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My Concert/s Experiences

DARIEN LAKE-7/20/99:

The concert experience was and probably will be the closest I'll get to *Nsync. Tickets, of course went on sale in February. Since where they were performing was basically part of a theme park, there were many ways of getting close to them. While enjoying going on all of the rides, My sister & I decided to ride the Superman Ride (for about the thousandth time). When we were about to get in line, we noticed a HUGE crowd of people gathered around the exit of the ride. There were security guards all over the place. I decided to stand on one of the nearby tables to see what was going on. Then there was screaming. I looked over and saw a police car driving towards the exit of the ride. Then tons of girls starting jumping on the car. Then i saw blond hair, red hair, and yeah dreads amongst the crowd. It was Lance, Joey, and Chris making a mad dash to get out of the crowd. Then i didn't know which way to run towards. A huge crowd was gathered around where the cart turns up the hill of the ride. We decided to just get in line and perhaps get a glimpse of them getting off. We waited and waited. Then finally Lance, Joey, Chris, and some of the tour people made a shortcut by not going through the exit but walking next to it (a safer way to leave). My sister and I were about 20 feet or less away from them. Then we kept shouting their names. Then Joey looked over and waved. Steve Fatone was also with them with his camcorder (perhaps taping fans :) On the roller coaster, they did take their picture on the last hill. We waited an hour before we bought the picture of them (I'll be posting it soon).

HSBC ARENA-7/2/00:

This concert was absolutely AMAZING!!! I had seats in section 302. This time I was not even the slightest bit close to them (oh,well). All I can say is that I screamed my head off. The people around me thought I was on crack probably. The opening acts were Ron Irizzay, Boyz 'N Girlz United (i love robbie. yum), and P!nk. Then the rest is pretty self-explanatory. (watch live from madison square garden). Although, they did mention visting Niagra Falls, which i was at the day before.