Vay Save at any point: Highlight the "Status" option on the main menu. Hold Start + Down/Left. Quickly press A when the cursor jumps to the previously unavailable "Save" option. Vay Sega CD Version 3.0 Made by Arrawnt aka Cass Bisping E-Mail: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vay Perfect Guide ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This guide is copyrighted to me, Arrawnt, it may not be reproduced in any way without my consent. If you want it on your site e-mail me. Version 1.0-5/09/00-Finished! Version .4-5/05/00-Kerzalt and Penan covered. Version .3-5/02/00-Sections VII,VIII,IX completed, Lorath covered. Version .1-5/01/00-Sections I,II,III, and V finished. Table of Contents: I. Introduction/Story II. Controls III. Characters IV. Walkthrough V. Magic VI. Weapons/Armor/Items VII. Shop List VIII. Bestiary IX. Tips ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I. Introduction/Story ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It came from space more than a millenium before. Two tons of advanced technology, programmed only for destruction. The five mightiest wizards of the land joined forces and drew away the power of the battle machine, dividing the power into five orbs and sealing the armor away from humanity. Now, the Danek Empire has partially duplicated the fearsome mechanized technology, creating a deadly armor of metal warriors programmed for world domination. The only hope for salvation is to find the legendary orbs and restore power to the armor that nearly destroyed the planet more than 1000 years before. At last the day had arrived! Prince Sandor and Lady Elin would exchange vows before the most important dignitaries of the four kingdoms. Thus, the power and prominence of the Kingdom of Lorath would be confirmed for another generation. However, the young prince was to have a rude awakening. With power comes responsibility, and Prince Sandor was soon to learn that the hard way. For you see, as the wedding ceremony advanced, the bloodthirsty Danek Empire was about to execute a ruthless surprise on Lorath using mechanized technology never before seen. As they spoke their wedding vows, the silence of the cathedral was shattered by the sounds of light energy ripping mortar apart. Prince Sandor was knocked unconscious, and Lady Elin was captured by the Danek Army. Where did these enemy warriors come from? Legends of old spoke of a fierce mechanical warrior that resembled these units, but that been sealed for over a millenium, and it was only one. Danek had assembled thousands of mechanized warriors! Sandor was soon to discover that his only hope for recovering his bride and stopping the insane advance of the Danek Empire was to find the five orbs the Magicians of Sealing created to seal the Legendary Armor of Vay. But, will the Armor save his world, or destroy it forever? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ II. Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D-pad: Moves Sandor A button: Speak to characters, select menu items and commands, hold to run B button: Use to open command menu, cancels commands C button: Same as A button, run option not available Start button: Start's game, zooms out on world map Basics: When a certain EXP level is reached, the character's level will increase, the player will be rewarded in gains of HP/MP and statistics, and possibly a new spell. Upon reaching a higher level, HP/MP will be restored. Status Ailments: Poison-Character loses 10 HP per turn Frez-Character cannot be used until effects wear off Ston-Character turns to stone Conf-The character becomes confused and may attack other members Slep-Character falls asleep Mute-Magic cannot be used *All status ailments can be cured with a Mandacore Commands Attack-Attacks enemy Magic-Allows you to cast a spell Defend-Decreases damage from enemy attacks AI-Computer fights for you (This option sucks, stay away) Item-Use items in your inventory Run-Escape from battle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ III. Characters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sandor A savage attack on his father's kingdom and the kidnapping of the lovely Lady Elin throws him headlong into a quest that will take him from the depths of Magmal to the heights of the bloodthirsty Danek Empire. Is he prepared to pay the price of world salvation? Pottle This hyper-enthusiastic bundle of energy is a serious disciple of the wise man Otto. His years of studying under Master Otto have given knowledge on a wide range of useful subjects, but he has a habit of speaking first and thinking later that Otto has yet to break. Don't let his size fool you, he is a powerful warrior with good magic abilities. Rachel This leather-clad mercenary loves nothing more than to be in the thick of battle. A talented fighter with limited magic abilities, she makes her living fighting for hire. While not under contract, she practices her deadly skills on legendary monsters. P.J. Prudence Jurissa, although being quite young, is quite a powerful magician. Her magical powers could come in handy on Sandor's quest. In fact, if he's not careful, Sandor may just become her first love! Lynx This mysterious bard loves hosting good old-fashioned sing-alongs. Unfortunately, he sings like a half-dead grogg. Fortunately, he is quite talented with his blade and his magic power is well developed. Now, will he join your quest, or just sing about it? Kinsey She commands the Pirates of Exeter village. Never underestimate this woman, she is probably the toughest warrior you'll ever meet. Just wait until you can see what she can do with that whip! Ooh, hurts so good! Jeal (Unplayable character) As ruler of the Danek Empire, his single-minded ambition is conquest of the world. The Vay Armor is the key to his plan, and his forces seek it relentlessly. But, is he a pawn in a much larger game? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IV. Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Index A.Lorath 1. Meet Otto 2. Liberate Gilan 3. Magmal Isle B.Kerzalt 1. A Windy Tale 2. The Last Dragon 3. Of Water and Warriors C.Penan 1. You Maytake this 2. Treefall Liberation D.Marwick 1. The Vay Armor 2. Pirates! E.Bonarren and Danek 1. The Charnel 2. The Dark Castle F.Draktyr 1. Air Castle 2. Finale ________ A.Lorath 1. Meet Otto Lorath Castle-Rec. Level=1 You begin the game in a ruined corridor in Lorath Castle. There is a hidden passage along the right wall that leads to three chests containing a Long Sword, 1500 GP, and a Phoenix Heart. Talk to the people in the throne room, who will tell you to meet Otto, and leave the castle. Head south to Jeffle. Treasue List: Long Sword, 1500 GP, Phoenix Heart(Hidden Room) Jeffle-Rec. Level=3 Enter the town and recover if necessary, purchase some Herbal Extracts from the item shop and talk to the townspeople. There is a secret passage in the upper right wall of the Tavern. When you're ready leave town and head south to Pauth Cave. Treasure List: Leather Band, Herbal Extract x2, Jelignite, Bronze Sword, Leather Shield, exit stone. Pauth Cave-Rec. Level=4 Head straight on floor 1 and take the steps to floor B1. Head straight to floor B2. The first set of stairs lead to a dead end. The quickest path through this floor is to take the first right and follow that path until you can go right once more. At the lower right is the path to floor B3, there are three passages to the top, the left and right lead to a Herbal Extract and Quilted Tunic respectively. On floor B3, head up until you reach the stairs, take these and you meet Otto. The first path to the right on floor B3 eventually leads to a Smoke Screen. Pottle joins the party. Leave the cave and head west to Smythe. Treasure List: Herbal Extract, Quilted Tunic, Smoke Screen 2. Liberate Gilan Smythe-Rec. Level=6 Upgrade your equipment and then leave town, head west to Gilan. Treasure List: - Gilan Enter the fortress and you hear a conversation between Danek soldiers, Pottle will tell you of another path. The north building has a Circlet. Leave and return to Smythe Treasure List: Circlet Smythe Revisited-Rec. Level=6 Talk to everyone in town, then head to the graveyard, search the tombstone on the right in the middle row to uncover a secret passage. Enter the passage(duh!). Tunnel to Gilan-Rec. Level 7-8 Go up and grab the chests containing a Silver Knife and 367 GP. I'd give the Silver Knife to Pottle so that he can do respectable damage to the undead enemies. Conserve your MP for now. If you haven't already done so, I'd advise you to advance Sandor to level 8 and Pottle to level 7. Follow the one-way path, you really can't get lost, and grab the Strange Brew at the end of the tunnel. Take the stairs to.. Treasure List: Silver Knife, 367 GP, Strange Brew Gilan Revisited-Rec. Level 7-8 Follow the path and you encounter Sadoul, he departs, but leaves a Supermantis for you to fight. Boss:SuperMantis 800 HP Have Pottle use Flame, and have Sandor attack, use Balm or an Herbal Extract when necesarry, you shouldn't have much trouble. With his defeat, the fortress is liberated. From the main room take the left or right door to a room with a Gnome Sand, take the middle door to get 500 GP and a Strange Brew. On the West side of Gilan are the shops, upgrade your weapons and then head West to Coryan. Treasure List: Gnome Sand, 500 GP, Strange Brew 3. Magmal Isle Coryan Rec. Level=8-9 Upgrade your weapons and talk to everyone, especially the girl at the docks. Buy three filtration masks. Leave town and head North to Droust Cave. Treasure List: - Droust Cave Rec. Level=10 Head up on floor 1 to floor 2, on this floor you see Rachel losing against a Night Gaunt, you automatically jump in fight and it. Once it's dead (just use flame), Rachel joins the party. Her armor is kinda crappy, and you'll probably want her equipped with a Battle Axe as well. Once you're satisfied with her proceed forward. In the next room there are two holes and a set of stairs, take the right hole to a Iron Wrist, then take the stairs to floor 3. Floor 3 has seven rooms to enter and stairs in the top right corner, the middle set of rooms lead to Strange Brew (left room) and a Circlet (right room). The far left hole on the top row leads to a Exit Stone, Mandacore, and a Suede Tunic, the far right hole leads to 400 GP. Take the stairs up when you're ready. On floor 4 just go up to exit the cave. Treasure List-Iron Wrist, Strange Brew, Circlet, Exit Stone, Mandacore, Suede Tunic, 400 GP. Windspur Rec. Level=11 Go North to Windspur tower. The tower first floor has 4 doors, the left leads to a Static Sling, the right to a Bashy's Flute, and the lower center to the next floor. On floor 2, head down to a room with a Sirufa's Kiss, then head up to the stairs to floor 3. On floor 3, head down to the next stairs up. On floor 4 just go straight up. Floor 5 has chests with a Bronze Shield and Gnome Sand, take these and enter the door. On floor 6 make sure everyone has Filtration Masks equipped, then go upstairs and meet Sirufa. She'll send you to Magmal Isle. Treasure List-Static Sling, Bashy's Flute, Sirufa's Kiss, Bronze Shield, Gnome Sand Magmal Isle Rec. Level=12 Take the ship if you wish to return to Coryan, otherwise enter the cave. Upon entering you are presented with 2 staircases, take the left one to a chest with a Mandacore. Then go back and enter the right staircases to advance. Straight up and slightly right are a pair of chests with a Smoke Screen and Battle Axe, go right and up to the stairs to the next floor. On floor B2 just go straight up to floor B3. Go down the first bridge, and then across the right bridge to a Strange Brew, go back and take the southern bridge, go left and take the bridge up to a Static Sling, finally go straight down to the next floor. Cross both bridges to get a Sirufa's Kiss, then return to the door in the center, save your game and enter. Boss: Elemental Just have Pottle use Fire/Blaze, Sandor and Rachel should attack with their battle axes or heal with Herbal Extracts when necesarry, Elemental's nastiest attack is a Malybu spell which will damage all characters for around 40-60, make sure you heal up after that and you'll be fine. Once he dies you get the first orb and exit automatically. Treasue List: Mandacore, Static Sling, Battle Axe, Smoke Screen, Strange Brew, Sirufa's Kiss, Orb of Earth. Lorath Castle Rec. Level=12 A soldier asks you to return to Lorath, trek all the way back and talk to Otto, then head to Coryan and take ship to Shadhook. Treasure List: - _______ Kerzalt 1. A Windy Tale Shadhook Rec. Level=12 Upgrade your armor and weapons yadda yadda yadda, and begin stocking up Herbal Extracts. Leave town and head East to Kerzalt Castle, building up to Level 14 or so on the way. Treasure List: - Kerzalt Rec. Level=14 Keep going up until you reach the king, P.J. joins your party, the left and right towers each have 3 treasure chests. Leave the castle and head south to Hayhill. Treasure List: Herbal Extract, Long Bow, Iron