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Welcome to my...


Hello apprentice, and welcome to the Tower of High Sorcery.
This is a place of great magical power. Lining its walls in the uppermost chamber, my laboratory, are the spellbooks of the great Fistandantilus, many other spellbooks that I came across in my lifetime, and even my own works. This is the source of some of the greatest magic in Krynn. Here you will hopefully be enlightened on the many aspects of the World of Krynn. You will learn many things, unless of course, you are so bold to claim you know them all. You will be shown the places that you can find the stories about my adventures with my friends, and also my battles that I fought alone to accomplish what I set out to do when I was just a child learning simple spells. That which I seeked to accomplish was to become "the master of past and present", and finally, the greatest archmage of all time. That I did. It was not easy, however, as you will find out.

My apprentice Dalamar is here to show you to the different parts of the tower, he will try to answer all of your questions. If he cannot, seek me out in the Chat Room. I will hopefully be there to answer you questions.

This place is where you will find many of your DragonLance friends, it would be interesting to find out just how many there are out there, but that would be a waste of my powers to find out that insignificant piece of information. Feel free to enter the Forum and tell me what you think about certain questions that have been posted there, and feel free to post some yourself. I consider other people's opinions as important. It helps to know what friends and foes alike are thinking, don't you agree? Also, sign the Tower's Guestbook. That way I know who you are and may be able to contact you again if need be. And of course, enter the Chat Room so we may discuss things, person to person. Thank you for coming, and I hope your stay enlightens you and puts you on the proper path of magic. There are many blessings that magic holds out to you, but you alone must take hold of them.

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DALAMAR- "To go to a different room, use the QuickNav Portal"


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