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Welcome to Mechaworld

On this page we will be showcaseing mecha (the word for robots in Japan) from Japanese anime. But be aware that more is soon too come. Expect plenty of pictures on Transformers and other wonderful mecha from the land of the rising sun. If you have any suggestion about anything feel free to e-mail me. We are always under construction.

Update- Added a new link to Gundam D20 Mecha.
FYI some of the new content is related to the new link. :)
-Soundwave810 6/23/2004

Update- I've been working on the revamp of the site and it'll be up soon.
Not sure when exactly but soon.
I'm working on some new content so when that's done it'll be up.
-Soundwave810 6/13/2004

Holy crap! It's been awhile since we updated around here. Huh?
Well that's gonna change soon. So be on the lookout for new content!

Soundwave810 5/10/2004


Click here to go to the Battle Beasts section <---- uploaded pictures of the Battle Beasts bases. 8/20/2001
Click here to go to the new art
Gallery. <---- Got a 5th pic up. 10/12/2001
Click here to go to the
PROJECT CONVOY page <---- Only one preview pic at the moment but there's more to come. 9/02/2001



LATE UPDATED 10/12/2001


Here are some links you might like:

Gundam D20 Mecha- Great site with info to play Mobile Suit Gundam with the D20 RPG gaming system
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Pre Transformer Page- not alot of pictures but has plenty of info
Ben Yee's Beast Wars Page This a kick-ass Site for Beast Wars info
Dave has a cool site for Beast Wars and some great pics from Beast Wars II.
Complete Transformers List Page- A great start to find Transformers websites
Planet Quintessa- A great message board for Transformers and my other home on the net.

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