On Oscar night:
On the night of the awards, I just carried the Oscar around waist-high. I never had so many women ask me 'Can I touch it?' Sadly, they were talking about the statuette

Q: How bout that GQ cover, Ben? I thought Matt was supposed to be the new gay poster boy. Picture kind of makes you realize that men have nipples too.
A: You sassy dog...stop looking at my nipples.

Q: Don't know if anyone's asked you, but how does it feel to be an action figure? I know I'd love to be immortalized in plastic.
A: It's the flat-out high point of the movie for me.

Q: What's Kevin really like?
A: Large and in charge. Gay, but not as gay as you would think.

Q: Did you spank it on "The Voyage of the Mimi" or did you manage to restrain yourself?
A: What the fuck kind of question is that? You simple minded prick.

Uhh... yeah. More quotes later!


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