Mansion Of Hidden Souls solution Note: This is a HTML adaptation of the Mansion Of Hidden Souls Walkthrough, authored by Steve Wargo. Get the DIARY on the Chair in the STUDY. (1st floor, turn left while facing stairwell then turn right when you are facing the door.) Walk to the end of the hall and go in the door in front of you. Go to the VIEWING SCREEN in the BILLIARDS room and look into it. (2nd floor, turn right at stairs, then right again. Walk to end of hall and go into door on left) Now go to the RED BEDROOM (2nd floor, turn left at the stairs, left again at end of hall. Walk to the end of the hall and enter door on right.) In the Red Bedroom, face the red dresser and look into it. You should turn toward the floor and uncover a key under the pillow. Unlock the door to the ART ROOM with the key. (2nd floor, turn left at stairs, door on the left). Look behind the picture on the fireplace wall (right hand side) to get the next key. Before you leave, look into the strange smeared- red painting near the door you came into. This will take you to the CANDLE ROOM. Blow out the candle just to the left of the moon. You will go through a secret door. Enter the library, turn to the right and look at the bookshelf. You will remove a book that reveals diagrams about the dartboard and candle room. (Notice the location of the darts) Now turn left until you reach the next bookcase and look into this one to reveal another key. This is the key to let you out. Exit the library through the door by the stool. Go into the MUSIC ROOM (1st floor, on your right as you are facing the stairwell.) and pick up the TUNING FORK on the side of the couch. You should automatically use it. Go back to the VIEWING SCREEN (2nd floor, turn right at stairs, right again to end of hall, door on left.) After looking into the screen, look at the dartboard. You should pick up some MATCHES. Go to the LIBRARY ANTECHAMBER (1st floor, facing stairwell turn left, enter door you are now facing). Go under the desk and you will return to the CANDLE ROOM. With the MOON to your right, count the candle just to the right of it as number 2. Turn, and the candle next to that one is number 1. Leave these 2 lit! Now turn once more to the right and blow out that candle. Turn to the right again and blow out that candle, light it, then blow it out, and light it again. Turn to the right once again, and blow that candle out. The door should automatically open. If not, try blowing out and re-lighting that one candle again. (Notice how the darts in the dartboard correspond with the candles.) 3 MOON 2 4 YOU 1 5 UNLIGHT UNLIGHT LIGHT, THEN BLOW OUT AND RELIGHT The secret exit revealed should take you to the basement. Walk to the end of the hall and turn to the left at the statue into the FLOWER ROOM. Enter the door on your left and enter the MAIN CHAMBER. Once in, turn to the left. It will be too dark to see it, but press forward to pick up a flower. Now go back into the flower room and put the flower into the empty vase. Now return again to the MAIN CHAMBER (notice how the water has drained out). Walk down the columns and grab your sister. (The butterfly). The Hunter will start talking. Once he is done, get out of the Basement. Go back to the ART ROOM (2nd floor, turn left at stairs, door on the right) and get the clock behind the easel. You are now on a timer!! Go into the MUSIC ROOM (1st floor, turn right while facing the stairwell and enter the door in front of you) and pick up the CANDLE on the small table on your left. Take the candle into the STUDY (1st floor, turn left while facing the stairs, then turn right and enter the door at the end of the hall) and walk into the fireplace. Once up close, you will have to use your candle. Once in, turn to the left and walk to the end of the passageway. Walk to the end of the passageway until you bump into the wall. A key will drop from the ceiling. Exit the fireplace and you should be in the study. Open the small cabinet on the right-hand side with the key. You will be given a plaque. Go back into the fireplace and put the plaque where you previously bumped into the wall, at the end of the passageway. A ladder will come down. Go up the ladder to enter the ATTIC. Enter the door with the Number 3 on it and you should see a mirror. Go back down the stairs and out of the fireplace, and enter the RED BEDROOM. (2nd floor, turn left at stairs, left again at the wall, enter the door at the end on your right.) Search the table for the CRYSTAL. Now go back to the ATTIC. (I suggest jumping off the banister in the hallway to save time) When you use the CRYSTAL on the MIRROR, you will be presented with a series of doors. Only go through the ones with a 3 on them or if the 3 numbers together add up to a number that is divisible by 3. (WIMPS: Doors 3, 33, 777, 345, 333, 12, 27. Now use the CRYSTAL on the MIRROR that is in front of you now. You have won the game. HTML © 1998 Just The FAQs. All images and content © by the respective owner(s). All rights reserved.