R I S E O F T H E 07/07/02 - FAQ Version 1.1 /// ///////// //////// ////// //////// //////// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// ///// /// /// /// //////// ////////// /// ////// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// ///// ///////// /// /// /// /// ///////// //////// /// /// Complete Strategy Guide + Walkthrough /// by David R. Lambert (covers the DOS and Sega CD versions) // gamepunk@antisocial.com / Contents: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Part I: Get Prepared! 1. Disclaimer 2. Dedication 3. Are You Ready to be a Hero? 4. Differences Between Versions 5. The Goal of the Game Part II: The Walkthrough 1. The Old Man 2. "The Jake" 3. Johnny Qwong 4. Secret Meeting 5. The Fight with Snake (Arcade) 6. Reservoir (Arcade) 7. Bahumat 8. The Final Battle (Arcade) Part III: Item Guide Part IV: Credits /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Part I: Get Prepared! /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1. Disclaimer This document is copyright © 2002 by David R. Lambert and is subject to international copyright law. Plagurism will not be tolerated. I have worked hard to write this entire Guide by myself, and all I ask in return is that I get credit where it is due. You may freely distribute this guide among your friends and family only. If you choose to do so you are obligated to adhere to the following conditions: 1. Do not alter this document in any way. This includes, but is not limited to modifying content, changing the format of the file, converting the file into HTML, and editing the file name. 2. You are not allowed to upload this file to your site without my explicit permission. 3. You are not allowed to mass distribute this file without my permission. This includes, but is not limited to, filesharing, posting to mailing lists, and publication in an electronic magazine. 4. This file is to be kept in electronic form only. You may print it for personal use only. Permission for publication in any non-electronic means will NOT be granted. 5. By continuing to read this file, you acknowledge that these conditions may be modified by me at any time, and printed in a future release of this guide. It is up to you to keep up with the newest releases which can always be found at http://www.liquid2k.com/bmi2k. 6. You are NOT allowed to plagurize this work in any way! If you wish to use even a small portion of this guide in any other work you must give me obvious credit, as well as notify me. You will also be required to send me a copy of the document in question and in it's published form so that I may verify your compliance. 2. Dedication This document is dedicated to Jeff Tunnell. Jeff is famous for designing the Incredible Machine series of puzzle games, but he is also the mastermind behind three of the best adventure games ever published by Dynamix/Sierra. Rise of the Dragon was his first adventure game, but it was soon followed by Heart of China, and The Adventures of Willy Beamish. All three of these games were originally released on DOS machines, but later ported to the Sega CD. The Sega CD versions were all improved upon, though part of one scene in Rise of the Dragon was removed due to adult content. Even with this scene taken out the game was still rated MA-17 by the VRC (Videogame Rating Council). I want to thank Mr. Tunnell for these three amazing adventures, especially Rise of the Dragon in particular and I urge you allto play Jeff's other games, if you haven't already done so. 3. Are You Ready to be a Hero? The year is 2053, and the city of Los Angeles has plunged headlong into the Age of Decay. It is a crowded, filthy, dismal place, where crime, disease, and drug abuse run rampant in the streets. It is the perfect setting for true evil to arise... an ancient evil that has been waiting for centuries to restore chaos to the world and regain it's rule. Sometime after midnight, in the middle of a seedy pleasure district, the air is shattered by a horrible scream. A couple of party-goers happen upon the corpse of what used to be an attractive young woman. Her body is twisted in agony, and shriveled into something inhuman and monstrous. The body is identified as Chandra Vincenzi, daughter of the Mayor of Los Angeles. Chandra was known to go a little wild, but this time, she found more trouble than she could handle. And she wasn't the only one: the twisted corpses of drug addicts and thrill seekers have been turning up all over the city. To make matters worse, this is an election year, and the last thing Mayor Vincenzi needs is negative publicity. He wants someone to find out who was responsible for his daughter's death. He needs someone who works outside of the civil service. Someone with talent and a total disregard for standard legal procedures. And especially, someone he can keep quiet. That's where you come in. You're William "Blade" Hunter, burned out ex-cop turned private investigator, and possibly the unwitting hero of an ancient Chinese prophecy. For you, the next four days could mean the unveiling of the strangest, most dangerous mystery, to ever take place in the city of Los Angeles. It could mean the fulfillment of the ancient prophecy: the Rise--or the Fall--of the Dragon! 