Eternal Champions: Challenge From The Dark Side View Cinekills: Select a two player game and set the game speed to the fastest option. Select Slash's stage, change the wins option to 1 out of 1, and disable inner strength. Player one should select Raven, and player two should select a character that corresponds to the Cinekill to be viewed. Begin the match and have player one move to the left of player two and repeatedly use the most powerful kick until that player is dizzy. Then, jump over player two and execute the strongest kick repeatedly as fast as possible. The Cinekill sequence will start just before player two's character dies. Bonus FMV sequence: Note: This code require a six-button controller. Wait until the Eternal Champions logo appears during the opening sequence, then immediately press X, B, Z, A, Y, C, Mode, Up, Right, Left, Down, Start. The code must be entered before the phrase "Press Start" is displayed. An FMV sequence featuring the game's development team will be displayed. Bonus characters: Note: These features require a six-button controller. Enter one of the following the codes on controller two at the "Final Stats" screen after a match. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Allow time to expire at the continue screen, then start a new game. The corresponding bonus fighter will now be selectable. Note: Eternal Number 1, Eternal Number 2, and the Dark Champion can only be used in two player mode. Character Code Blast Press Z, Left, Y, Up, X, B, Mode, Right, Up. Crispy Press Mode, Up, C, Up, Mode, Y(2), Right, Mode, A, Left. Chin Wo Press B, Z, Up, Mode, Right, C, B, Up, Y, Up. Yappy Press Y(2), Up, Down, mode, Down, Z, Up(2), X. Hooter Press X, C, Right, X, B, Right, Z, A, Mode, Up. Senator Press Right, C(2), Left, Mode, B, Down, X, A, X, Mode. Slither Press B, Y, Up(2), C, X, Left, Up, X, Y. Thenatos Press Mode, C, Y, A, B, Up, B(2), Y, Z, C. Zuni Press Y, X, Down, B, Mode, Up, X, Up(2), Left, Z, Up. Eternal Number 1 Press C, Left, Y, B, Mode, X, Right, C, Mode, Down(2), Right. Eternal Number 2 Press X, Z, A, Mode, Down, Left, C, B, Right, Y, Up, Mode, Y, C. Dark Champion Press Up, C, B(2), X, Right, Left, C, X, Right, Y, Left, Down. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Debug mode: Note: This feature requires a six-button controller. Press Y, A, B(2), A, Down, A, B(2), A, Down, Up(2), Z(2), Y on controller two at the at the "Final Stats" screen after a match. Then, pause game play and enter one of the following codes on controller one to activate the corresponding cheat function. Effect Code Lower player one's life Press A(3). Lower player two's life Press B(3). Disable music Press C(3). Heal both players Press X(3). One hit damage to each character Press Y(3). Recharge Inner Strength Press Z(3). Both players gain 20% energy Press Left(3), A. Fight Eternal Champion after round Press Right(3), A. Fight Dark Champion after round Press Mode(3), A. 7-3-95:New in this FAQ... Better combo's. How to find the Senator. And a few other things. Any news on how to find Slither is all I need. Also please any new stuff or anything in reference to EC:CD send to DarkChamp@Aol.Com Vaultkeepr DarkChamp Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Dark Side ______________________________________________________________________ This file is Copyright@1995 by Andy Michelson. If you have anything to add or you have a question contact me at DarkChamp@Aol.Com or Vaultkeepr@Aol.Com. ______________________________________________________________________ Eternal Champions for Sega CD FAQ Version 4 Sections Section 1- The moves, the methods, the ways. Section 2-Hidden Characters Moves. Section 3- Combo's. Section 4- Whats left to find.... Section 5- Acknowledgements. _______________________________________________________________________ Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Darkside is the follow-up to Sega's original Eternal Champions, and Eternal Champions CD is exclusively for the Sega CD. Keep in mind this is not a upgrade... its a whole new game. ________________________________________________________________________ Section 1 _________________________Legend_________________________________________ (1)Special moves require inner strength. (2)Skill moves can be done any time. (3)X+Y+Z or A+B+C means hold them until the move works. (4)QCT means a