Wrist, Jelignite, Silver Knife, 2000 GP Hayhill Rec. Level=15 Upgrade everyone's gear here, most importantly Sandor and Rachel with Silver Axes. When you're ready and hopefully a little stronger head West to Raxaal Cave. Treasure List: - Raxaal Cave Rec. Level=17 Build up to level 17 fighting the undead in the first few rooms. On floor 1 just head right and go down the stairs. There are three set of stairs leading downward, the right leads to a Thor's shield (equip it on Sandor) and a Silver Axe. The left leads to a Smoke Screen and the center leads toward the end. When you arrive on Floor B3 head into the first stairs to go to a room with a Angel's Cross and Scaled Tunic. Go back out and go farther south in floor B3 to the next steps. Follow the path to a door, save your game and proceed forward to a coffin, it opens and you fight… Boss: Vampyr Bosses aren't too bad now that you have four characters. Most importantly, P.J. and Pottle should cast Blaze, with Sandor and Rachel healing with Balm/Herbal Extracts and attacking when you get a chance. With the undead dead, the Vizier of Xaal is yours, return to Hayhill and heal up. Treasure List: Smoke Screen, Thor's Shield, Silver Axe, Angel's Cross, Scaled Tunic, Vizier of Xaal. Mt. Bole Rec. Level=20 Head south from Hayhill to Mt. Bole. The upper right corner has a smoke screen, go to the upper left corner to find a high staircase, the Vizier of Xaal will be used and you end up on floor 2. The path up is on the right, the lower left corner has a Mandacore and the lower right corner has a Fire Bomb and Sirufa's Kiss. On floor 3, follow the path around and take the first set of stairs to a Sprite Ribbon and Elf's Hat. Go back down and take the next stairs to the right. On floor 5, the go to the lower center of the floor to advance. Save your game on floor 6 and try to take the Orb of Wind, a fight with Krager's Wind ensues. Boss: Krager's Wind This boss is mega-boring, no matter what, it always takes like 20 minutes to beat. Magic Spells generally do less than 40 damage, and Sandor and Rachel's attack only do 45 or so. At 4000 HP, you're in for a long battle. The main attackers should of course be Sandor and Rachel, with P.J. and Pottle taking care of any needed healing, if the elemental uses an attack all spell, it's wise to have all characters heal and bide your town, hope you have around 60 Herbal Extracts... just keep at it and you'll win. Victory nets you the orb of Wind and passage to the other side of the mountain. Treasure List: Smoke Screen, Sirufa's Kiss, Mandacore, Fire-Bomb, Sprite Ribbon, Elf's Hat, Orb of Wind. 2. The Last Dragon Mortyr Rec. Level=20 Heal up and upgrade everyone's equipment, talk to the mayor and leave. Head west to Danek Base. Treasure List: - Danek Base Rec. Level=21 This is a pretty straightforward dungeon, at the first intersection, go left to a static sling and right to a jelignite. Go down and follow the path, a short scene ensues and you hide by a couple of treasure chests, open them to receive a Chrome Gloves and Iron Shield. Then go down and right and up again to some stairs, save your game and go up and you encounter the boss. Boss: Gigatron I always thought this guy was way easy, just have Sandor and Rachel attack with their new weapons and you'll be fine, P.J.'s shock spell does good damage too, Pottle should just focus on healing. Gigatron's attack is the only thing to worry about as it does a nice chunk of damage. Upon victory, leave the base and it explodes. Go back to Mortyr. Treasure List: Static Sling, Jelignite, Chrome Gloves, Iron Shield Mortyr Rec. Level=22 Talk to the mayor and get the Wedge of Ice. Go south to Segazz. Treasure List: Wedge of Ice Segazz Rec. Level=22 Talk to Otto and the Chief about a dragon, then buy items and heal up. Exit the town and head west to Dragon's Layre. Treasure List: - Dragon's Layre Rec. Level=23-24 This dungeon is way too hard to explain, so I'll just tell you that going in one direction is the easiest way to the end, no boss fight so you can take your time and kill enemies. Just take the egg at the end and leave. Treasure List: Smoke Screen, Elves' Bow, 3000 GP, Chrome Gloves, Iron Shield, Dragon Egg Segazz Rec. Level 24 Go to the chief and show him the egg, the egg is hatched and you fly to the Shrine of Pegasus. Treasure List: - Shrine of Pegasus Rec. Level 24 Just go up and take the Water Gear, no enemies here. Treasure List: Water Gear Segazz Rec. Level 24 Talk to the mayor and he lets you use the dragon, go to the eastern dragon shrine and he takes you across the water to the Western Shrine Treasure List: - 3. Of Water and Warriors Western Dragon Shrine Rec. Level=24 Leave the shrine and head West to Cannisk. Treasure List: - Cannisk Rec. Level=24 Upgrade your equipment and stock up on healing items, when you're ready go south to the temple. Treasure List: - Solon's Shrine Rec. Level 25 Talk to Otto and he tells you to get the Blanket of Fog. Go North to Icetower. Treasure List: - Icetower Rec. Level=26 Ok from here on, the dungeons get a bit more complicated, so I'm going to divide these sections into two parts, Part 1 will detail getting the treasure, and part 2 is the fastest way to the goal. 1. About midway on the first floor, against the right wall is a Sirufa's Kiss, grab it and then go to the other side and go up the stairs. On floor 2 take the first stairs you come to too reach a Plymetal Armor, go back down and follow the path around to more stairs. Take these to floor 3. Go straight up to get some Light Mail. Now return to floor 1 and take the stairs at the top. On floor 2 go right to some stairs and take those to a Silver Shield. Go back to floor 2 and follow the upper path to a Smoke Screen, Fire Bomb and 4500 GP. Take the nearby stairs to Knight Helm. Go back to the center of floor 2 and take the center stairs, then keep holding up to make it to the top. Save your game at the strange statue on floor 7. Go into the next room and take the Blanket of Fog, when you try to leave the statue comes to life and attacks. 