4. Differences Between Versions Most of the gameplay in both the original DOS and the Sega CD versions are identical. However, there are a few differences. Most of these minor differences will be fleshed out over the course of the walkthrough itself. When the two versions differ, the walkthrough will explain how and what course of action to follow in each specific version. It would be wise to note now that the Sega CD version features cd-quality music. It's the same basic sound of the DOS music, but it sounds a lot better and gives the game a bit more atmosphere. The amazing addition to the Sega CD version is the voice acting! The original DOS version has a small amount of voice acting during the introduction, but in the Sega CD version this was redone to go a lot better with the game. Also, just about everything the DOS version shows in a text bubble, the Sega CD version has voiced by the characters. The voice actors do a really good job, and the addition of this element more than makes the Sega CD version my favorite version overall. If you only have the DOS version, I suggest you track down a copy of the Sega CD version if you can. You won't be let down. 5. The Goal of the Game Rise of the Dragon: A Blade Hunter Mystery is an interactive action game in which you will pick up clues, figure out mechanical devices, and negotiate with various characters (each of whom have individual pasts, personalities, and long memories) in order to solve a mystery within a limited amount of time. You will enter the world of Blade Hunter, seeing and experiencing almost everything from a "Blade's-eye" view. Time passes in Blade's world: offices close at night, long-distance traveling takes extra time, and Blade will get tired and need sleep after long hours of looking for trouble. In addition the game will occasionally cut away to "Meanwhile" sequences which will let you know some extra information that Blade doesn't. And when the time comes to stop talking and start shooting, you and Blade will be ready! Watch the introduction carefully to learn of the circumstances that you will be dealing with in the future. You will then begin the game in Blade's apartment. Right-click (DOS) or use the B Button (Sega CD) to ask plenty of questions--there is a lot that your game alter ego can tell you. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Part II: The Walkthrough /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1. The Old Man During the introduction, you'll see a girl (Chandra) take a patch of some sort from someone she calls "Lu." You'll find out more about him later in the game. You'll see that this patch is what kills her by mutating her body some- how. After this you'll hear of a phrophecy that is scheduled to take place in three days, and that someone called Bahumat is supposed to rule afterward and "bring this city to it's knees". Whenever you see these people, (Johnny Qwong and his Lab Technician) during a "Meanwhile" sequence you are getting a window of oppertunity to see what the enemy is up to. Pay close attention. After this introduction you will find yourself standing in your apartment. If you check your inventory you will see that you're in your underwear. You might want to put some clothes on before venturing out into the city. Pick up the clothes and the overcoat and put them both on. You can move your pillow to find a handgun hidden behind it. By the time you need a gun, if you do every- thing you're supposed to you will have a different gun by then. But you might as well take it anyway. In the bathroom you can take a First Aid Kit and a NaPent Aerosol Personal Protection Device. The latter will come in very handy later in the game. Take them both then return to the main room in your apartment. Above the sink you will notice that the cabinet is locked and you don't seem to have the keys. I guess it's about time to check your vidphone messages and be on your way. Turn on the power to the vidphone and pick up it's remote control. There are three messages you can watch. The first is from the Mayor, pay close attention. He'll inform you that Chandi was last spotted at the Pleasure Dome and he tells you to look for a "friend" of hers by the name of "The Jake." He'll send you a "vid-transmission hardcopy" of his dead daughter which you should promptly take and add to your inventory. You can watch the second message (from Momar's Cars) if you want, but it's just an advertisement. The third message is from your girlfriend Karyn...and boy does she seem pissed at you! Well, looks like we have some smoothing over to do. Besides, apparently you left your keys with her and I bet the keys will come in handy, so lets get on our way. Be sure to take your ID Card out of the vidphone machine before you leave. Among other things, it lets you back into the apartment. If you find yourself locked out however, you can always click on the red valve located on the pipes across the hall from your apartment. This will short circuit the door and open it. But regardless, the card is used for other purpouses so be sure to take it along. Once you have it, leave the apartment and take the elevator down. You cannot walk off to the right of your apartment. If you try repeatedly, you will not like the outcome. The elevator will take you to the Em-way. You can click on the panel to view the map and choose where to go. If you right-click (DOS) or use the B Button (Sega CD) you'll notice that the ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) for Blade's apartment (where you just came from) is 4 minutes away. Karyn's place and City Hall are both 8 minutes away, and the Pleasure Dome is 20 minutes away. Remember, this game has a time limit so keep close track of where and when certain events are scheduled to occur. For now, let's go to City Hall. Karyn said she'd be at the Bureau of Records. When you get off the subway you'll notice a woman who appears to be selling flowers, and further up a bum sitting against the wall. For now, talk to the woman. She sounds a bit excentric, but she does offer to sell you some flowers