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The Poetry Corner

"Sonnet No. 4" Jenni Ornellas

May my world hold your heart in its strong grasp
And now possess your soul with thoughts of me.
May summers keep you safely in your clasp
Infusing every moment's majesty;
When seasons pass you parting tree from leaf
And springtime's winged messengers take height
And autumns come to steal away belief
Then find me here, through winter's dismal height.
And though you fence yourself in from the cold,
From snows and feezing, overwhelming life
So destined to grow prematurely old,
So willing to stay suffering in strife;
When winter bids you overdue farewell,
Return to me and let it wish you well.

"Old Warrior's Trail" Jenni Ornellas
down i go
where the nightshade winds itself
around the trees
where the river runs round
mysterious green islands
the wind blows noisy here
walking ancient blackberry buttercup trails
send a silent prayer to the sun
cry loud to the skies
down i go
climbing where the water meets
the place we always loved to go
where the rocks poke out of
sparkling mirror streams
winged wonders make this home
civilization nothing more than
bridges overhead
towering triumphant
down i go
to that second world we made
never knowing just how much it offered

Untitled by Kate Buenau
I write a thousand words
Cry a hundred tears
Smile five times
As if I could fake it.
Look at me
this past year
got a little thinner
got a little bolder
yet words I don't say
grow ever so much larger
little do you know
you don't care anyway
If I was gone tomorrow
would you notice
the gap I left?
So much smaller
than the hole you're tearing
out of my life
I sit tensely
writing fickle poetry
Never quite sure what I want
from this life
Have so much hope
but no conviction
Where is my strength now?
Don't talk
Can't speak to anyone
Keep it inside
Or paint it into
Bad poetry
that no one else reads, but me
Cramp my hand
Digging words deep into
the paper with a dull pencil
I say
That I might know the answers
But I can't see
truth is spelled in front of me
Where is my honesty?
Lie and say
Oh doing just fine
I've been happy
Can't you see?
I write a thousand words
Cry a hundred tears
And smile five times
as if I could fake it.

"eulogy" by Emily Blosser
All hail you in all your glory,
you who were unafraid
to break your own heart
for me.

here's to you
the one who dared to venture
into the deepest depths of sin
with me

all hail you
this one who gave
everything your life was reaching towards and more
to me.

and here's to us,
what we had & didn't have,
what we did & didn't do
everything we dared to imagine.

all hail that hot Friday,
where emotion exploded
into being so real,
not even we could stop it.

here's to the star-crossed lovers
whom we understand so well
because we lived their stories
in eachother.

A first poem by Tahmina Ansari!!!!
Through its lullaby of softly falling raindrops
It pleads with me to watch it
To see them frolic about
happily to the tune of the wind

They dance Knowing nothing, yet knowing all
Questioning nothing, yet questioning all
Revealing nothing, yet revealing all
Appearing so innocent

They call to me softly, sweetly, enticingly
To join them
In their joyous dance of love

How I long to be with them
To join in their lively dance
To be like them
Animated, energetic, beautiful
Yet I cannot

For the glass paned doors that were constructed
To protect me, shelter me, save me
Only allow me to watch the beautiful dance
In envy.

"Michael" by Kate Buenau
I don't know you.
You do not know me.
You lived thousands of miles away
yet we are linked.

Your death shook me
though I never heard your voice
I grieved for you
though I never saw your smile.

You were my best friend's
You may not have known how much
you meant to her.

Do not leave her
although you are gone.
Speak to her
in her dreams
Sing her to sleep.
Quiet the tears
I can do nothing about.
Soften the pain
of losing somebody
Protect her
when she is alone
Give her a chance
to say goodbye.

She always thought
she would see you again.
Can you see her crying?
Are you there?

If you are an angel now
Sing her to sleep.

"a dedication of friendship" by Jenni Ornellas
clinging to tendrils of love
in a world which doles out affections
bestowing joy upon the least worthy
as you
glorious you
snatch up fragments and leftovers
clasping them tightly
till a vengeful heart tears them away
as you
glorious you
startle easily while it all disappears
swirling into that unjust abyss
of trembly fears and triumphant tears
as you
glorious you
go about manufacturing happiness
for unworthy souls to share
grabbing up every drop
but leaving something behind.

Untitled by Lil O'Donnell
Lost in reaching
Lost in despair
Searching for something I can not gain
Confronted in the midst of sorrow
I await my death with open arms
Locked in gates of my denial
I wear a smile to veil the hurt.
I wander in star filled valleys
Lifting grazed thoughts to the sky
I can not forget
What I bear
A shade of dark emotions
Drawn over my aching eyes
Never will it cease I know
Agony I will follow
Pacing around and around
Spinning until
I will be discontinued
Not wanted anymore.

Untitled by Emily Blosser
No man is an island
but I am a woman
hear my screams
shouting jubilation to the sun
in ultimate glorious solitude
here I wait
transfigured by a spell of my own thoughts
for the coming downpour
from the heavy clouds
I cling to my aloneness
embracing the rain
hear my serenade
singing ballads to the clouds
here I remain.

"Lullaby" by Emily Blosser
good night
pleasant dreams to you
may your fancies reach for me
across a chasm bridged by our love

sleep well
snuggled deep in your bed
may the stars guide your dreams
to my sleepy eyes

look up at the sky
shining a million diamond suns
from billions of miles away
and remember
we are so much closer

reach out to me
as I reach out to you
and we touch
from a distance of
a hundred miles or so

listen quietly
I am singing you a lullaby
across the heavens
and praying
it may soothe you to slumber

Sweet dreams my love
I am dreaming of you
and we may dream together

"flute" by Emily Blosser
a sound flies out
guided through silver hallways
on angels' wings.

"straw wrappers" by Emily Blosser
i tore the thin strip of paper carefully
the knot came undone, and i knew
you were with me at that moment.
For an instant my eyes filled with tears;
then I smiled, remembering your love
as I drained my cup of warm coffee
revitalized, I put the paper in my wallet
and walked home.