2. Just hold down up and you'll make it to the top. Save your game at the strange statue on floor 7. Go into the next room and take the Blanket of Fog, when you try to leave the statue comes to life and attacks. Boss: Arachylix Have Sandor attack with the Flame Sword, Pottle and P.J. should use Blaze when possible and Rachel should attack when your HP is nice and high. Have Pottle and Rachel serve as the primary healers since Sandor and P.J. do the most damage. After winning (you did win right?) go back to Solon's shrine in the south. Treasure List: Sirufa's Kiss, Smoke Screen, Fire Bomb, 4500 GP, Plymetal Armor, Light Mail, Knight Helm, Silver Shield, Blanket of Fog Solon's Shrine Rec. Level=26 Otto raises the Water Shrine, go south to it. Treasure List: - Water Shrine Rec. Level=27 Go left from the entrance to a Gnome Sand. Follow the path until you can go up, take the Orb of Water and fight some Danek Soldiers. Win(not an incredibly hard task) and you have to escape the shrine. Go around the opposite way you got here to pick up a Puppy's Dance. Before you exit the Shrine interior, de-equip Pottle. Leave the shrine and go to Solon's Shrine. Treasure List: Gnome Sand, Puppy's Dance, Orb of Water Solon's Shrine Rec. Level=27 A Pottle-less party is told to talk to the Segazz chief. So fly back there and he gives the dragon some instructions. Talk to the dragon to go south to Penan. _____ Penan 3. You Maytake this. Hogshead Rec. Level=27 Hogshead is directly south of the shrine, ya can't miss it, upgrade your armor, talk to the people and go south to the desert. In the middle of the desert is Vaygess. Treasure List: - Vaygess Rec. Level=28 Make sure you save your game here, if you see a guy warn you not to open a chest, well, heed his warning unless you wanna lose all your hard-earned gold. The back of the tavern has a chest with 6000 GP, and the weapon shop harbors a jelignite and a Phoenix Heart. Go east to Penan Castle. Treasure List: 6000 GP, Jelignite, Phoenix Heart Penan Castle Rec. Level=28 Go talk to the king and he demands an Eye of Kalif to proceed to Treefall. Nothing's easy. Go back out and head to Vaygess, due north of there is the Maytake's Den. Treasure List: - Maytake's Den Rec. Level=28 On floor 1, follow the hole around to the back where some stairs are. On floor b2, the exit is at the very bottom, but enter the two rooms for a Bard's Hat(top) and 5100 GP(bottom). Floor B3 has 3 rooms to enter, the left has a jelignite and the right has a Dragon Claw. The bottom leads to Maytake. Maytake asks for a song yadda yadda yadda read it for yourself, and you end up leaving empty-handed. Return to Vaygess. Treasure List: Bard's Hat, 5100 GP, Jelignite, Dragon Claw Vaygess Rec. Level=30 Go to the tavern and a short scene ensues. Pay the guy's drinking tab of 20000 GP(ouch!) and Lynx joins. Buy some mandacores and return to the Maytake. Treasure List: - Maytake's Den Rec. Level=30 The Maytake is disgusted by Lynx's 'singing' and you end up fighting him. Boss: Maytake He can turn you to stone but that's about the extent of his feeble powers. Just use a mandacore to heal up and fight on. He loses pretty quick. Victory scores you an Eye of Kalif. Return to Penan Castle. Treasure List: Eye of Kalif. Penan Castle Rec. Level=30 Lynx leaves the party. Give the eye to the king and the ungrateful bastard dumps you into the sewers. Treasure List: - Penan Sewers Rec. Level=30 Sewers. God damn sewers. I hate trekking through sewers. But take heart, the king will get his comeuppance, but for now you're stuck in this stinking hellhole. The treasure here sucks with one exception so I'll detail getting that and just list the crap. Okay? Okay. Follow the path to an intersection and go up. At the next intersection go left, you'll see a door, this leads to Moon Drops. Go down on the left side and follow the path to the… Boss: Black Dragon Lynx rejoins the party for this fight. This fight is similar to the Maytake battle, only no stoning. So just use the same strategy you've been using for bosses and you'll do peachy. Follow the path to some stairs and you exit the sewers. Treasure List: Herbal Extract, Mandacore x2, Strange Brew, Moon Drops Penan Castle Rec. Level=31 The jackass king is exiled and you get free passage to Treefall. Head east to Treefall whenever you're ready. Treasure List: - 2. Treefall Liberation Treefall Rec. Level=32 Everything here is taken over by Danek, so go to the upper right hut to liberate it. Boss: Rosale and Ultragoyles This fight is hard. Rosale heals the Ultragoyles and they have the awesome inferno magic. The key to victory is to take out Rosale as quickly as humanly possible, then concentrate on one Ultragoyle, once one falls, the second is no big deal. Magic should be reserved for precious healing spells such as Restore and Neuman, have Rachel and Sandor hack away and you'll [hopefully] win. The prize is Treefall is liberated from Danek and even better the shops are open. The mayor gives you a Sentinel Key. Buy whatever you want, an Ice Sickle for Lynx and/or Sandor, or a Wind Blade. Exit the town and go north to the Sentinel Tree. Sentinel Tree Rec. Level=34 On floors 1, B1 and B2, just go down, there's no treasure. On floor B3 follow the path to an intersection, go down to a Goat's Beard, and left to continue. At the next intersection, go down to a Lava Ring and up to proceed. Next intersection- lower leads to Goddess' Love, upper advances. Next intersection, left leads to Stardust, right leads on. Next intersection- *****Right leads to -LIFESTONE- Don't miss this item, one of a kind, totally resurrects the party, should you accidentally die and use it, reload game, save it for the final battle.***** Left leads to boss fight. Boss: Igneus This boss is way easy if you're prepared. Lynx and Sandor should attack with Ice Sickles, with Rachel and P.J. serving as the healers. Igneus only has around 4000 HP and it drops fast. Victory scores you a Orb of Fire. Leave the tree and Rachel leaves you. Head north to Marl. Treasure List: Goat's Beard, Lava Ring, Goddess' Love, Stardust, Lifestone, Orb of Fire _______ Marwick 1. The Vay Armor Marl Rec. Level=35 Talk to the mayor and get the 8000 GP in his house. Upgrade equipment and stock up on supplies and head east to Shrine of Toth. Treasure List: - Shrine of Toth Rec. Level=36 Go talk to Otto and the game hits you over the head with a plot twist. Anyhoo go find the passage down to the basement,(search the statue) and go straight down, ignoring the little side passage(It's just a dead end). At B2, go left to a smoke screen, follow the right path past a door to an intersection, go right at this and the next intersection. At the next go down to a Hellborne Axe, right to 9999 GP and Strange Brew, and up to floor B3. On B3, take the first left to floor B4 or take the second left to a Rune Shield. On floor B4, go straight down, stopping for the Barrier Stone and Power Wristlet a bit to the side of the tunnel. Floor