and I suggest you buy them. It is easily possible to talk your way out of trouble with Karyn, but the flowers are a nice touch. Besides, how can you put a pricetag on love? If you choose to buy the flowers you'll need to give her your ID Card so she can charge your account. Don't worry, you'll get it back. Pick the flowers and the ID Card up from the Item Space at the bottom of the screen, and talk to the bum. He'll mention Bahumat to Blade for the first time, but you should recognize the name from the prophecy mentioned in the introduction. Other than that the bum is not very helpfull. For now, before we go to City Hall, it's a good idea to get a look at the enemy while we have a chance. So go into the alley behind the flowershop. There you will notice a warehouse of some sort and another alley. For now look in the window of the warehouse and examine inside. It seems that your enemies are in the drug making business. This should be no surprise considering how Chandi was killed. To your left you will see an electrical panel for the warehouse. Examine it and you come to the conclusion that if you were to take out this panel, it would hamper their business. It's just too bad that after you leave this area, the gate will bar your way back into the warehouse. Don't worry, the time will come. For now go into the alley you passed by earlier. There you will see a boarded window with a "KEEP OUT" sign that you "may be able to squeeze through." Go inside and you will see an old Chinese man sit- ting on a crate. Maybe he knows something about the prophecy? Talk to him and you'll find out, among other things, that his name is Chang Li. Apparantly he knows about your little job at the behest of the mayor, and he warns you that others know as well, and that they aren't too fond of you themselves. Other than that he can't seem to help you very much at the moment. Still, he seems like a wise old man, and should come in handy later on. 2. "The Jake" Now that you have talked to the old man, it's time to see Karyn. Go past where the bum is sitting and go inside City Hall. If you talk to the bum again he'll ask if you're the one the prophecy speaks of. It really doesn't matter what you answer, but if you ask "What prophecy?" you'll learn something about the prophecy that you'd probably rather not have learned. Anyway, continue on to City Hall. Remember, City Hall is not open at night. Inside you will notice three doors and a receptionist. The doors all have titles above them (Records, Mayor Vincenzi, and Police Headquarters). You won't be able to get into the Police Headquarters until after you talk to the mayor, so don't even try. While you're here you might as well try to see the mayor, but apparently he's busy. When Jenny (the receptionist) talks to you, be sure you remain faithfull to Karyn! You will need her help to beat this game. Remember, she's in the Bureau of Records. When you talk to Karyn, be as nice as possible. Now is the time to suck up! Give her the flowers. If you didn't get the flowers, talk your way out of it as best you can. If, however, you did give her the flowers, then she'll set up a date for 7:30 that night. You can accept or decline, but be nice whatever you say. You DO NOT want this woman pissed at you. Generally, it's a good idea to accept the date. You'll have plenty of time for your mission, and the date is a nice addition to the storyline. Remember that if you accept the date you MUST pick her up at her place at 7:30! Pay attention to the time, you don't want to stand her up again. Note: If you did buy the flowers, but say the wrong thing and Karyn doesn't allow you to give them to her, you can try again the next day and go out for a date that night instead. Anyway, now that you have your keys, return to your apartment. And you might as well at least try to see the mayor every time you're at City Hall. Most of the time he'll be quite busy though. Use the keys on the cabinet above the sink in your apartment and you will find some much needed supplies. You'll find a FISTO brand chocolate bar, and in this future, chocolate is very rare. This will come in handy when you need to bribe someone. You'll also find some bombs, and an ACME "Little Giant" Wire Testing Kit. Take all of this and it's time to go to the Pleasure Dome to find "The Jake." If you have your handgun with you, you'll have to give it to the woman in the booth before entering the Pleasure Dome. DO NOT give her the gun if you don't have the FISTO candybar with you. Otherwise you will not get your gun back. Assuming you have the candybar, go ahead and check your weapon, and then Slen (the thug) will ask if you have anything else for them. Give him the FISTO bar. In exchange he'll give you a claim check ticket so you can get your gun back when you leave. From now on you won't have to bribe him...you only have to do that once. If you want to enter the Pleasure Dome before getting the candybar, keep your gun at your apartment. If you leave it on the street it will get stolen, and you will not be able to enter the Pleasure Dome with any guns. Once inside you will notice three people sitting at a table, playing cards. Might as well start here, someone is bound to know where to find "The Jake." Darcelle, the woman (posing as a man...uh, posing as a woman) playing cards is the only one of the three who seems to be very helpfull, but she hasn't seen "The Jake." She does suggest that you check the bar as she seems to think that someone at the bar will be able to help. If you want, before you go to the bar, you can go off to the left to see the strip show, and to meet a pretty unsavery character. After that it's time