quarter circle started from down and going towards your opponent. (5)QCB means a quarter circle started from down and going away from the opponent. (6)Charge back, forward and B means charge away for two seconds then forward and B. _____________________________________________________________________ Finding Secret Fighters So far I have found ten... Crispy, Blast, and Chin Wo- They seem to be connected somehow. The way to get them is not quite confirmed. I got them by winning the game quite a bit on Warrior level. Eternal Champion- I won with Blast on Champion twice to get him. Only available in Duel Mode. Dark Champion- Do a Vendetta every match in Champion mode. Must not continue, in other words do not lose! Hooter- Play double elimination and lose the first round, then win the tourney. Go to Duel and Hooter is there. Senator- Play on Neophyte, win every match by letting time run out. Thanatos- Do a Vendetta on XAVIER on Champion mode. Yappy- Seems to appear when get 2500 points in Expert Survivor. Zuni- Quite easy. Play versus the computer in duel mode. Choose Chin Wo's stage and execute a Sudden Death. _______________________________________________________________________ Executing Sudden Deaths and Overkills. In order to properly execute a Overkill you must: be in the last round, victim is in front of the background "trigger", and the victor hits with a blow that does 5% or more damage. For the Sudden Death to be properly executed you must: be in the last round, victim must have 20% energy or less, and the victor hits with a move that does 10% damage. _____________________________________________________________________ Executing a Vendetta. Your opponent must be stunned and have 33% health left. _____________________________________________________________________ Executing a Cinekill. You must get your opponent dizzy after using a Power Combo so that they only have 33% energy or less and the Cinekill then kicks in. ___________________________________________________________________________ Blade Stage:Syrian Desert Refinery Special Moves (1)Stun beam- Back, forward Z (2)Straight blade- Back, forward Y+Z (3)Wild fury attack- A+B+C (4)Backfire- A+C (5)Personal shield- X+Y+Z (6)Tracking Blade- Back, forward X+Y (7)Projectile containment field- A+B Skill Moves (1)Slice and dice- QCT C (2)Lightning strike- QCT B+C (3)Brick wall- Back, forward B (4)Excessive force- Charge Back, forward B+C Vendetta:(Close)Down, Down, Forward, Forward X Overkill:The loser should be at either edge of the fan, hit toward the fan. Sudden Death:Have the loser must land under the second metal band to the left of the fan. ____________________________________________________________________________ Dawson Stage:Hangtown Mine Special Moves (1)Round up- QCT B (2)Rattle snake belt grab- Back, forward Y (3)Roll the dice- (in air) QCT B (4)Tumble weed- Back, forward A,B, or C (5)Dual knife throw- Back, forward X (6)Spit attack- Back, forward Y+Z (7)Pony tail strike- Back, forward X+Y (8)Hat strike- Back, forward Z Skill Moves (1)Gold strike- Back, forward B+C (2)Gentlemens quarter- Down, up B (3)Spinning axe pick- QCT C (4)Step out- QCB C (at the edge of the screen) Vendetta:(anywhere on screen) Back, Down, Forward, Back, Back Z Sudden Death:Throw a projectile at the far right side of the battle ground. Overkill:Loser must land on the left of the Third bed. ____________________________________________________________________________ Jetta Stage:Blue Dragon Circus Special Moves (1)Whirlwind kick- Back, forward C (2)Phase- X+Y+Z (3)Moving corkscrew- A+B or B+C (4)Bladerang- Back, forward X (5)Flying choke hold- Back, forward Z (6)Resonate- A+C (7)Death dive- Down, up Y Skill Moves (1)Spinning corkscrew uppercut- Back, forward Y+Z (2)Flash fire- Back, forward B+C (3)Power burst- QCT C (4)Richochet- Down, up A Vendetta:(Anywhere)Down, Down, Back, Down A Sudden Death:The losing opponent should be standing in front of the folded back curtain that is the furthest to the right. Throw the projectile from the folded curtain on the left side of the entrance. Overkill:Throw the opponent off the left side of the screen. ______________________________________________________________________ Larcen Stage: Chicago Theatre Special Moves (1)Slash and turn- Back, forward Y+Z (2)Sai throw- Back, forward Y (3)Swinging hammer fist- X+Y+Z (4)Ceiling