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...Faye Wong

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I think that most of you reading this already know who Faye Wong is, so I'm not gonna waste your time and tell you about her. There are 2 main reasons: One, you probably know more about her than I do. Two, it'll just sound exactly the same as any other Faye sites. What I am going to tell you is...well, read on!

First of all, I think her music is great! Although she re-sang a lot of other singers', groups' songs, she has now found her own style of music. In her "Impatient - 浮躁" album, she has proved herself. Who, in Chinese pop music history, has composed 8 out of 10 songs in their own album that truly stands out from the other artists? Even though a couple of the songs were instrumental (oh, how I miss her voice when i listen to these) they are perfectly fitted into the album. THIS is the music of Faye Wong. Unfortunately, Faye has not been composing much of her songs in her recent albums, but she has definitely chosen music and lyric writers that accurately exemplify her style. =)

Here's a list of my favourites (there's no order of preference):

If you haven't gotten Faye's new album, go to the nearest CD store and get it, NOW! It's awesome. My favourite song is "Fly", track 5. It's so touching...I even translated it...although it's not that good...but here it goes:


The bird on the rooftop
Is it you?
The white clouds flying in the sky
Must be you

Because I know
You enjoy
You embrace freedom
Because I know
You can't bear to leave me

Looking at the sunset during dusk
Makes me think of you
Did you see my striving?
(Did you receive my yearning heart?)

Don't worry
I will take care of myself
Don't worry
I will think of you forever
Don't worry for me
Don't worry
Fly freely
Don't worry for me
Don't worry
Fly freely

Wasn't that great??