Welcome ladies and gentlmen to the Crown, favored watering hole for the British Intelligence Community.

"This palce is the drinking hole for spies. And because of that, it's treated as neutral ground. So we're safe here. The Crown is practically a church in Intel Circles."

The Crown has become the new home for the Her Majesty's Secret Service Series. The series, which was created by Mise Me Fein and myself, follows the exploits of the British Secret Service groups MI-5, MI-6, and Black Air.

Here you will find links to all the stories in the series. In time, besides the stories, we hope to include character bios, pictures, and, lets face it, this wouldn't be a pub without a drinking game!

Check out And Now for something thing completely different to find out what's new here.

Don't forgot to vist the bathroom and leave a message, just click on the bathroom symbols at the bottom of the page.


Would you like to see some more drawings of the characters from the Crown? Well then Click here

Looking for descriptions of British and Irish slang words? Well look no futher, it's here!

The A-Z of British Slang

Take the Good Pub Guide and see how your local would measure up.

The Good Pub Guide

Tales from the Crown
A Day in the Life of a Pub

Mise Me Fein [miseme@angelfire.com] and Cliodhna [stoical@angelfire.com]

The first story in the series takes us through a typical day in the Crown where we meet up with friends both old and new.

This is a finished piece

A farewell to Arms

By Cliodhna

The second story in the 'Her Majesty's Secret Service' series. Wisdom, Eddie and Julian have to escort a prisoner to London from Paris. Sounds pretty simple, but is it?

This story is a work in progress

Pool Night At the Crown

By Cliodhna

It's time for the Inter-departmental pool comp. just who will win?

This is a finished piece


By Cliodhna

Not orginaly part of this series but has since developed into one. This story is set just after Excalibur 100. An old firend from Pete Wisdom's past tells him he's being hunted.Meanwhile Muir Island is being watched by Zero Tolarance.

This story is a work in progress

Would you like to see your story archived here? Well you can't!! Click here to find out why.

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Merry drinkers have visted since 2/08/98

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