to head to the bar. If you talk to the stoner kid, Casey Jones, he tells you that he and "The Jake" are good friends...but he can't quite remember what he looks like. Well, so much for his help. Talk to the hooker, Candi, and she suggests that you talk to Mujalambo the bartender. When you talk to Candi, remember to stay faithfull to Karyn. Yes, Candi is a prostitute, and yes you can hook up with her, but NO, it's NOT a good idea! When you talk to Mujalambo, he seems mighty suspicious of you. Just like these people to hold a grudge against ex-cops. Anyway, If you press him hard enough he'll reveal that if you want to talk to "The Jake," you should talk to the man in the green coat at the end of the bar. It is very important that you make the right choices in this conversation. You may wish to save your game before talking to this man, because if you say the wrong things you can eliminate any chance of winning the game. There is more than one way to complete this task successfully, but be carefull. When the guy in the green coat asks for proof, give him the photo of Chandi. If you can't seem to get past this conversation, try this sequence. 1. I'm Looking for "The Jake." 2. A friend of his is in trouble. 3. Well now he's got LOTS minus one... 2. One of your friends has had some trouble... Chandra Vincenzi. 1. I'm afraid that she's dead. After he tells you to leave, show him the photo as proof and he'll take you back to his office to talk. Again, be very carefull what you say/ask in this conversatiion. The more information you can learn the better. I recommend the following sequence. 2. Who is Chen? 3. You think Chandra would want you covering this guy's ass? 3. I don't know...but someone does. Why don't you help me out? 4. What's this guy's name and address? If you did this correctly, you'll find out that this guy named Chen lives over at 554 Wallaby Street #798. This location will now be available on your Em-way map. If it hasn't happened yet, then any minute now (assuming you're making pretty good time) you will see a Meanwhile sequence in which you learn that Johnny Qwong and his warehouse lab technicians are working to finish their production quota in three days. What on Earth could they be manufacturing so much drugs for? And isn't the prophecy supposed to come true in three days? 3. Johnny Qwong Head on over to Chen Lu's (that last name should sound familiar, remember in the introduction when Chandi thanked "Lu" for giving her the patch!) When you get there you'll have your first encounter with The Snake, the man with the eye-patch that you see in the hall. When you get to Chen's apartment, you find that he is dying. He has many patches on his skin and you watch as he mutates into a twisted, demonic, but dead form. After this grotesque scene, you'll have to be quick. The cops have detected your presence and you really don't want to spend the night in jail do you? Not if you want to meet Karen at her place later for a date. My suggestion is to play it as safe as possible. Remove Chen Lu's ID Card from his vidphone and go back to the Em-way. Loop back around and take the it back to Chen Lu's. You'll see that the police have aready come and gone. Use Chen's ID card to get inside.If you forget to take Chen Lu's ID Card with you when you return to the Em-way, then you can use one of your bombs to get back inside. If you have to use a bomb however, the police will be called again. If you are caught by the police you will be forced to spend the night in jail. Once there, head back to the vidphone and watch the last message. It's from someone named Deng Hwang, and he looks (and sounds) suspiciously like Bahumat. Also notice that the phone number, social security number, and gun permit number end in 0772. Next go ahead and step into the bathroom straight ahead. There you'll find one of the patches of the drug that killed Chandi. Next, head to the bedroom and examine the dragon statue. Something seems odd about the eyes, try clicking on them. Wow! The statue sinks down revealing a hidden safe! It has a four digit combination lock. Plug in 0772 and take the contents consisting of a parchment of Chinese writing, and a FISTO bar. It should be about time for your date with Karyn, so go ahead and head on over to her place. If you're a little early just use the inventory to skip ahead in time. You've already accomplished everything for today, and some time with Karyn is just what you need. NOTE: Part of this scene was removed from the Sega CD version of this game. For those of you who do not have access to the DOS version, the sceneraio is described below. 1. Blade meets Karyn at the door. 2. He proposes a toast at the restaraunt. *Sega CD version end's scene* 3. Shows Blade french kissing Karyn and thinking about how stupid he was to almost blow his relationship with her. 4. All she's thinking about is "He would have to order the liver and onion special." 5. Blade (shirt off) leans over Karyn on the couch and thinks "I won't be sleeping on the couch tonight!" 6. Blade and Karen sleep together. 7. Blade wakes up and says he has to leave to get an early start on a case. 8. Karen: "I love you, Blade." 