B5, a decent maze. Disregard this next bit if you don't want 10000 GP, go left, take the first downward path and follow it until you can go up to a chest with 10000 GP. Go back to start of the floor and go left all the way. Go down to an intersection. Go down to follow a long path to a Runic Armor. Go right to the next intersection, go down to get some Holy Shoes, and up to reach the final staircase. On B6 go straight up to get the Vay Armor, sadly it sucks right now, though the sword should be equipped for a good power boost. Return to Marl and then the mayor directs you to Marwick Castle. Treasure List: Smoke Screen, Strange Brew, 9999 GP, Hellborne Axe, Rune Shield, Barrier Stone, Rune Wristlet, Vay Armor 2. Pirates! Marwick Castle Rec. Level=37 Otto blows open the gates and you can go inside. On floor 1 go around to the back and look for a narrow opening, mess around until you find all eight chests. Then return to the beginning and take the stairs up. Go around the walls here and take the stairs up. Go straight up to floor 4. Go straight up to floor 4. You meet Jeal and he sends two Iron Giants against you. Beat them, not too hard, and witness another plot twist. Leave here and go north to Penzance. Treasure List: Faerie Cloud, Goddess' Love, Static Sling, Stardust, Puppy's Dance, Mega Spark, Bashy's Flute, Phoenix Heart Penzance Rec. Level=38 Upgrade your armor and inventory and go to the tavern, you fight some wimpy soldiers and a bit of story develops. You end up volunteering to blow up Redcliff. God damn Sandor, stupid nice guy attitude. Walk north to find the place, ya can't miss it, it's a stupid red mountain with guns in it. Treasure List: - Redcliff Rec. Level=39 Really easy dungeon. On floor 1 take the first stairs you see. On floor 2, go up, right, down and right to the ladder to floor 3, on floor 3 follow the path to the ladder leading to floor 4. Again follow the path, ignoring the first room, take the second to reach stairs. On floor 5 go up to blow the place up. Go west to some caves. Treasure List: - Exeter Rec. Level=39 The old man gets you through into Exeter. You meet Kinsey and get a ship, search her room for 12000 GP and a Knight's Shield. Upgrade your equipment and go to the docks and see Kinsey. You go on board the ship but thanks to the dirty Daneks, you end up in Bonarren. Treasure List: 12000 GP, Knight's Shield ____________________ E.Bonarren and Danek 1. The Charnel Hectare Rec. Level=39 Upgrade your equipment, especially with some Aura Shields. Pay a visit to the Mayor's house and loot it for 45100 GP(sweet!) and a Spark of Hades. Go east to the warship. Treasure List: 45100 GP, Spark of Hades Charnel Rec. Level=40 Enter the Charnel from the top right. The door slams behind you, no big deal, take the stairs down, and then exit the room. Take one the ladders at the bottom down. Go straight down again to B3. Go straight up and you find ladders to floor B4. Go all the way down to the bottom and enter the room, take the ladder up and then go straight up to... Boss: Betty June Kinsey pretty much sucks in this fight so just have her heal characters, P.J. should use Shock/L-Bolt/Megablast, while Sandor and Lynx just attack and heal when necessary. Win and the Charnel is yours. It takes you to Duncan. Treasure List: - 2. Danek Castle. Duncan Rec. Level=41 Despite the heavy price tags on weapons here, they suck, except for the Goddess's Cane. Stock up on herbal extracts and moon drops. Head north to castle Danek. Danek Castle Rec. Level=45 From the start go directly straight into the next floor and you'll get a Jesse's Helm. Go back to the beginning. The door to the right leads to a Rhino Glove, the first door the left has a Smoke Screen. Go left to a cluster of 3 doors. Take the left-most door to an exit stone, and the right-most of the cluster of three to a Mega Spark, Phoenix Heart and Static Sling. Take the center and go straight to floor B1. Lots of treasure here, from the entrance there is a Fire Bomb(left) and Static Sling(right), take the lower right to a Stardust and the lower left to a Lava ring, upper right has Goddess' Love, and upper left has Goddess' Love. Go straight up to get to B2. Alright this crappy little maze, follow the path up to a Dragon Ring. Follow the left path and you end up in a room with 4 openings, the left leads to a Beam Lance, the second from left to a Plasma Whip, and the second from right to the stairs. Ignore the left door for now, the middle door leads to Fred, I recommend buying an Odin Blade and several Sirufa's Kisses. Take the right path to the next floor and then keep going straight until you reach Sadoul. De-equip Sandor right before this. A scene ensues and you get the Orb of Soul and the Vay armor is activated. Now I'd advise you to go build up some levels and restore your inventory, when you're ready head to that path I told you to ignore and take it to the Red Dragon, it leads to Draktyr, save your game here for there's no going back. Treasure List: Jesse's Helm, Rhino Glove, Smoke Screen, Exit stone, Mega Spark, Phoenix Heart, Static Sling, Fire Bomb, Lava Ring, Goddess' Love x2, Beam Lance, Plasma Whip, Dragon Ring, Orb of Soul _______ Draktyr 1. Air Castle Optimizing your equipment Hopefully your equipment looks something like this. Sandor P.J. Lynx Kinsey WPN Vay Blade Goddess' Cane Beam Lance Odin's Blade SHLD Vay Shield Thor's Shield Aura Shield Aura Shield ARM Vay Glove Moon Bracelet Aura Gauntlet Aura Gauntlet BODY Vay Armor Wizard's Robe Titan Armor Titan Armor HEAD Vay Helmet Raider's Cap Aura Helm Aura Helm OTHER Tiger Paws Lotus Lotus Tiger Paws Draktyr Rec. Level=53+, 67 for assured victory. Enter the castle by way of Hangar. Okay the path in these rooms can be hard to see so I'll tell you where to go to reach each room. Go right to a room with Mandacore and fire bomb, then go up, left,up,up,up, *optional, *down, *down to a Static Sling and Jelignite* right 3 times, down twice, up to a Static Sling and Mega-Spark, and down 2 times, left, up, up, down, take the stairs. Go around to the right or left and take the stairs, heal up at the pool and go down. Go all the way to the right against a wall, go up a set of rooms, and enter the second from the right. Take the stairs up to the teleporter maze. Keep taking the only teleport you can until you reach a set with 4. Take the upper right, then take the one on the far right, take the lower-most one, take the one on the bottom right, and from here it's either the one below or above(my