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There were different theories about the origin of Grabiods some people have there own this is the place where you can have your opinion published.
    Valentine McKee set up two ideas. The first one was that they were mutations caused by radiation, now this theory is the most difficult to contemplate but I'll try. In the desert the only life that closely resembles Grabiods are not worms, but snakes (like Burt said). Now if you look into any studies that show effects of radiation on life forms it either kills them or only causes a small amount of change in the creatures' genetic make-up. This does not mean they are not mutations caused by radiation though, if we are to take this theory into consideration we must remember this is a movie and in the movies chance is always greatly multiplied, so it is possible that they are mutants. Val's second idea was that the government built them and they were a big surprise for the Russians. Now I know not all of Russia is cold but most of it is so why would you want to build a creature obviously adapt to the hot dessert to a chilling place like Russia? It just doesn't make sense, besides how would the gov't "build" a creature like this? Genetic engineering has been around for quite some time and the gov't wouldn't release info about something like this to the press, but a creature this advanced is probably out of reach. (For those of you who have only watched the first Tremors, see the sequel and you'll see just how advanced they are.)
    I like Earl Bassett's theory best, creatures from outer space. This sounds a little far fetched (OK Very far fetched!) but I like the way he says " way these are local boys." Unfortunately this is probably not the best of ideas about the Grabiods' origin. You've got to consider just how they could have gotten here from outer space, they could obviously not survive the vacuum of space because Burt's bombs easily explode them. Ok so what about a space craft? There too dumb, they maybe kind of smart but definitely not that type of intelligence! Now we could consider that they were brought here by extraterrestrial as pets, or let them loose in the desert as a test to see if they could be of help in a planetary conquest of Earth :) but I don't think so.
    Rhonda LeBeck never really made up her mind but she did mention that they could be from earth and being so old that they predate the fossil record and we have just never seen one until now. The failure to leave a fossil record is usually due to the lack of solid skeletons that are capable of withstanding the normal processes of disintegration and decay. Of course they could be so old that they formed before animals had solid skeletons but then they would be from the sea and would have to have moved to dry land (really dry land!). So in a far out way it could happen, not any more then space aliens.
    Kate Reilly had a similar theory in Tremors 2 when she found a fossil that resembled the spines on the Graboids back. Although the fossil was destroyed the idea was unsettling because it came from Precambrian rock. Which would make it the oldest living life form on the face of the planet but if this is true it means one of two things. Either Grabiods evolved from one celled organisms or are from outer space. Looking at this from a scientific point of view it is improbable and almost insane to believe that a one celled organism can evolve into such a complex creature in one step and even if it did there would be no food for it to eat and it would die. Though if it came from outer space (brought by extraterrestrials) that would explain it's sudden appearance and reappearance on this planet.
    "Suppose an asteroid with a silicon based life form crashed to earth early in the Precambrian era and thus either mutated with the bacteria that was already here or flourished ?"
   *Author's name lost
    "See I think that the Graboids have been here since the Precambrian era. Everyone has been thinking in terms of organic lifeforms when they consider the fossil record and how there seems to me no fossil evidence of them. But if the graboids were a silicon based life form instead of organic, they wouldn't decompose as we would possibly leaving no fossil evidence at all."
   *Author's name lost
    "Well, I think that the grabiodsare from earth, maybe even from the Precambrian period. But, like a giant squid or a coelacanth fish, maybe they have just recently been discovered. But wait, what about their taste for human flesh that has just arisen? well, maybe new human technology and drilling has caused them to arise to the surface. If not, well, its just a movie, and in movies, anything is possible..."
    "Since through out the Tremors series the creatures change from graboids to shriekers to A.B.s , that these creatures had gained the trait to be able to change their offspring's genetic make-up as a regular bodily function over a short period of time to master limitations that they could not. Take as an example the scenes on top of the boulders in Tremors. Remember how Earl said "thank God they can't climb"? In Tremors 2 the shriekers could climb excellently, but there were situations when they were unable to reach people on vertical surfaces. Finally in Tremors 3 the A.B.s could fly eliminating the problem of humans that are out of their reach. In conclusion I believe that the graboids were left dormant for billions of years by their ancestors evolving to a form that could do that. Possibly to protect themselves from some natural disaster unknown to humans. Then billions of years later they evolved to a form that could dig themselves out. They dug themselves out in perfection. Once whatever traits they used were useless in the loose soil they adapted to their new environment."
