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June 14

Hi everybody. I now have a Mamemon and a Betamon. There's another contest I'm making, and it's for a game. I like it, but you may not. I don't know, try it out. It's Pacific Air War 1942 Gold, and you're in command of planes and ships. You can be Japanese or American. The first one to e-mail me gets the game and its components. I'm really ticked off. DigiMon 2's out everywhere but where I live, NYC. It's VERY annoying. I think I'll update the cheats page today. Maybe I'll even make a Numemon page if I get a chance. My DigiMon 2 site is updated and has the growth process for it. Well, that's all. Bye!

June 18

Nobody e-mailed me for the game, so I'd assume nobody is into WWII air combat kinda stuff. I stuck in a Simpsons midi, though. Anyway, I now have a Meramon that's not gonna morph and a Mamemon. The problem was Mera's vicotry ratio is 14%, because Mame kept defeating him. Does anybody know a good place in NYC for a drum set? I've been wanting one for a year, and the one place I went to priced the drums at $500. Even for drums, that's way too expensive. Oh well, bye.

Welcome to the DigiMon realm. A DigiMon is a virtual pet that can be linked to another DigiMon to fight it. It is the first virtual pet to be able to do that. The victorious DigiMon will have its victory ratio increased. The better the ratio, the happier it will be and the stronger.

My Almost Finished DigiMon 2 Page

The way it grows is as follows: An egg is formed
It hatches and a baby called a Botamon comes out. Botamons only stay Botamons for about 45 minutes.
Next, it loses its baby hair and becomes a fresh DigiMon called a Koromon.
The next stage it grows legs and can form two types of DigiMons: An Agumon, which is basically a little dinosaur. It shoots fireballs. Or a Betamon, an amphibian like animal. It shoots 2000 volts of electricity.
After the Agumon or Betamon, it can change into many other Digimons. They are as follows:
1. Greymon
2. Tyrannomon
3. Meramon
4. Numemon
5. Darkmon
6. Seadramon
7. Airdramon
The final stage for all DigiMons can be three types. It can be a Metal Greymon, a Mamemon, or a teddymon.
A Metal Greymon is the result of a well cared for DigiMon that has fought 15 or over battles and was victorious at least 10 times. Half of it is mechanized. It shoots missiles.
A Mamemon is a very small DigiMon but the 2nd most powerful. Its hands are bombs, and it uses them to attack other DigiMons in battle.
Finally, the Teddymon is a DigiMon in a teddy bear suit. It us the most powerful DigiMon. Your DigiMon will only turn into a Teddymon if it is a Numemon first. It shoots hearts from its eyes. There are a few cheats to get the Teddymon, too.

I moved my personal information to this page. I have two DigiMons. Both of them are out of batteries at this time, but by tomorrow they'll be working.

Well, that's all for now. If you want to go to my DigiMon chat, click here! Or you want to join my Webring, click here! Bye!

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I last updated this page on June 18.

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DigiMania Message Board
The DigiMon Webring Site: If You Would Like To Join The DigiMon Webring, Go Here
The DigiMon 200k Club
You're A Cheater: Some Cheat Codes
The Ultimate DigiMon: A Great DigiMon Site
The DigiMon Shrine: Such A Great DigiMon Site It Will Leave You Speechless
The Mon Man's DigiMon Place: A Great DigiMon Sie That Has Everything You Have Ever Wished For
Digiwerld - The Original DigiMon RPG
DigiMon Pictures: My DigiMon Pics Page
My Chat: Talk About DigiMons Here
The Ultimate DigiMon: This Site Has The Best Cheats Page Ever

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