9. Blade: "I...uh...er...I mean, yeah me too." After your date, you are in your own apartment again. If you didn't give Karyn the flowers or accept the date, you should just skip the rest of the day, get some sleep, and start fresh the next day. The first order of business is to go to City Hall again. Remember Chang Li? The old Chinese man? He's just the person to translate the Chinese parchment for you. He also has quite of bit to offer you so see him at once. Well, it seems that you ARE the one from the prophecy. It makes you really want to know if the bum's description of this hero was accurate! Hmm, could it be a coinsidence that a "knife" is a type of "blade?" Note that the date of August 3rd corresponds to the time the "production quota" is supposed to be completed at the warehouse. Take the four items from Chang and go ahead and equip the bullet-proof vest. You will have to take off your coat for a second to put the vest on underneath it. You can go ahead and examine all of the other items. The fortune cookie will come in handy later, but the other two are merely to serve as good luck charms. You can give the Rock of Life to Karyn, at least she'll get a use out of it. From now on the reservoir will be available on your Em-way map. Next head to see Karyn at City Hall. You can try to see the mayor again but he'll be busy. Talk to Karyn first. Have her take a look at the drug patch and at Chen Lu's ID Card. She will be able to provide you with an analyzation of the drug patch tomorrow, but the ID Card instantly brings up information on Johnny Qwong and "The Snake". Take a look at the information for Johnny Qwong and you'll find out his address, which will now be available on your Em-way map. For now, don't bother with the reservoir. When it's time to go there, you'll know it. Take the subway to the Pleasure Dome. It looks as if The Jake needs to talk to you. When he askes if you have anything you want to show him, give him the FISTO bar. If you don't give him the FISTO bar then he won't leave a vid-phone message on your machine later, and you will not have access to the hidden arcade sequence. Next, it's time to pay Johnny Qwong a visit. There's no way to get into his house but it's easy to get into the sewers. Just be carefull, if you stay down there too long you'll be bitten by rats. If you get bitten twice you're dead. If you know what you're doing you shouldn't get bitten, but if you do, that's what the First-Aid kit is for. Once you enter the sewer you'll see a vidphone maintainence access panel. Of course, it just happens to be locked. Use one of your bombs to get inside it and pull out your wire tester. It's time to tap Johnny Qwong's vidphone. But be carefull. Watch the meters on the top, DO NOT clamp any of the plugs to the vidphone lines unless the meters are in the green at the time. The red and blue (positive and negative) wires are to be plugged in by the base of the meters, attached to the red and blue wires running down respectively. As you clamp each wire, make sure that you also keep a close eye on the wire tester itself. It has a red light and a green light on it. If the light is green then you have plugged it in the right place. If the light is flashing red, hurry and remove the wire before you get electricuted. Don't try to clamp a wire when the meters are in the red or you will fried in an instant. After both the red and blue wires are placed, it's time to clamp the yellow ground wire into place. Notice that there are 8 yellow chambers running down the length of the unit? These 8 are divided into two sections of four. Clip the ground wire on the second chamber from the bottom. If you clipped it in, the right spot Blade will mention that all he has to do now is wait. If you can't figure it out, save the game and keep trying until you get it. Close the panel and return to your apartment. It looks like we've inter- cepted a message from Deng Hwang himself with order for Qwong to supervise at the warehouse. Sounds like it's about time we headed back over to the warehouse for a little action huh? Remember the electrical panel to the left of the window? Use one of your bombs there and be prepared for the Bang! 4. Secret Meeting After the fireworks are over, return to your own apartment to recieve another intercepted message from Deng Hwang to Johnny Qwong. Uh oh, looks like your little fireworks show has gotten Johnny into some trouble. Soon enough you'll notice yet another Meanwhile scenario. Now you know just the kind of person you're dealing with. Hwang really IS evil! And it looks like he's out to do whatever he can to keep you out of the way. But for tonight, there's nothing else you can do. Get some sleep. Go over to City Hall when you wake up and speak to Karyn. She'll have the lab report ready in the form of a videotape which some very informative, if not haunting, footage. When she asks if there's anything else, have her run an information trace on Deng Hwang. It turns out that the trace isn't going to be simple, but run it anyway. After learning what you can take the tape and leave the room. With the tape in your possession, it's time to talk to the mayor. Be very carefull what you say to the mayor or you could wind up in jail. I recommend the following sequence. 3. You should show a little more courtesy to someone who has information that could cost you the next election! 