
these were updated on 3.03.01

" so how did your dad feel about the war in yogoslavia" - my dad to jim at dinner

" my girlfriends name is 5 finger sally" - willy

" hes gone to the reading rainbow room" - finny about lydon

" you said you were gonna play division 1 football for monmouth...you are such a liar...monmouth doesnt have division 1 football and you dont play football" - nick yelling at ly ly

" dont let girls into your dorm room victor, girls that come into your dorm room are loose" - my mom

" do whales shet in the ocean!!" - dad

" theres something about that kid that makes me feel weird" - steph gage, "yeah me too" - me, " its his voice, it sounds like this kid i liked once and everytime i hear it i just cringe" - steph, "oh i was gonna say it was his posture, but i guess i was way off" - me

" she looks pregnant" - jim and will

" erin can i take 2 bottles of water for me and mr. holst" - mr st.pierre "sure" - me, " can i take some candy too?" - pierre " take whatever you want" - me, " i have to have my candy cos im so sweet" - pierre

" sorry i didnt do the homework, i had model un over the weekend" - me, " oh yeah, everyones been getting sick, i just had a chin infection too"- dragonette

"here erin, take this and look it over" - mr. dolan (mr. dolan hands erin a book about the united negro college fund association)

"cheeks you better not sleep, because i will pillage your buns" - jim at boot night 1

"oh i thought it was one of my honeys" - craig when mikey gave him the phone at boot night 2

" i need my keys cos me and bill are gonna go walk to my house for something" - nick, " why nick? you cant even find your house in the daytime, in a car with you driving, and sober, so how do you expect to find it now?" - me

" this is me really mad at you" - steph and danny

" if bill isnt gay, then who are we waiting for?" - finney, " shes gay!!" - the rest of the guys,

"Never Wrestle with a pig, you both get dirty, and the pig likes it!" - me on mikeys info

"Boy look at all that sweet ass over there. Go get yourself some sweet ass boy....Whats wrong with the way I'm talking? I'm just tring to get my 12 year old son some sweet ass." - Redneck from O.C. Park (July 1, 2000)

"Fudanga Boonga" - jimmy

" hes a peacock" - dad

" i thought the whole point of prom was to get laid" - cheeks

***theres more to come****