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Spiritual Quest


I consider my relationship with God to be the most important relationship in my life. Clearly, I frequently fail miserably to reflect the love our creator has provided for us all. However, despite my failings I keep trying with the help of my fellow travelers.
I am a Christian and feel that humankind can only find salvation through a relationship with Jesus Christ. The tradition I have found to be most comfortable for me is the Episcopal Church
On the local level, I am a member of St.Paul's Episcopal Church. I serve in the Choir, and at the altar as a Lay Eucharistic Minister. I work to welcome guests via the "Bread Ministry" and try to help out whenever I can.
I have just finished my first year of Deacon Formation School in the Episcopal Diocese of Albany as a Postulant. The course takes two years to complete and after it is completed will be eligible to be Ordained Deacon by our Bishop. I have also completed one of four years theological training in Education For Ministry (EFM) program This is an actual academic course and addresses a need I have had to study the Bible in a formal and systematic way.
I should also mention that I love the great Deacon St. Francis and seek to meet others of similar interest. Third Order of Saint Francis is a group of Lay people seeking to establish a Franciscan rule in their lives. Check my news page to see how my affiliation is progressing.