3. I'll tell you... but I think it's time to re-negotiate our deal. 2. Well, since you put it that way, I don't see how I can refuse. *hand the tape to the mayor* 3. No effin' way! I'm finished with this crap! Show me the door! If you did this correctly you will recieve the LAPD security card which you can use to get into the armoury. Go into the Police Headquarters regardless of Jenni's protest, and hand the guard your security clearance. Go off to the armoury (the hall leading to the right) where you can equip yourself with a much better gun. With this new gun, head back to your apartment and skip through some time. There's nothing you can do at the moment. In a few hours time you'll see another Meanwhile sequence in which Karyn is kidnapped! You'll find a message from Deng Hwang addressed personally to you in your vidphone. At this moment there is still nothing you can do unfortunatey. Go ahead and skip through some more time and get some sleep. If you've been following this guide then you've been making good time. Go ahead skip this whole day and get some sleep. You'll have a big day tomorrow on August 4. When you wake up on the 4th, check your vidphone messages. If you gave the candybar to The Jake then you'll have a message from him now. If you didn't give him the candybar, simply skip time until Deng Hwang calls units to the Resevoir. Then jump ahead to section 6 in this walkthrough. The Jake seems a bit disturbed, but he asks you to meet at the warehouse at 8:30. Go ahead and go to the warehouse now, and skip time until 8:30. Save your game before you leave. 5. The Fight with Snake (Arcade) NOTE: The DOS version will automaticly allow you to win the arcade sequences when you die five times. The Sega CD version does not have this option, but both have infinate continues so as long as you saved your game before-hand you should be alright. Jump to the right off the platform you start on. If you land in the oil you die. So be carefull. Quickly duck and shoot to get rid of the crouching guard, then take out the other two guards while ducking to avoid their shots. Crawl underneath the fog and quickly shoot the quards in front of you. Then quickly jump over the hole in the ground. Jump both up and over to avoid falling into the hole. Walk under the lamp only right after the red beam is done shining. Then take out the awaiting guards. Slip under the fog and the red beam when you can. You may have to practice your timing. Then jump over the next hole and walk to the right, crawling underneath the electrical field where The Snake will make his appearance. The best technique to beating Snake is to fight hand to hand. Get off as many shots as you can at first and when he comes across the hole in the ground, make sure you're standing right next to where he'll land...as soon as he drops down keep attacking and you'll beat him with your gun while can't get a shot off. If you only have the handgun, then expect all the enemies to be harder to defeat. The automatic rifle will allow you to kill most of the guards in one shot. After defeating Snake, you'll recieve Snake's ID Card which you can use to sneak into Deng Hwang's Headquarters. This is the easiest way in, but I recommend detouring to the reservoir just to experience all the Arcade sequences in the game. You can take the Em-way straight to Deng Hwang's if you want. Just use Snake's ID Card to get past security. If you choose this option, skip to section 7 in this walkthrough. 6. Reservoir (Arcade) Unlike the other arcade sequences, you will only have one chance at this one. Make it count. It's a very good idea to save just before you go to the Reservoir. As soon as you get there go into your inventory and equip your most powerfull gun. If you only have the handgun, then I sincerely wish you luck. You'll need it! You'll find yourself attacked very quickly. There are five enemies you need to take out. If you're wearing the bullet-proof vest you'll be able to withstand more hits, but your still going to have to get out there and kick some ass. Below are the locations of the five enemies you need to kill. 1. behind the truck to the left 2. in the window just past the first enemy 3. on the roof 4. behind the hovercar 5. to the right of the hovercar behind a rock The stakes are very simple. Win, and you can steal the hovercar. Lose, and not only do you die, but so does the entire population of Los Angeles. For everyone's sake I hope you win. You can fly the hovercar to most of the city, but time is short. If you haven't seen the next Meanwhile sequence yet, you will very soon. Karyn tries to struggle with the guards, and it looks as if Hwang plans to kill you if you try to rescue her. Save your game and take the car directly to Hwang's headquarters. 7. Bahumat When you land on the roof take a deep breath and be prepared. For the rest of the game you will have to act extremely quick. The best advice I can offer is to save often. But it's a good idea to save in a seprate file than the one you have saved on so far. The Sega CD allows you to save up to three games so take advantage. Note: If you took the Em-Way to Hwang's, you will arrive at the security gate rather than the roof. Either way, once you enter the building you will be in the same room as you would have had you took the hovercar. When you take the elevator down, your next goal is to break into the security room. By far the most appealing way to get by the receptionist is to spray her with Napent. This is one of the best scenes in the Sega CD version of the game, and unfortunately it is entirely absent in the DOS version of the game. If you're playing the DOS version, you should have no problem talking your way into the room, but you better hurry and get inside before she double- checks your story! When you get inside, go straight to the control panel and lock the break room! The receptionist won't be fooled long and you need to keep the guards at bay as long as you can. Next make sure the interrogation room and the janitor's closet are both unlocked. Your next step is to shut down the electronic gate that you need in order to get past the room with the receptionist. In order to do that you're going to have to shut down the security feature first. Click the Security switch to off, you'll have to insert a card or punch in the manual override. You can try any of the ID Cards you have, but you won't have the proper clearance so you're going to