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Happy Little Freaks

Okee this is the page where you can see some happy little pages made by some crackbabies that I know and love. All these pages belong to either net friends/lovers/aquaintences, or actual people that I know in real life. My net friends are priceless.....they have been there for me more than my ''real'' friends in many instances. However, sometimes I have a tendency to think of them as fictional.....these pages help to put some faces with the names and personalities that I know so well. So, won't you join me, and get to know these fruitcakes a little better??

The Lordfox's Den also known as laura's kickass page. i love my laurababe. she practically saved my ass from suicide once, so i really do owe her a mad load of props. Anyhoo, this page also houses the infamous Shitty Chat Kid List....a buttload of freaks that chat over at The Church of Antichrist Superstar there's tons of pics of these pretty people too. Anyway, go there, it rocks.
SadomasochisticExpialodotious home page off the illustrious Jeff Cohn.....the one I just love to call my Jeffypoo....I tell ya though...this guy really is something else. I'm superglad to know him. and of course his page kicks all kinds of ass. so check it out. cuz i said so.
The Layover Lounge This page belongs to my dear, dear friend Matteo. He is my Most Right Reverend, my very own cranky messiah. My best friend. And I Love him, ain't that grand? He rocks, he's one of the few Drexel people that I actually still like. oh yeah, and here is is his other page .
Blood's Chrystal Cathedral My darling Kyle's lovely lil page. You may know him as MyPetVirus from the chat, but mostly he is a little lurker there these days. sneakin up on me when I don't expect to see him. But when I do see him, a big huge smile spreads across my face. I can honestly say I love this guy. ...and I really, really wanna pinch his cheeks.*s*
The Devil's Workshop My white trash fantasy Rob's page. He rules. Another ''old school'' shitty chat boi....he sticks up for me when cheeser colons attack. and he drew a lil pic of a pig and sent it to me. He's a sweetheart and his page is pretty kool. Check it.
help me i'm in hell is Smokey 13's this kid even though we never really talk anymore.....miss him...still dig his page and visit it every now and then.
HNB, The Man, The Myth, The Legend This is one DAMN sexxxy aussie if I do say so myself. You don't believe me? Go to his page and check out his pictures. Oh yeah...he's also sweet, funny, and terribly modest.....
loopy's page o' rants and ramblingsThis guy is one smart cookie.....and I love and respect him for the fact that he doesn't use his intelligence to make others feel small...he doesn't let it go to his head...he's completely down to earth, but always up to a good intellectual discussion or debate.
Disintegrator Rising is my lil Swedish meatball Iceman's lovely Marilyn Manson fan page. He's a hottie and he rocks, so go check out the page.
Check out System #9 . It is the new industrial project of my dear friend Damion...who I never get to talk to anymore. I haven't actually heard the music yet, but I am sure that it is amazing.
Okay....I got totally chewed out today for not linking this big dork named James. Nah....just kidding, he rocks my world man! Yay! Anyway....This guy's music I have heard....I have felt the stuff actually I tripped myself silly and listened for hours. Much fun! Anyhoo...If ya wanna check him and his groovyness out go to his page and have fun.