grab- Down, up C (5)Low sweep- Back, forward Z (6)Power sweep- A+B+C (7)Air sweep- A+C (activated in the ground or air) Skill Moves (1)Reflect- Back, forward X (2)Machine gun blitz- Back, forward B+C (3)Backflip kick- QCB C (4)Mantis strike- QCT A Vendetta:(close) Forward, Forward, Forward,Down Z Overkill:In front of bricks on outside of the theatre door. (Hit towards door) Sudden Death:Loser slightly to the right of the building. Hit toward center. ____________________________________________________________________________ Midknight Stage:Belgrave Square Laboratory Special Moves (1)Bedazzle- X+Y+Z (2)Doom dog- QCT B (3)Ceiling ram- QCT C (while close) (4)Life drain- Back, forward X+Y+Z (while close) (5)Flying wall smash- Back, forward Z (6)Mist attack- A+C (7)Manifest- Charge A+B+C Skill Moves (1)Demons fang- (in air) Back, forward C (2)Rapid fire- Back, forward B+C (3)Slide kick- QCT Z (while close) (4)Overhead stomach punch- Forward A+B+C (while close) Vendetta:(close) Down,Forward,Forward,Down B. Overkill:Loser must land in the center of the electricity on the right side. Sudden Death:Loser must be under either sign, hit toward the center. ____________________________________________________________________________ Ramses III Stage:Abu Simbel Temple Special Moves (1)Sun reflection- Back, forward Z (2)Anubis block- A+B+C (3)Wrap attack- Back, forward Y (4)Teleport- Down, up X (5)Snake attack- Down, up C (6)Torch attack- Down, up Y (7)Hack & smack- Back, forward X+Y Skill Moves (1)Thunder lizard- QCT C (2)Jackals bite- QCT Y (3)Phoenix dive- (in air) QCT Z (4)King combo- Back, forward B+C Vendetta:(close) Down, Down, Down, Forward, Forward B. Overkill: The loser must be in front of the pillars to either side of the alter. Hit away from the alter Sudden Death:Just to the right of the left torch. Hit enemy toward center. ____________________________________________________________________ Raven Stage:Shango Village, Trinidad Special Moves (1)Time smash- X+Y, release (2)Voodoo attack- A+C, release (3)Time add/subtract- QCT A+B, or QCT B+C (4)Double fang kick- A+B+C (5)Create void- QCT Z (6)Time split- Back, forward Y+Z.A+B+C to reappear. (7)Destabilize time- X+Y+Z, release Skill Moves (1)Time fold- Back, forward X (2)Serpent rainbow- Back, forward A (3)Raven's fury- (in air) QCT B (4)Mambo combo- Back, forward B+C Vendetta:(Anywhere) Down, Forward, Back, Forward Y Overkill:Between the right side of the mouth and the torch, hit towards the pot. Sudden Death:Loser must be standing in center of left totem. ______________________________________________________________________ R.A.X. Stage:Cyber Dome Arena Special Moves (1)Lock and load- A+B (2)Cyber punch- X+Y+Z (3)Jet knee smash- Back, forward Y+Z (4)Overload- A+C (5)Air jets- Down, up B (6)Cyber kick- A+B+C (7)Shockwave- Back, forward Y+Z Skill Moves (1)Atomic knee- QCT B (2)Thrash and bash- Back, forward B+C (3)Jet uppercut- Down, up Z (4)Turbine- Back, forward A Vendetta:(close) Forward, Back, Forward, Back B Overkill:In front of head in the center. Sudden Death:Loser must be under either spotlight near center. Hit victim away from the center. ______________________________________________________________________ Riptide Stage:Off the Barbary Coast Special Moves (1)Thunder Clap- Back, forward Y+Z (2)Eagle talon- QCT Z (3)Sea legs- QCT Y (4)Ground kriss blade- Back, forward X (5)Whirlwind teleport- Down, up C (6)Fog trap- QCB Y (7)Air kriss blade- (in air) Back, forward X Skill Moves (1)Flashing daggers- Back, forward B+C (2)Crows nest- Down, up Z (3)Whirlpool reflect- Back, forward A (4)Tidal punch- QCT X (5)Dizzy- QCT C (while close) Vendetta:(close) Forward, Down,Back,Back B Overkill:Place loser in front of the ships mast (in center) Sudden Death:Place losing opponent at the far left edge of the screen.Throw projectile. ______________________________________________________________________ Shadow Stage:Black Orchid Rooftop Special Moves (1).Shadow Punch- Back, forward y+z (2.)High jump angle kick- Charge down, up B (3).Twirling fan attack- Back, forward A,B,orC (4)Smoke screen- A+B+C (5).Shadow mode- X+Y+Z (6).Flying mine uzume-bi- QCT Z (7).Shuriken-Back, forward X or Y (8).Knife- Back, forward-up X (9).Bomb- Back, forward-down X or Y Skill moves (1).Fan block- Back, forward X+Y (2).Roll and rock- QCT C (3)Banzai blitz- Back, forward B+C (4).Flying