writing is undecipherable) If you go to stairs you took the right, if not just go take the other one. Go up the stairs and go straight up to floor 4. Go around to the left and right to get a Goddess' Love(left and right). Go up one level on the pyramid and go to the right and left for a pair of Mandacores, repeat this on the third level to get Stardust and Phoenix Heart. Then go through the door. 2. Finale Throw everything you have at him, don't hold back on any items. The basic strategy is this, P.J. should use the spell Thyxaal on Sandor. Sandor then attacks and does 1400-2700(double attack) damage, this is the only real way to hurt Sadoul significantly. Lynx and Kinsey should use Herbal Extracts to heal up if Sadoul attacks. If Sadoul uses Megablast a few times in a row, or several characters have low HP, use Panacea with Lynx. If Sandor has plenty of HP, but the rest don't, Restore will suffice. After hopefully 5 turns, P.J.'s magic will be depleted, so have Kinsey use a Stardust or Phoenix heart on her. Hopefully you have at least one of each, which will take care of around 21400- He's dead damage. In that interval where P.J. needs her magic refilled, Lynx can fill the position nicely as Thyxaal user. Make sure you have a phoenix heart or stardust to refill Lynx's magic as well. I trust you found the lifestone? If you're out of MP and Sadoul is alive, stop healing, when you die you'll be restored with full HP, this should be enough to give you enough Thyxaal's to win. Sit back and enjoy the ending. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V. Magic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sandor Balm 10 MP Level recovery power for HP Blaze 10 MP More powerful than Flame Flame 5 MP Engulfs enemies in a ball of fire Pottle Balm 10 MP Level recovery power for HP Befuddle 30 MP Confuses enemies Blaze 10 MP More powerful than Flame. Flame 5 MP Engulfs enemies in a ball of fire. Freezyr 25 MP Prevents enemies from using magic Narcosis 20 MP Puts enemies to sleep Vilkyss 30 MP Returns character's status to normal Rachel Balm 10 MP Level recovery power for HP P.J. Balm 10 MP Level recovery power for HP Befuddle 30 MP Confuses enemies Blaze 10 MP More powerful than Flame. Blitz 40 MP Group lightning attack Flame 5 MP Engulfs enemies in a ball of fire. Inferno 40 MP Flame attack against all enemies L-Bolt 30 MP More powerful than shock Malybu 20 MP Flame attack against all enemies Megablast 50 MP Lightning attack against all enemies Narcosis 20 MP Puts enemies to sleep Neuman 40 MP Level 2 recovery power for HP Restore 80 MP Level 3 recovery power for HP Shock 15 MP Lightning attack Spellbane 0 MP Steals MP from enemies Thyxaal 100 MP Quadruples attack power for one attack Vilkyss 30 MP Returns character's status to normal Lynx Alakazam 100 MP Escape from combat and dungeons Balm 10 MP Level recovery power for HP Freezyr 25 MP Prevents enemies from using magic Narcosis 20 MP Puts enemies to sleep Neuman 40 MP Level 2 recovery power for HP Panacea 140 MP Recovers all HP to party Restore 80 MP Level 3 recovery power for HP Thyxaal 100 MP Quadruples attack power for one attack Vilkyss 30 MP Returns character's status to normal Kinsey Alakazam 100 MP Escape from combat and dungeons Shock 15 MP Lightning attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VI. Weapons/Armor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Index Knives Swords Axes Spears Claws Bows Staves Whips Body Armor Shield Arm Protection Head Gear Miscellaneous Items Story Items ______ Knives Pocket Knife ATK+4 AGL+2 Pottle P.J. Whistle Dagger ATK+11 Attacks All Pottle Silver Knife ATK+14 Anti-Undead Sandor Pottle P.J. Rachel ______ Swords Short Sword ATK+8 Sandor Rachel P.J. Pottle Bronze Sword ATK+12 Sandor Long Sword ATK+18 Sandor Great Sword ATK+52 Sandor Flame Edge ATK+74 Anti-Ice Sandor Beast Sword ATK+100 Sandor Ice Sickle ATK+120 Anti-Fire Sandor Lynx Wind Sword ATK+150 Long Range Sandor Lynx Dragon Blade ATK+168 Anti-Dragon Lynx Limb Lopper ATK+180 Sandor Lynx Kinsey Odin's Blade ATK+195 Drains Enemy HP Sandor Lynx Kinsey Vay Blade ATK+??? Legendary Weapon Sandor ____ Axes Battle Axe ATK+15 Sandor Rachel Silver Axe ATK+37 Anti-Undead Sandor Rachel Ogre Hatchet ATK+70 Sandor Rachel Halberd ATK+80 Anti-Gremlin Lynx Hellborne Axe ATK+85 Sandor Dual-Halberd ATK+148 Lynx ______ Spears Laser Spear ATK+150 Anti-Mecha Lynx Beam Lance ATK+185 Anti-Mecha Lynx _____ Claws Battle Claw ATK+28 Rachel Hacksaw Claw ATK+38 AGL+4 Rachel Panther Claw ATK+66 AGL+6 Rachel Dragon Claw ATK+72 AGL+8 Rachel Kaiser Claw ATK+95 AGL+10 Rachel ____ Bows Flute Bowgun ATK+15 Long Range Pottle Short Bow ATK+25 Long Range Pottle P.J. Long Bow ATK+34 Long Range Pottle P.J. Hunter's Bow ATK+48 Long Range Pottle P.J. Elves' Bow ATK+62 Long Range Pottle P.J. Great Bow ATK+78 Long Range Pottle DaisyCrossbow ATK+98 Long Range Pottle ______ Staves Oak Staff ATK+13 INT+8 P.J. Ashwood Staff ATK+16 INT+16 P.J. Fire Cane ATK+19 INT+25 P.J. Staff of Gaea ATK+22 INT+32 P.J. Mystic Rod ATK+28 INT+92 P.J. Wisdom Staff ATK+31 INT+168 P.J. Goddess' Cane ATK+35 INT+230 P.J. _____ Whips Heat Whip ATK+116 Attack All Kinsey Plasma Whip ATK+129 Attack All Kinsey Raider's Whip ATK+104 Attack All Kinsey Rose Whip ATK+89 Attack All Kinsey Shock Whip ATK+104 Attack All Kinsey __________ Body Armor Linen Clothes DEF+1 Sandor Pottle Aura Armor DEF+3 Sandor Lynx Kinsey Quilted Tunic DEF+4 Sandor Pottle P.J. Rachel Dragon Mail DEF+7 Anti-Fire Lynx PlateEpaulets DEF+8 Sandor Pottle Rachel Suede Tunic DEF+13 Pottle Rachel Blessed Mail DEF+13 Lynx P.J. Leather Teddy DEF+14 Babeliness Lynx P.J. Breastplate DEF+15 Sandor Cleric's Robe DEF+16 Pottle P.J. Goddess' Robe DEF+18 INT+16 P.J. Light Mail DEF+19 P.J. Rune Armor DEF+20 All Royal Mail DEF+21 P.J. Kinsey Scaled Tunic DEF+22 AGL+2 P.J. Rachel Bronze Armor DEF+24 Lynx P.J. Titan Armor DEF+26 Sandor Lynx Kinsey Battle Dress DEF+29 AGL+4 P.J. Rachel Spiked Armor DEF+36 Sandor Silver Armor DEF+41 Sandor Wizard's Robe DEF+43 P.J. PlymetalArmor DEF+49 Sandor Vay Armor DEF+?? Legendary Armor Sandor _______ Shields Angel's Harp WIS+4 Anti-Silent Lynx Bard's Harp WIS+6 Anti-Confuse All Silver Flute WIS+16 Anti-Sleep Lynx Golden Harp WIS+18 Anti-Sleep Lynx LeatherShield DEF+3 Sandor Pottle Rachel Tin Shield DEF+3 Sandor Lynx P.J. Rachel Rune Shield DEF+3 All Dragon Shield DEF+6 Anti-Fire Lynx Bronze Shield DEF+8 Sandor Pottle Rachel Titan Shield DEF+8 All Thor's Shield DEF+9 Anti-Thunder All Iron Shield DEF+14 Sandor Pottle Knight