick I'd better learn to act) and I want to minor in PR, but also minor in Speech Comm, I can't let all those classes go to waste.

If you want to see a list of other UE graduates go to Matt Zur's page for the UE class of '98

Let's all thank Zur for sending me this picture from our senior prom! Didn't we all look cute?

My birthday is May 9. Remember that. It is a very important date. Send money. Your children will celebrate it in school by the year 2014 I promise. It will be a national holiday. I swear it. And I don't like to swear. OK, I do like to swear - but that's just my upstate NY flair.

Oh Hey Kids... I'm at school now! So very far away from home. I am surviving for all of you that want to know. I am having some damn good fun too... just read my diary. (you'll find it in the random babbling section) kisses!

All the cool kids sign my guestbook

You know you want to view my guestbook

This page sucks now because it is UNDER CONSTRUCTION hon. But then, aren't all good things worth waiting for?

When I was in elementary school my friend Rachel Potter and I always used the word "weird" as a compliment. And it was, but who ever would have guessed that it would have come this far.
Most teenagers want to fit in ( quick which way to the mass-produced skanky tight-assed clothing store?). I personally can't wear the tight ass pants and the bare midriff tops - not just because that would frighten small children, but because I just think that is wrong, ok? WRONG WRONG WRONG! The hoochie show does not belong in my circle of vision. That is set aside for after dark, or for Rocky Horror (yeah, I'm also one of THOSE freaks, and damn it! I am proud! I even have a membership card to the official RHPS fan club.)

If you have a problem, then get off of my web page

I am changing the name of my Obsessions page to my moderate interests page. The freaky freakies are all hung up on this obsession idea. I think you should know it's all in good fun

moderate interests

Well, if there is something that you feel should be discused on this page (and I know that you want me to say rude things, and I will...) then e-mail me now. Please. I like to feel that I am wanted. :o)
Could it be possible that our Megan has taken the time to put more random babblingon this page? You betcha. She's good like that.

what, this page isn't good enough for you? Then try these.

My new fabulous links page

The Binghamton area
, there are actually things to DO here if you look hard enough

A site map of sorts

Things that are pretty f*cked up

  • stupid people - they just piss me off
  • on the same note as stupid people, George W Bush. I have actually cried (that's not a joke people) at the prospect of this obvious sickening biggot becoming our president
  • all the other drivers
  • my third nipple - no one believes its there unless I show them.
  • negative people (hypocrisy, moi?)
  • people.
  • skep
  • The oat cereal pieces in Lucky Charms, I eat it for the marshmellowy goodness.
  • Those damn kids.
  • over-used phrases

If you don't e-mail me I'll make your life a living hell (evil laugh)