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*RuStY's PaGe*

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Hey Dudes and dudetts, my name is Dan but you can call me Rusty. Right now I am changing my pages, it's about time right*L*? Well for those of you who have read my old home page, I have changed drastically. It's been about a year now I think. It is now the summer and I have about 3 weeks until the school year begins. This year is the most important year to have fun. If you don't know what I'm about to say it's kind of obvious, I'm a friggin SENIOR BABY!!! This is the year where you have fun and then say your good byes. I'm freaked out already but it's going to be great. Major parties, many girls, well maybe :), many friends, new experiences, new feelings, more changes and the whole shabang. Well as I said before I have changed a lot. I'm not playing football any more, I kind of lost interest in the sport. But I still mountain bike, and I took up a new hobbie, surfing. This summer I went down to the east coast into Deleware and Maryland and learned how to surf at a surf camp called surf sessions. Let me tell ya if there's a better feeling than sex it's the feeling of catching you first wave and riding it all the way back to shoreline. Surfing lets me get away from anything. So if you have a girl problem or are just sick and tired of where you live than my advice is to go surfing. You can't explain the feeling, you can just sit there and remember it and charish it for ever. For the people who want to know how I look like my stats are:I'm 5'10, dark brown hair, brown eyes, very tanned skin, 140 lbs, lean and 17 years old about to be 18. I have this deal with my friend Matan, "Tanny", that when he turns 18 I'll go with him to get his tatoo and he'll go with me to get my tatoo. It's so close, I can't wait to do it. Ummmmm I still crave music, it's like 10% of my life *L*. I listen to just about any type of music except country and opera, can't stand those two. I don't have definite plans of what college I'm going to or what I'm doing after high school but I figure why rush, something will come for me. That's basically it, I mean I could mumble on about my life but I'd rather not and I'm sure viewers like you really don't care *L*. But I do have some great advice to share with people around my age. Most teenagers don't find out who they are and actually feel comfortable with them selves until it's a little over due. Please try to do that, it helps a lot with the direction you want to go in life. Also, in high school unless you meet the girl of your dreams literally and you both know what you want, don't get caught up in a long relationship unless you really feel that way and the feeling's mutual with her too. Instead have fun with your opposite sex, but treat them with respect and the way you would want to be treated. And if you are dealing with the word LOVE think about it for a long time. Don't abuse the word or use it even with your girlfriend or boyfriend without thinking a lot and know what you might be getting into. But if you know and you can't get her or him out of your mind then go for it. Oh and one more piece of advice start SURFING!!! I'd like to say HI to all my friends. First off hi to Kelly (Sondra) where ever she is, to Chewie (Matt), to Nike or Zorro and Batman (Jon) keep growing, to little GermGerm (Jeremy;Jon's brother), to Surfman33 (Bryan)I leave the "Pumkinseed" to you I don't want it*L*, to Jeff calm down on the "chucks Dude", to Milissa Hall (all I've got to say to her is DAAAAAAAAMMMMB baby, I will deffinetely call you befor you leave *L*), to the "paper stealer" (Heather) would you get on and chat!, to Brad the man at lacross, to Anna Bishop (who doesn't keep in touch well), to Ryn (Ryan)she is hot you guys go to her page, to Blue (Lyndsey) this one goes out to you , to Carrot who's back in Sweden now (Linn), to Fishgirl (Emily), and to all my other friends out there, I'll write you down sometime on my "HI" list! And remember everyone to e-mail me about anything , especialy for GOOD comments about this page Please keep coming back to this page, I need you to do that because it'll keep my page running, other wise it will get deleted! Oh and I'd like to say hi to Sarah(very sweet friend of mine), to my "2 minute" friend Straps *L*, to Genie(Becky) my favorite nature girl *I'm only joking*, to Melissa my Latte companion, to Robin where ever you are, Zach and his "log", to Matan "Mac&Cheese Boy", to Jayme "Schned" it's about time, to my other friend Rebecca "candy girl", to Greig "shippY", to Derek "Sabb man" and is still having a great time with Sarah, to Abbey......ahhhhhhhh.......oh I mean, someone very special to me and my "TOP GUN BUDDY", to Lindsay my best friend as a girl(As I always say *L*) try to stay off Tom S. for a while *LOL*, to Mac I met him in Deleware when I went to surf camp there, he's a good friend now "Macadilion", to Brett Bucheler the director of surf sessions a great guy(if you ever get the chance to met him ask him to tell you the gay guy story), to Paul one of the surf counselors at the camp he's so narly dude "You are so cool man" and the best bodyboarder in Maryland, to Brandon the other surf counselor there who needs to stop the roid rages hahahaha I'm only kidding, to Baptise one of the best surfers in Maryland and a great bodyborder, to Jake the funniest 6 year old I've ever seen and a future pro surfer, to Caleb the 4 year old who helped me and Mac get the beach girls(he's a babe magnet).
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