Shield DEF+20 Sandor Pottle Silver Shield DEF+24 Sandor Aura Shield DEF+55 Sandor Lynx Kinsey Vay Shield DEF+?? Legendary Shield Sandor ______________ Arm Protection Leather Band DEF+2 Sandor Pottle Rune Wristlet DEF+3 All Mail Gloves DEF+8 Sandor Rhino Glove DEF+8 Sandor Lynx Kinsey Iron Wrist DEF+9 Pottle P.J. Rachel ThornBracelet DEF+11 ATK+4 Rachel Chrome Gloves DEF+13 Glare Sandor Pottle Moon Bracelet DEF+13 INT+4 Lynx P.J. Dragon Wrist DEF+14 AGL+4 Rachel Aura Gauntlet DEF+19 Sandor Lynx Kinsey Vay Glove DEF+?? Legendary Gauntlet Sandor _________ Head Gear Leather Hat DEF+1 Sandor Pottle TurbanofAltairDEF+1 AGL+2 Lynx P.J. Liberty Crown DEF+1 INT+2 P.J. Titan Mask DEF+1 Anti-Confuse Rachel Bandana DEF+2 AGL+1 Sandor Pottle Circlet DEF+3 Sandor Pottle Rachel P.J. Elf's Hat DEF+4 INT+4 Sandor Pottle Rachel P.J. FiltrationMaskDEF+5 Filter Sandor Pottle Rachel Silver Mask DEF+6 Rachel Jesse's Helm DEF+8 Sandor Lynx Kinsey Bard's Hat DEF+9 INT+6 Lynx Pottle Iron Helm DEF+10 Sandor Battle Mask DEF+11 Rachel Aura Helm DEF+12 Sandor Lynx Kinsey Knight Helm DEF+14 Sandor Raider's Cap DEF+30 INT+6 P.J. Vay Helmet DEF+?? Legendary Helmet Sandor _____________ Miscellaneous Angel's Cross Anti-Spellbane All Barrier Stone DEF+10 All Battle Shoes AGL+5 All Cat's Feet AGL+15 All Decoder Ring WIS+10 All Defenser DEF+20 All Dragon Ring Anti-Inferno All Elf's Boots AGL+8 All Fairy Loafers AGL+8 All Fowl Legs DEF+9 AGL+10 All Gauntlet DEF+4 All Goat's Beard AGL+12 All Hawk's Wing DEF+22 AGL+20 All Holy Boots Anti-Gremlin P.J. Lava Ring Anti-Flame, Anti-Blaze All Leather Boots AGL+2 All Lotus WIS+20 All Moonbeams Anti-Sleep Lynx P.J. Power Ring ATK+20 Pottle P.J. Sprite Ribbon Anti-Sleep All Tiger Paws ATK+30 DEF+30 All Warrior's BeltATK+30 Pottle P.J. _____ Items Bashy's Flute Mutes enemy Blitzkrieg Effect like L-Bolt Exit Stone Warp Faerie Cloud Rob's enemy's MP Fire Bomb Effect like Malybu Gnome Sand Puts enemy to sleep Goddess' Love Recover's the party's HP Herbal ExtractRecovers HP Jelignite Engulfs enemies in a ball of fire Lifestone Revives party upon death Mandacore Heals conditions Mega Spark Effect like Megablast Moon Drops Recovers MP Oshyko Fire Effect like Inferno Phoenix Heart Recovers all HP and MP Puppy's Dance Confuses enemy Sirufa's Kiss Recover's party's HP Spark of HadesGroup lightning attack Stardust Recovers all MP Static Sling Electric beam Strange Brew Recovers HP, less filling ___________ Story Items Blanket of FogFound in Icetower Dragon Egg Found in Dragon's Layre Eye of Kalif Found in Maytake's Den Magic Key Found in Treefall Vizier of XaalFound in Raxaal Cave Water Gear Found in Shrine of Pegasus Wedge of Ice Found in Mortyr ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VII. Shop List ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Index: Jeffle Smythe Fortress of Gilan Coryan Shadhook Hayhill Mortyr Segazz Cannisk Hogshead Vaygess Treefall Marl Penzance Exeter Hectare Duncan Fred Jeffle Inn 4 GP Weapon Shop Armor Shop Tool Shop Pocket Knife 80 Linen Clothes 50 Herbal Extract 20 Short Sword 250 Quilted Tunic 200 Leather Boots 300 Bronze Sword 580 Leather Shield 100 Leather Hat 60 Bandana 120 Circlet 400 Leather Band 150 Smythe Inn 20 GP Weapon Shop Armor Shop Tool Shop Short Sword 250 Quilted Tunic 200 Herbal Extract 20 Whistle Dagger400 Plate Epaulets 600 Mandacore 1000 Bronze Sword 580 Leather Shield 100 Leather Boots 300 Long Sword 1000 Circlet 400 Flute Bowgun 640 Fortress of Gilan Inn 40 GP Weapon Shop Armor Shop Tool Shop Long Sword 1000 Breastplate 1200 Herbal Extract 20 Short Bow 1100 Bronze Shield 850 Mandacore 1000 FiltrationMask 800 Leather Boots 300 Mail Gloves 800 Coryan Inn 25 GP Weapon Shop Armor Shop Tool Shop Silver Knife 800 Suede Tunic 1000 Herbal Extract 20 Battle Axe 1850 Leather Shield 100 Strange Brew 750 Battle Claw 1400 Bronze Shield 850 Mandacore 1000 Circlet 400 Leather Boots 300 FiltrationMask 800 Power Ring 5000 Iron Wrist 980 Decoder Ring 2000 Shadhook Inn 60 GP Weapon Shop Armor Shop Tool Shop Battle Axe 1850 Suude Tunic 1000 Herbal Extract 20 Long Bow 2400 Scale Armor 3500 Strange Brew 750 Bronze Shield 850 Mandacore 1000 Silver Mask 2100 Leather Boots 100 Iron Wrist 980 Battle Shoes 1000 Power Ring 5000 Decoder Ring 2000 Hayhill Inn 40 GP Weapon Shop Armor Shop Tool Shop Silver Knife 800 Cleric's Robe 1320 Herbal Extract 20 Silver Axe 3800 Scale Armor 3500 Strange Brew 750 Long Bow 2400 Iron Helm 1750 Mandacore 1000 Oak Staff 1250 Iron Wrist 980 Battle Shoes 1000 Ashwood Staff5700 Power Ring 5000 Mortyr Inn 100 GP North Weapon Shop Armor Shop Tool Shop Pocket Knife 80 Quilted Tunic 200 Herbal Extract 20 Short Sword 250 Plate Epaulets 600 Strange Brew 750 Whistle Dagger400 Suede Tunic 1000 Mandacore 1000 Bronze Sword 580 Cleric's Robe 1320 Leather Boots 300 Long Sword 1000 Scaled Tunic 2600 Battle Shoes 1000 Great Sword 6200 Scale Armor 3500 Power Ring 5000 Battle Axe 1850 Spiked Armor 9200 Decoder Ring 2000 Silver Axe 3800 South Weapon Shop Armor Shop Tool Shop Short Bow 1100 Circlet 400 Herbal Extract 20 Long Bow 2400 Elf's Hat 750 Strange Brew 750 Hunter's Bow 6800 Filtration Mask 800 Mandacore 1000 Battle Claw 1400 Iron Helm 1750 Hacksaw Claw 8900 Bronze Shield 850 Iron Shield 3900 Thorn Bracelet 2000 Chrome Gloves 2600 Segazz Inn 80 GP Tool Shop Herbal Extract 20 Strange Brew 750 Mandacore 1000 Cannisk Inn 150 GP Weapon Shop Armor Shop Tool Shop Flame Edge 9600 Silver Armor 12400 Herbal Extract 20 Fire Cane 11000 Knight Shield 4500 Strange Brew 750 Elves' Bow 32000 Chrome Gloves 2600 Mandacore 1000 Battle Shoes 1000 Merchant Elf's Boots 2800 Oshkyo fire 3000 Power Ring 5000 Blitzkrieg 2500 Warrior's Belt 15000 Hogshead Inn 120 GP Weapon Shop Armor Shop Tool Shop Ogre Hatchet10000 Plymetal Armor20000 Herbal Extract 20 Elves' Bow 32000 Silver Shield 8200 Strange Brew 750 Knight Helm 4000 Mandacore 1000 Chrome Gloves 2600 Battle Shoes 1000 Elf's Boots 2800 Gauntlet 5000 Vaygess Inn 100 GP Weapon Shop Armor Shop Tool Shop Halberd 6000 Bronze Armor 5400 Herbal Extract 20 Beast Sword 24000 Battle Dress 10000 Strange Brew 750 Panther Claw13100 Bard's Hat 2300 Mandacore 1000 StaffofGaea 15200 Battle Mask 4200 Bard's Harp 2000 Wind Pipe 32000 Moon Bracelet 3200 Lotus 5000 Dragon Wrist 4500 Treefall Inn 300 GP Weapon Shop Armor Shop Tool Shop Ice Sickle 32000 Wizard's Robe 25500 Herbal Extract 20 Wind Sword 42000 Tin Shield 800 Strange Brew 750 Great Bow 40000 Raider's Cap 1000 Mandacore 1000 Kaiser Claw 31000 Titan Mask 2220 Elf's Boots 2800 Goat's Beard 4100 