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Hi. thanx for visiting my site.
Today(10/24/99) I added a page containing Brain Teasers, Jokes, and Games.
I finished the remake of the poetry section and my entire collection of poetry is feel free to read through my soul.(08/12/99)
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There is something i feel needs to be said and i guess this is the place (for now) to say it. Ok this is not an anarchy page. I am an anarchist and damn proud of it. And contrary to popular belief anarchy is not all about fire and destruction. Anarchy is defined as a society living without rule. Living without rule without the hand of goverment over you does not nessasarily mean that there will be chaos. But even though I am not a destructive person I will say this fire and bombs do intrest me to a great degree. Ok thats all. If you would like to know more about anarchy visit James's Anarchy Page.
Peace out Y'all.

< -§- > Chew < -§- >

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