Taken From: Sega Visions May/June 1992 Pages 32-33 Soon Nothing Will Even Come Close to Your Genesis We've been hearing a lot of rumors lately about the soon-to-be-released Sega CD - that's the CD-ROM drive that docks onto your Genesis to give you a state-of-the-art gaming and entertainment center - so we thought it was about time we set the record straight. Here then, is the official word straight from Sega's corporate headquarters in California. Q: What exactly is the Sega CD? A: The Sega CD is a CD drive that connect to a Sega Genesis to bring you a whole new dimension of gaming experience. Not only will you still be able to play all your Genesis carts, but you will also be able to play all the games soon to be available on the new CD-ROM format. Games will include CD-quality stereo sound, motion video, and an enormous capacity for graphics and animation. Q: What advantages will the Sega CD have over the Genesis' built-in cartridge? A: First, a CD has over 500 times the capacity of an 8-meg cartridge. This means that we can cram amazing sound, graphics and animation onto a CD to give you movie-like gaming, with more enemies, more sound, and more animation. Second, because the Sega CD is also a high-quality audio CD player, CD-based games will have the sound quality of musical CDs. Imagine a movie sound track with the realistic sound of a creaking door opening behind you, or the thunderous roar of a Big Boss as he launches his final assault. As well as playing games, the Sega CD will also play all your favorite audio CD's through your stereo system. Q: What are the Sega CD's audio specs? A: The Sega CD's audio specs compare favorably with high-end audio CD players. You may even find that it sounds better than your present CD player. For you techies, the Sega CD will have two-channel stereo output with 8-times oversampling. Frequency response of 20 to 20,000 Hz, with a dynamic range of greater than 90 db and a channel separation of more than 90 db. Q: How does the Sega CD attach to the Genesis system? A: The Genesis simply slips right on top of the Sega CD. The docking module on the right side of the Sega CD (see photo) takes care of all the connections, so there's no need for a tangle of wires between the two units. To experience full stereo sound with your games and audio CDs, you will need to connect the Sega CD's audio output to your stereo system, just as you would with any standard CD player. And by routing the Genesis audio through the Sega CD, you can have full stereo sound no matter what format you are using. Q: Will I have to disconnect the Sega CD to play a standard Genesis cartridge? A: No. Because the Genesis sits on top of the Sega CD, you will have continued access to the cartridge drive. Q: What formats will the Sega CD support? A: In addition to the games CDs and the standard and mini audio CDs, you will be able to play the new CD+Graphics (CD+G) music albums. CD+G discs let you see as well as hear your favorite recording artist. Q: Will the Sega CD improve the performance of my Genesis system? A: The Sega CD has it's own 16-bit processor that works in tandem with the 16-bit processor in the Genesis. This means that CD-based games will feature enhanced graphics, as well as simultaneous zooming, scaling and rotation. Q: Does the introduction of a new game format mean that Sega will be winding down production of Genesis carts? A: Absolutely not. The Sega CD is an enhancement to your Genesis system, not a replacement. Sega has lots of great cartridges coming, which you will be able to enjoy with or without a Sega CD. Q: Exactly when will the Sega CD be available here in the US? A: Sega will be announcing the release date at the Summer Consumer Electronics Show in Chicago this May. Look in the next issue of Sega Visions for full details. Q: Mega-CD is already shipping in Japan. Couldn't I just buy one from there instead of waiting until it's released here? A: The Japanese units will only play the Japanese CD titles. If you buy a Mega-CD from Japan, you would not be able to play American Sega CD games. Q: How much will the Sega CD cost? A: Sega has not yet made an announcement about price. Q: What titles will be available for the Sega CD when it first hits the stores? A: Sega's keeping this information under close wraps. Watch for an exclusive scoop on the first Sega CD titles in the next issue of Sega Visions. A BIG Thanks goes to DarkWolf for typing up this Interview and letting me use it on my site! =)