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Dr.Thomas M.Kottoor

This is my Home page...Thank you for visiting. I appreciate that.

God has given me lots of graces. For all that has been THANKS. For all that will be..YES.

I am basically people oriented and enjoy friendships,fun,crowd etc. I always wanted to become a psychologist. Yes ,I am that now. Would you like to know about the "crazy" things,I have done....

A Doctorate in Moral Theology from Rome.

Masters Degree in Psychology from St.John's University,New York.

M.Phil Degree in Rehabilitation Psychology from M.G.University,India.

Senior Lecturer in Psychology at B.C.M.College,Kottayam, India (l985-l997)

Now I am on leave from the College teaching and live in New York

I have published five books in Malayalam and one in English. Several Articles in English and Malayalam are there to my credit.


Psychology of G.W.Allport and its Theological Relevance-1983

Samthrupta Jeevitham (Psychology)1983

Yuvajanangalkkoru Manashastra Guide-1992 (Psychology-self help) This Book won a Best Youth Book Award.

Samrudhamaya Jeevan-l997(Theology)

Manasastram Jeevithavijayathinu-1997(Psychology-self help) This Book was a Best Seller.

Nilavilninnu Ethiyvar-1997(short stories)

Our KOTTOOR family history - Kudumba Vallari - was edited and published by me.


The Attitude and Adjustment of the Cartakers of the Aged(l994) M.Phil Degree Dissertation, (unpublished)School of Behavioural Sciences, M.G.University,Kottayam.

Disruption of attention and PK-Task Performance(1988) in The Creative Psychologist:1,1,16-19.

Education of Disabled Children(1989)in New Frontiers in Education XIX,1,16-19.

Recognition of Faces by Adults(l989) in Psychological Studies,34,2,103-106.

Female Infanticide-A Psychological Analysis(1990)Vikasini,3,8,20-23.

Gandhi and the Resolution of Intra-personal Conflicts(1990) in Gandhi Marg,12,1.

"Ask the Psychologist" column in different magazines.

I also have presentations and speeches in Psychology and Theology Meetings.

I always wanted to make a link between psychological health and spirituality. Be human,be holy. The holiness of a person should be founded on humanness. To love and being loved is the key to psychological health.

I was the founding Director of the Caritas Psychological Services in Kottayam,Kerala.

Everybody should live this life FULLY. I consider this as my mission to make people aware of that.

I enjoy reading,travelling,watching movies, keeping in touch with friends etc. Journalism and Criminology are my favourite subjects after psychology.

As a priest,I am the happiest,as a teacher I am at my best.

We have to enjoy the life God has given us with out clinging to it. Do your Karma..

Smile a lot, do not judge anybody, appreciate the goodness in each person.

With our presence in this world, let us make it a better place. Good Luck...

My Favorite Links

Father Kottoor's personal home page
K.T.Mathew & Aleykutty Kottoor,Kidangoor,Kerala
KOTTOOR family from Knanaya Community
Bibliography on Knanaya Community
Counselling & Guidance
