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Pokemon and lots More

Hi wlcome to my pokemon site I hope that you like it It gets better every week. It will be more fun too by than so if you have any comments or any suggestions wright me at I will publish your ideas and give you the credit for the ideas it will be the best site out there with your help. COMING SOON CODES AND GAMETIPS. Now E-mail me with any codes or tricks you know I will put them up and give you credit. So in the subject right codes for Pokemon. I now have a codes and secrets site so please check it out. It has some very rare Pokemon codes on it. I really need to get some more codes so Please E-Mail me. I would like it if every one would see my cousins site it is in the links he says it is bad but you would help me out if you did. I need some more suggestions remenber my address is Hey everyone I hope everyone can vote on my new poll. Really I had had it since Feburary but never knew how to put it on in till now so enjoy. I am now working a NEW! Web page this will be the best one yet so please keep coming back. to see what is new. Oh I hope that everyone knows about the new Pokemon Snap Video game coming out July99 go too for mor infomation on that and other up coming games such as Pokemon Yellow for GBC. Pokemon Gold and Silver f or GBC and Pokemon Stadeum for the N64. Oh and check out my codes and secreats site that has noe been updated. Sorry it has been so long since I last updated Pokemon Stadium is coming out March 2000 in the United States check back often for more updates. Pokemon Card is aslo coming out for the GBC and GB soon. Aslo check out my brand new site. Hey everyone I finally updated after almost 1 year and a half. School and Stuff has been tough. I added our site to a web ring. From Bearaguy Last Updated:8/17/01
my Pokemon Poll for favorite
What is your favorite pokemon


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Bearaguy's coolest Links

The coolest school site on the web
one of my favorite books!!
The origanel Pokemon site
My Codes and Secrets site very cool
My cousins site
My Brothers web site
My other Site very cool
My Picture site

Things I like about Pokemon