
ok these r pics, info, and shout out's to my buds so have fun or whatever. ;)

steve is a brain, is like UBSSESSED w/ Metallica, and is a GrEaT guy- he's the lead vocalist in my band

my yahoo/aol sis she's one in a million she is absolutely UBSSESSED w/ bsb ;) and she has A BUG(Merv) the coolest car to ever grace the earth's surface.


twinkle twinkle little stAr ;) ok well golly so much to say what exactly should i say uhhh she's one of my very bestest buds and i really really don't know what i would do w/out her. she understands me more then anyone i have ever met and it kinda freaks me out some times.........she ia a.k.a katie holmes, daria, tempt, lamer, gorsh (hyuck).

she's one of my aol buds. she's into bsb, hanson, N'sync that kinda stuff..... she's pretty cool.

he's into cars, motor bikes, four wheelers, go carts, metallica, stuff like that. known him all his life basically.

Mitch's sister, she's into lots of sports---> soccer, basketball ect...

my best friend since second grade, (i dunno if we're still best buds cuz like we never talk or see each other anymore)lives w/ mike, likes to go to bed at 5:30 am and wake up at 3:00 pm but hey who doesn't?, great to hang w/, her favorite movie is silence of the lambs( i love this movie too)

Pablo is my little chippy palaroo, her whole family is pretty darn cool, haven't seen her in a while but i'm sure i will.

she's pretty cool too. uhm she's a girl from school she's really smart and fun.

she's a brain but it's only cuz she has to b. AmBeR LoVeS BrUcE :)

tall, very very tall, fireman, he knows everything about anything and more which can get on one's nerves but he's a cool guy he plays some function in the band although that cannot be identified at this time as i have no clue.

ahhhhh what can i say? 'cept she needs to dump bradley and go out w/ Andrew i think they would work so well and andrew is soooooo much a better guy then brad. Or she could go out w/ The secret mystery man whose name is super holy and must not be said for fear that someone might hear it and tell him that she likes him which wouldn't be a bad thing cuz everyone knows they like each other. whoa . a/w andrea's cool.

she's pretty cool so r her sibs. HoLy WaTeR (hehe)

my little anarchist buddy he's really probably the coolest person i know. ; ) :-X
he gets all the credits for every banner for this site he's a genius....Thanx James

Big Tall Dorky Kid (hehe marshmallow on a stick LOL). he's our bassist. he's pretty cool to hang with and talk to. He hangs out with me and steve most of the time. He listens to kewl music like Rob Zombie and stuff and plays a lot of tennis. (hehe miss rice is a dYkE hehehe)

very cool person shes like kinda IMHO a mirror reflection of me personality wise, she likes sublime and hard stuff and i'm really proud of her for a lot of reasons.

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