have to do this the hard way. Notice the colored buttons at the bottom of the panel? Now's the time to read your fortune cookie. The letters on the cookie's note correspond to the color of the buttons in the order you need to press them. RYP-YWP-YRPWRY-PBW This translates to: 1. Red 2. Yellow 3. Purple 4. Yellow 5. White 6. Purple 7. Yellow 8. Red 9. Purple 10. White 11. Red 12. Yellow 13. Purple 14. Blue 15. White After entering this sequence of buttons, shut down the gate and get out of there as fast as you can. Hurry, the guards will be on your tale for the rest of the game. As soon as your done explaining to the receptionist, head down the hall. Take the first door on your right, this will be the janitor's closet. Quickly open the top and bottom panels on the circuit box. Flip the switch to the left to shut off the current, and then take the screwdriver from the sink. Use it to remove the wires from the lower box. Hurry on out of this room, and head to the next one. Here you'll find Karyn! She has three plugs coming out of her neck, and precious few seconds to live. Keep on your toes pal, this is getting serious. Place the wires across her body, then remove the three plugs as quickly as you can. If you can't save her, you can still win the game so hurry on out of here to confront Bahumat. You may wish to save the game before rescuing Karyn so that you can compare the endings. 8. The Final Battle (Arcade) This arcade sequence controls very like the fight with snake, but as you'd expect, it's a bit harder to get through. Once again, if you're playing the DOS version you will be able to go ahead and win if you die five times. After the shocking introduction, walk to the right and shoot the three guards, jump straight up and shoot the red switch to shut of the flames. Then continue to the right and up the stairs. Take out the guards and continue until you come to the end of the raised platform. This is the hard part, first drop down to the lower platform. Then duck and shoot the guard before he shoots you. Duck, and crawl underneath the flames. The next jump is a big one, get as close to the edge as you can without falling in and jump both up and to the right. You should just barely make it to the other side in time for another similarly difficult jump. Take out the guard and shut off the flames the same way you did the first ones. Continue to the right. Quickly cross the bridge and take out all the guards before they can do too much damage to you. Continue across, shoot the next guard and then jump across to the other platform. Climb the golden stairs and prepare to face Bahumat! The strategy for beating Bahumat is pretty easy. Stay at a distance, his tail will easily defeat you in close range combat. Limit him to his fireballs and shoot as often as you can with your gun. If you only have the handgun then you should probably try to avoid his fireballs, but regardless, make sure standing up straight on the same platform as Bahumat when you shoot. This will ensure that each shot hits him sqaure in the chest, resulting in the most damage. After he's defeated, watch the epilogue, followed by the credits. You have successfully beaten the game. Congradulations. NOTE: The ending will be slightly different depending on whether or not you save Karyn. I hope you enjoyed the game as much as I did. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Part III: Item Guide /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This section will detail the description and uses for every item found in Rise of the Dragon, as well as where to find each item. I have done my best to assure the accuracy of everything in this guide. In the event that I find another use for an item, it will be mentioned in a future release of the guide. Clothes: You find these laying on the floor of your apartment at the start of the game. I can't really say if they're fasionable or not because I have never lived in Los Angeles in the year 2053, but I assume they are the standard uniform of most Private Investigators in the area. You must put them on before leaving your apartment or else you will be arrested for indecent exposure. Coat: This is found hanging on a coatrack in your apartment at the beginning of the game. After you put on your clothes, put this on over them before you leave the apartment. You can always take it off, but Blade will automaticly put it right back on. Also, when you are wearing the bullet-proof vest you will have to wear the coat on top of it. Blade's ID Card: Your ID Card is found in the vidphone machine in your apart- ment at the start of the game. After viewing the messages, be sure to take the card with you as it will allow you to enter your apartment again at a later time. It can also be used to buy things, and of course to listen to your vidphone messages. Napent: The Napent Aerosol Personal Protection Device can be found in the bathroom. It can be used to put people you encounter into a state of euphoria. The Sega CD version of the game does not limit it to three uses, and it's quite fun to hear many of the people's reactions when you spray them. It is especially helpful near the end of the game as a means to gain enterance into the security room. First-Aid Kit: This can be found in the bathroom of your apartment. During the game if you are shot or bitten by a rat, this kit will be able to heal some of the damage. Chandi's Photo: The mayor will send you a "vid-transmission hardcopy" (Mayor- speak for "photo") of his daughter's corpse when you listen to his message the first time. You will need to give this to "The Jake" as proof that you are who you say you are before he agrees to