    "I don't think the Graboids are from outer space, but they may be from Earth from BEFORE the entire fossil record. Here is my theory- The Graboids evolved incredibly deep in the ground, so deep in fact that no one has ever actually got that deep. So for thousands of years the Graboids have worked their way to the surface, and when they do viola! The fossil Kate was studying in Tremors 2 is one of a very few that date from when they got close to the surface. So for the Precambrian era they tunnel through the Earth and soon mutate into Shriekers and eventually into Ass Blasters. Now mass extinction of entire species happens every so often so that's what happened to the Graboids/Shriekers/Ass Blasters. How the Graboids got to Perfection is simple the atmosphere in Nevada is close to the atmosphere in Precambrian times so eggs from that era hatched as they were supposed to, let me explain. One Graboid makes three Shriekers, the Shriekers reproduce like crazy until they get to a stage where they need to evolve into Ass Blasters, then the Ass Blasters reproduce until they go sterile. Then they die and mutate into Graboids and just die pregnant. The eggs then keep for millions of years and then hatch once again, and infinitum."
   *Daniel Johnson
    Here is my theory on Graboid evolution. The ancestors of the graboids were creatures that lived before the Precambrian but later went extinct. These creatures were similar to the hermaphroditic shriekers. To increase their chances of survival, the pre-shriekers developed a second means of reproduction( the first being puke birth). After producing a certain number of offspring, the animal would change it to another which laid an egg( this form would later become the AB's). This egg hatched into a larvae( graboid) which would eat and become new shriekers. The eggs could remain dormant for long periods of time and avoid disasters and mass extinctions. Something awoke the eggs buried in Nevada and they went toward the closest food source; Welcome to Perfection!
   *Drew Hawkins
     I think they're from outerspace.  A egg was in a asteroid and it hit perfection about 300 years ago and so when it got hotter over that 300 years they hatched and started eating people.
   *Joel Oakes
    I believe that the graboids are from earth and that they evolved from the sigle celled orinisms during the precambrian era. They probably flourished until the great dinosaur extinction and were almost wiped out which would explain why their isn't many around. They might have stayed deep underground until the present. When life started forming on the surface of the desert they came up and started to feed on the inhabitants mainly people. When they turn into shriekers they try to multiply as much as they can to further expand the species. finally when they turn into ass blasters they earn the ability to fly so that they can transport the eggs far away from the area.
    *Mark Long
    In the movie, they say that the garboids could be snakes. But they could be worms too. In the series, it says that the government developed a chemical called MixMaster. It was used to combine different lifeforms to make one powerful being. The government could have taken a worm and a snake and mixed the genes with MixMaster. Then, it would make something like a Swake or whatever you want to call it. It also says that the town is near a radiation test site. It could have mutated the Swake (or whatever) to the Graboid.
    *David B.
    Well if you think about mythology over the years(MANY years) some of them match the graboid shriekers and A.B. 's. In South America, there are tales of an unknown creature called the "minhacao," sightings of which date to the 1840s. The minhacao is described as gigantic, up to 25 meters long. One report specifies that the creature has two horns (which might be a description of a Graboid's jaw parts or tentacles). According to the descriptions, the underground passage of the minhacao overturns trees, destroys orchards and diverts rivers. The creature is said to be a voracious predator that swallows cattle whole.The Greeks also feared another three-headed monster, the Chimera, believed to be a combination of dragon, goat and serpent. Were the horns of the Graboid's tentacles the inspiration for the goat portion of the creature, and the sinuous movements of Graboid tentacles mistaken for the twisting of serpents? Who Knows?
    My theory is tha a graboids went extnct millions of years ago but there were hundreds of eggs left over. At the begining of the Industrial revolution as the earth grew warmer the eggs began to develop until they finally began to hatch or the government found several eggs and put them in an incubator, and when the eggs hatched they took the graboids and genetically engineered them so that they could have eggs that could hatch in this temperature and in the early 1990's dropped some of them into Perfection Valley and watched them develop. Remember at the end of the origanal Tremors, the egg like
things in the intesines? My theory for that is that the grabids were getting close to changing into Shriekers. And what about there strange appearances in Tremors 3? I believe that in the time of the origanal Tremors at least one graboid changed into shriekers an hey didn't multiply then they turned into AssBlasters they layed there eggs and then they died. But what about the inccident at the oil field? My theory for that is that there were many graboid eggsin that area and what if there was an
explosion in that area over the eggs? The eggs would hatch and that woud start what I call, "The Great Graboid Hunt".
But then how did Graboids spread through-out the world? Well, just before the bomb Earl through into Burts truck went off several shreikers morphed into AssBlasters and barly escaped the explosion spreading through out the world. But what about the other eggs? I'm not quite sure, yet. I'll let you watch Tremors the Series and piece it together while I try.
