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Brimley Supports Cockfighting

PHOENIX (AP)-Wilford Brimley thinks banning cockfighting isn't the right thing to do.

The grandfatherly actor and oatmeal pithchman attended a weekend rally in Phoenix to voice opposition to Proposition 201, an Arizona cockfighting ban expected to pass Tuesday.

Passage could lead to more laws restricting use of animals, like prohibiting the use of dogs for hunting, Brimley said.

"My saddle horses are my friends," said Brimley, 64. "My dogs are my friends. Once an idea like this gets started, I don't know where it's going to end."

Brimley's concern was unfounded, said Kim Hicks of the Arizona Humane Society.

"This isn't about anything except cockfighting," Mrs. Hicks said. "We have no intention of telling Mr. Brimley what he can or can't do with his dog."

Cockfighting is legal in Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Louisiana. Missouri voters will also consider a ban Tuesday. Brimley, who lives in Utah, says he visits Arizona to attend cockfights.

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