talk to you in his office. Handgun: This With & Smesson handgun is hidden behind the pillow in your apartment. You can use it in the arcade sequences if you have not come across a better weapon yet. Cabinet Keys: You get these from Karen the first time you talk to her. They unlock the cabinet above the sink in your apartment. Flowers: You can buy two dozen long stemmed roses from the flower girl in the street at the beginning of the game. Give them to Karen and play your cards right and you'll witness Blade and Karen on a date. You can not buy these after making up with Karen. They cost $200 plus tax. Wire Tester: The ACME "Little Giant" Wire Testing Kit can be found in the cabinet above the sink in your apartment. It is used to tap vidphone lines, but be carefull. The makers of this wire tester didn't have a warranty regarding electric shock. Make sure you know what you're doing before you attempt to use this or you will very quickly end up fried to a crisp. FISTO Bar: There are two FISTO bars in the game. These chocolate and bananna peel candybars are very handy when you need to bribe someone because chocolate is such a rare and black market item. The first can be found in the cabinet above the sink in your apartment, the second is found in Chen Lu's safe. You should give your first candybar to Slen, the thug outside the Pleasure Dome, in return for the claim check so that you can pick up your gun(s) when you leave. The second FISTO bar is to be given to The Jake in order to ensure that he will leave you a vidphone message when you are needed. Bomb: The Personal Explosive Device is pretty usefull. You find four of them in the cabinet above the sink in your apartment. One can be used on the electric panel of the warehouse. This will give you a little extra time to thwart the Rise of the Dragon. Your second oppertunity to use one of these bombs is to blow open the locked security panel to gain acces to Johnny Qwong's vidphone lines, which you can tap with your wire tester. If you get locked out of Chen Lu's apartment and need to get back inside, you can use a bomb to gain enterance but you'll have to hurry because the police will arrive shortly after. Chen's ID Card: You will find this ID Card in Chen's vidphone machine when you first pay him a visit. It can be used to listen to his vid- phone messages as well as to gain enterance into his apartment at a later time. Claim Check: You recieve the claim check when you check your gun(s) at the Pleasure Dome (assuming you've bribed Slen with the FISTO Bar already.) You need this to get back your gun(s) whenever you leave. MTZ Drug Patch: You find this patch in Chen Lu's bathroom. This is the deadly drug responsible for Chandi's death. If you use the patch it will kill you as it did her, but when you bring it to Karyn at City Hall she will have it analyzed. When the tape of the analyzation comes back you can speak to the mayor about it. Parchment: The parchment from Chen Lu's safe is written in an ancient chinese language. Chang Li can translate it for you. This parchment explains about the prophecy of Bahumat and the rise of the dragon. After Chang Li's translation, he will give you the Rock of Life, a fortune cookie, the Tome of Wisdom, and the bulletproof vest. Rock of Life: You recieve the Rock of Life from Chang Li when he translates Chen Lu's parchment for you. It serves no purpous but can be given to Karyn. Tome of Wisdom: Don't worry. Be Happy. Fortune Cookie: This cookie's fortune is particularly helpfull. The code on it can be used to shit down the security in Deng Hwang's home, allowing you access to the final climactiv battle with Bahumat. The cookie is one of the items you get when you have Chang Li translate the parchment from Chen Lu's safe. Bulletproof Vest:This vest allows you to take more damage in the arcade sequences. You get it from Chang Li by having him translate the parchment. MTZ Videotape: You recieve this videotape the day after you give Karyn the MTZ patch when you return to speak with her. After viewing it you can use it to speak with the mayor. Security Pass: The LAPD Security Pass will allow you to take the assault rifle from the armoury. You can only get this pass is you say exactly the right things to the mayor after showing him the MTZ tape. Snake's ID Card: You get this card after defeating Snake in the first arcade sequence. It will allow you to enter Deng Hwang's from the front door and bypass security rather than sneaking in from the roof. Screwdriver: This can be found in the janitor's closet in Deng Hwang's. It is used to remove the wires from the lower electrical panel in the same room, provided the switch in the top panel has been switched off. Wires: These wires are taken from the lower electrical panel in the janitor's closet at Deng Hwangs. After removing the wires with the screw driver, they can be used un Karyn's body to run a bypass while you remove the wires connected to her neck, rescuing her from death. Assault Rifle: You can take this powerful gun from the armoury only if you have the LAPD Security Pass. It makes the arcade sequences a lot easier. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Part IV: Credits /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This document was written and researched entirely by the author, David R. Lambert. No information in this guide was taken from any source other than my own experiences playing both the DOS and Sega CD version of the game, "Rise of the Dragon." Expect more information to be added to this guide at a later time. Copyright © 2002 by David R. Lambert. All Rights Reserved. http://www.liquid2k.com/bmi2k gamepunk@antisocial.com