    Now, considering all life on earth is carbon based, that we know of, I have an interesting idea... Let's say that these animals are made of silicon, then they would have evolved with carbon based animals. Now, silicon grows very slowly, a tree made of silicon would have to take 10'000 years to reach maturity. now, also assuming that these animals are made of silicone, then they would grow and reproduce slowly. A carbon based animal grows allot faster. so, if a graboid is killed, it's eggs take many years to hatch. So I think that carbon based animal slowly started to kill off the graboids (as we are doing with sharks, who only have about 2 pups in their lives). The graboids then tunneled under the ground and existed and evolved like that. then they very quickly started to mutate, the natural way to evolve. But only slightly. They then started to attack animals in quick lightning fast attack. Dinosaurs were probably their preferred meals. then, when the meteor hit in central America, they went dormant, and being silicon, survived for many years. Then they woke up, and became active. Finding that their preferred prey is gone, then they start to feed on humans. And that is where we are today.
    *Angie Pitts
    They are most likely precambrian-maybe a race of extraterrestial beings dumped them here on earth during it's early stages while they were still evolving. What I'm trying to say is , they could've started off as a genetic expierement from some race not too dissimilar from our own. Realizing that the genetic expierement wasn't worth time nor effort , they launched them into space. Assuming that the origin of the flawed samples came from a galaxy like our neighbor Andromeda , then it would've taken billions of years for it to have reached earth. Keep in mind that this is still approxiamtely two billion years before earth has formed-the ETA of these samples would then be two billion years after it was launched. So then it lands on this hot vat of boiling rock and alloy , a forming planet, the third from a yellow dwarf star. This is still before the earth has soldified and cooled down. The samples begin to intermix with the basic proteins in a genetic soup. These samples are a few billion years more evolved than the single-celled lifeforms that are beginning to form on this third rock from the sun , so they adapt to be ground dwellers-by the time the earth has cooled , they have become advance organisms , maturing and maturing until they reach the AB stage-the eggs are spread all over this evolving earth , and organisms formed by the natural process of evolution are devoured by these graboids , whom are mutating into shriekers and so on. It's just a case of mismatched genetic material and an orangisms adaptability to certain conditions in order for it to survive.
    *Matthew Gibson
    I guess that, after reading all of these posts and such and gathering all sorts of information from over the web, along with my own personal observations, I think that I have a pretty good theory for you.  Graboids are discovered to be the oldest living creature on the planet in Tremors 2.  The fossil is found in Precambrian rock.  Precambrian rock is rock that formed around three hundred million years ago.  Also this was a time long before there would have been anything for the graboids to survive on. I have looked at fossil records for 15 years (being an amateur paleontologist I do this allot) and I know for a fact that the only animals around at the time where only fish that where starting to come onto land.  Seeing how graboids are a desert animal, they would have most likely drowned trying to get the little fish.  I have to go with the theory introduced by Earl, that they are from outer space, and are not the oldest living animals on the planet.  Besides, I know several geologists, and I know that they can be confused from time to time, and they make mistakes.  I think that this is what might have happened in tremors 2, she made a mistake, and that the rock was not Precambrian.  The Idea that the graboids come from outer space would make it a much more interesting film, and story for that matter.  Now graboids are unlike anything that has ever lived on the planet.  They are massive worms that reach at least thirty feet in length.  The also have a hard beak and lower jaws, which is completely unheard of in invertebrates such as worms, slugs, snails, and so on.  Also, and most importantly, the tentacles that come out of the mouth.  No other worm in the world has this, and if you look closely enough at them, you can see that the smaller tentacles also have mouths, with teeth.  They also make their own sounds and screeches, which then suggests that they have their own throats as well.  Nothing on this planet that formed naturally has this adaptation.  To me everything about the graboid screams Alien.  The most likely could have been placed on the planet by another race as an experiment, to see if they would survive on this planet, could be that they where placed here as a sort of protection program.  I doubt that we will learn this secret to why they are here, and how they got here, but I am sure of one thing, that they are definitely not from the planet earth.
    *Slammin Sammy from Indiany
    If you ask me I think that Graboids were way down in the ground near the core. Then when people came they came up and ate people, that’s why people got lost and stuff in the dessert. Then after a while they turned into shriekers, so they could protect them selves even easier. Then they turned into ass blasters to protect its self and egg by being able to fly. And then the next evolution will be what ever.
    *Ryan Tracey