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Well, here is Haven Hall. The place I spent my last semester at SU as an RA. The people I worked with could not be a more individual group, but we were one of the closest staffs on campus. From on call, to incident reports, to meals in Dining Hell, to bar hopping, to whatever. We did it together! Here are some of the pics I have from our Winter Break party in Greg's apartment. Greg was our supervisor, and he did a damn fine job!

Here is Marie and myself. I have known Marie for 3 years now. She and I were RA's together in Sadler/Lawrinson. She is such a great person!

Here is Joel Morrissette and myself. He and I were the early departures from Haven (no we did not get fired!) He and I did a lot of shit together, from building computers to 3 am runs to Kimmel! What a great guy!

Casey and me. The two student teachers on staff. A really cool guy! Very easy going, very funny, and a good friend on top of it all!!

Christina and me. What a great gal! Her and I did a lot together too. From fixing her car to our Haven dining hall dinner dates!