Gauntlet 5000 Lotus 5000 Marl Inn 500 GP Weapon Shop Armor Shop Tool Shop Dual-Halberd43000 Blessed Mail 2400 Herbal Extract 20 Mystic Rod 60000 TurbanofAltair 400 Strange Brew 750 Moon Bracelet 3200 Silver Flute 15000 Battle Shoes 1000 Goat's Beard 4100 Cat's Feet 6300 Barrier Stone 20000 Moonbeams 4000 Penzance Inn 670 GP Weapon Shop Armor Shop Tool Shop Laser Spear 40000 Rune Armor 4650 Herbal Extract 20 WisdomStaff120000 Rune Shield 2900 Strange Brew 750 Rune Wristlet 800 Mandacore 1000 Golden Harp 40000 Fairy Loafers 800 Fowl Legs 80 Exeter Inn 300 GP Weapon Shop Armor Shop Tool Shop Flame Edge 9600 Knight Shield 4500 Herbal Extract 20 Beast Sword 24000 Thor's Shield 1200 Strange Brew 750 Ice Sickle 32000 Silver Shield 8200 Mandacore 1000 Wind Sword 42000 Tin Shield 800 Moon Drops 2500 HellborneAxe28000 Knight Helm 4000 Sprite Ribbon 2000 Elves' Bow 32000 Bard's Hat 2300 Angel's Cross 4000 Great Bow 40000 Raider's Cat 1000 Holy Boots 210000 TurbanofAltair 400 Weapon Shop2 Armor Shop2 Raider'sWhip19200 Silver Armor 12400 Halberd 6000 Plymetal Armor20000 Oak Staff 1250 Bronze Armor 5400 Ashwood Staff5700 Battle Dress 10000 Fire Cane 11000 Wizard's Robe 25500 StaffofGaea 15200 Leather Teddy 4800 Wind Pipe 32000 Chrome Gloves 2600 Moon Bracelet 3200 Hectare Inn 300 GP Weapon Shop Armor Shop Tool Shop Rose Whip 1200 Royal Mail 3800 Herbal Extract 20 Shock Whip 72500 Aura Armor 100 Strange Brew 750 Laser Spear 40000 Aura Shield 14800 Mandacore 1000 Limb Lopper 98000 Aura Helm 7500 Jet Pack 300 DaisyCrossbow47000 Aura Gauntlet 15200 Fowl Legs 80 Hawk's Wing 2160 Tiger Paws 11400 Dunton Inn 500 GP Weapon Shop Armor Shop Tool Shop Goddess'Cane 210000 Goddess' Robe 3200 Herbal Extract 20 Dragon Blade 150000 Dragon Mail 3200 Strange Brew 750 Beam Lance 190000 Dragon Shield 800 Mandacore 1000 Heat Whip 120000 Liberty Crown 600 Moon Drops 2500 Plasma Whip 200000 Angel's Harp 690000 Defenser 10 Fred(Talking face inside Danek Castle) Fire Bomb 500 Static Sling 500 Sirufa's Kiss 1500 Odin's Blade 110000 Titan Armor 4800 Titan Shield 1400 Jesse's Helm 1600 Rhino Glove 1400 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VIII. Bestiary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Names in CAPS indicate bosses. Monster HP EXP Gold Alligator 191 200 66 ARACHylix 3400 6000 2316 Arch-Chimera 800 2043 420 Arch Fiend 500 1470 240 Arch-Griffin 242 446 360 Assailer 640 1760 400 Assassin 210 1250 320 Barbarian 50 31 27 Baron 500 1425 280 Basalt Golem 145 89 58 Behemoth 74 73 65 BETTY JUNE 4500 5210 2316 Blindworm 247 154 145 Blobert 1140 30 200 Blood Dragon 800 2043 420 Blood Leech 242 386 260 Cabbalist 480 412 460 Caduceus 242 948 300 Cave Bear 90 54 62 Cephlopod 693 201 246 Chimera 350 1400 340 CMDR.ROSALE 300 2000 1000 Cocatrice 640 438 532 Cockasaur 145 182 108 Conjurer 500 1470 240 Corlyx 55 33 21 Crayprobe 322 283 15 Crocodile 75 52 28 DANEK SOLDIER 220 516 423 Dark Knight 310 310 325 Dark Mage 235 351 260 Destroyer 640 1760 400 Digger Ant 13 13 12 Dragonwasp 132 146 10 Drone 385 295 20 Druid 500 1470 240 Dryad 280 235 346 Dustacean 456 412 332 Eediot 321 106 398 EBONY DRAGON 3300 7500 10000 Electric Eye 670 4913 420 ELEMENTAL 1400 1500 750 Elite Guard 210 1250 320 Evileye 670 4913 420 Eviserater 850 2043 420 Flee-Bag 10000 30000 1 Flint Golem 210 1250 320 Flitterby 150 171 61 Gargoyle 242 601 380 Garter Elite 500 1425 380 Gelatinoid 22 7 5 Ghost Rider 187 167 116 Giant Wasp 110 78 15 GIGATRON 2720 5000 2000 Goblin 16 11 9 Gold Dragon 800 3000 1000 Gorgon 242 1346 360 Great Wyrm 230 1351 360 Green Dragon 800 2043 420 Griffyn 464 503 428 Guard 164 183 210 Harpy 110 68 42 Heavy Knight 210 1250 320 Hireling 22 28 21 Hobgoblin 38 19 25 Horrorweed 105 96 73 Hydra 350 1350 340 Ice Ape 580 343 251 Ice Queen 194 211 121 IGNEUS 4000 10000 15000 Illusionist 550 1450 240 IRON GIANT 660 1800 400 Kaiser 3300 3000 3500 Knarler 132 624 260 Laughing Boy 200 312 284 Madden 510 1470 600 Magic Mole 113 72 39 Magic Sucker 230 331 160 MAYTAKE 3500 8000 20000 Mechadrake 230 1351 360 Mechalid 230 1351 360 Medusa 200 1254 320 Mercenary 165 938 300 Millitant 111 129 90 Mudgarne 149 110 100 Mummy 432 616 361 Murex 107 87 60 Murker 94 67 48 Necromanser 134 140 66 Necrophager 420 616 235 Negator 576 546 260 Nereid 242 264 318 NIGHT GAUNT 275 290 122 Ninja 176 836 300 Ogre 489 1450 350 Osteal Guard 114 170 100 Phantom Kyte 239 281 214 Phoenix 210 933 300 Phreak 167 78 85 Powerbunee 145 27 19 Quetzalcoatl 500 1370 500 Raging Bull 42 35 15 Ravager 500 1425 380 Retardotaur 210 1250 320 Road Toad 110 101 52 Rotty Boy 520 411 560 ROUGH DANEK 230 1351 360 Rough Knight 210 1210 320 Royal Squid 785 356 106 Sabretooth 76 44 40 SADOUL 23500 0 0 Salamander 840 926 300 Scissor Crab 235 315 315 Scorpion 275 389 260 Screamer 264 127 105 Skank 169 304 215 Skeleton 70 28 30 Skitterpod 1050 1885 990 Slugwort 7 9 6 Sorcerer 210 1250 320 Spellcaster 138 183 161 Spitter Frog 294 284 86 Spore Fiend 158 236 83 Spore Popper 102 53 88 Steel Knight 230 1351 360 Sucubus 597 260 290 SUPERMANTIS 800 400 2000 Tangler 90 91 56 Thingy 97 54 63 Toadstool 82 83 87 ULTRAGOYLE 5700 7000 4000 Ultra Grub 330 321 348 Undead Knave 220 128 79 Vampire Bat 220 381 260 VAMPYR 3250 3500 2000 Vandal 99 65 73 Warlock 210 1250 320 White Zombie 75 40 27 WIND ELEMENTAL 4800 4000 1500 Wyvern 220 604 240 Zarwolf 410 365 392 *Bestiary Stats acquired from Vay Official Guide by Zach Meston and J. Douglas Arnold. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IX. Tips ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Save often, it just plain sucks to have to redo a dungeon because of a careless mistake against a tough enemy. *Herbal Extract is a godsend, keep around 100+ on hand at all times. *The Vay Armor is useless when you first get it....but the Sword isn't, use it for a major power boost. *Flee-bags provide a ton of EXP but tend to run away in one round and have 10000 HP, to overcome this, have Lynx or P.J. use Thyxaal on Sandor, then have him attack and do around 8000-12000 damage, then attack with Kinsey to finish it off. *It's usually a good idea to level up enough to buy all the best armor/weapons in a new town right away. *Battles can be easily won with a Malybu/Shock spell by P.J., just make sure her INT is nice and high, give her Staves to boost this, don't ever let her near a bow. *The expensive items in the final town pretty much suck, avoid them. *Whips are pretty crappy weapons, give Kinsey a sword instead. *Save all Phoenix Hearts and Goddess' Love for the end of the game.