step tobi ashi- Back, forward A+B (5).Air throw- Forward+X (while close in the air) Vendetta:(close) press Down,Down,Back, Down C. Overkill:Hit the loser toward the second letter in the sign Sudden Death:The loser must be just to the left of the last letter, hit them towards the left. _____________________________________________________________________ Slash Stage:Great Rift Valley Special Moves (1)Bone breaker- (in air) Forward Z (victim must be in the air also) (2)De-Claw- Back, forward Z (3)Running head butt- Back, forward C (4)Power club- (in air) Y+Z (5)Fire club- QCT X (6)Ice club- QCT Y (7)Spinal crush- Forward Y Skill moves (1)Reflect- Back, forward X+Y (2)Caveman beating- Back, forward B+C (3)Double foot kick- QCB C (4)Club drive- QCB B Vendetta:(close) Down, Forward, Down, Forward C. Overkill:Throw the loser off the left side of the the screen. Sudden Death:Player must stand in the center of the left volcano. ______________________________________________________________________ Trident Stage:Shores of Atlantis Special Moves (1)Wave master- Down, up A (2)Spinning trident- X+Y+Z (3)Plasma bolt- Back, forward Z (4)Bio-stun field- A+B (5)Repulsor field- B+C (6)Bio-drain field- Y+Z (7)Depth charge field- X+Y (8)Liquid mode- A+B+C (9)Lunge attack- Back, forward Y Skill moves (1)Whirlpool kick- Back, forward A+B (2)Neptunes fury- Back, forward B+C (3)Tidal wave- QCT Z (4)Slash spin- QCB C (5)Slash spin forward- QCT C Vendetta:(close) Forward, Forward, Down, Forward A Overkill:Loser must be in middle of the either rock- hit towards the center. Sudden Death:Loser must be to the right of the small rock on the left side. Hit to the left ______________________________________________________________________ Xavier Stage:Salem Special Moves (1)Phantom strike- Y+Z, release (2)Spinning trident- X+Y+Z (3)Attract and smack- A+B+C (4)Midas touch- Back, forward Y (5)Swap spell- X+Y (6)Possesion- X+Y+Z (7)Confusion spell- A+C Skill Moves (1)Mystic shield- Back, forward Y+Z (2)Wizards wrath- Back, forward B+C (3)Snap back- Back, forward X (4)Dragons bite- QCT C Vendetta:(anywhere) Down,Down,Back,Back C Overkill:Victim must be near the stake, hit them towards the stake. Sudden Death:Have the loser stand directly in front of the tree on the left side of the screen.Hit him with a projectile. ______________________________________________________________________ Section 2 There are 11 hidden characters. All of them but one have been found. (NOTE:All the hidden characters Vendetta's must be executed from the right.) ______________________________________________________________________ Blast Stage: (Hidden Stage #2)Song Hong Delta Special Moves (1)Bungee Knife- QCT Z (2)Self-Destruct- A+B+C (3)Ground Swell- Down, up X+Y (4)Drop 'n Pop- Back, forward X+Y+Z (5)Bungee climb- Down, up Z (6)Grenade toss- Back, forward A+B (7)Nitro knuckles- X+Y+Z Skill Moves (1)Hammerhead- QCT X (2)Salvo attack- Back, forward B+C (3)Blast shield- Back, forward X (4)Power slide- QCB C Vendetta:(anywhere) Back,Back,Down,Down B Overkill: Hit enemy into the clearing (center of the stage) Sudden Death:Loser must land a 1/2 screen away from the left of the tower. Attack from the right ____________________________________________________________________________ Chin Wo Stage:Stone Temple Monkey Special Moves (1)Heal- X+Y+Z (2)Wood elemental- Y+Z (3)Water elemental- Back, forward A+B (4)Metal elemental- B+C (5)Air elemental- QCT A (6)Fire elemental- QCT Y (7)Needle shot- Back, forward Z Skill Moves (1)Ape spit- Back, forward B+C (2)Iron monkey block- Back, forward X (3)Climb and kick- Back, forward C (4)Drunken monkey- QCB C Vendetta: (Anywhere) Down,Down,Back,Down Y or D,F,D,F Y. Overkill:The loser must be in the center of the archway. SuddenDeath: Loser stands a little left of the right side of the archway. Hit towards the center _______________________________________________________________________ Crispy Stage:Song Hong Delta (1)Thrust kick- (in air) Back, forward C (2)Thrust kick- (on ground) Back, forward C (3)Egg throw- Back, forward X+Y (4)Claw attack- QCT B (5)Farmer- X+Y+Z ________________________________________________________________________ Dark Eternal Champion Stage:Song Hong Delta (1)Thunder clap- Back, forward Y (2)Thunder strike- Back, forward Z (3)Fire rain- Down, up C (4)Snowball- QCT C (5)Rollin rock- QCB A (6)Freeze- X+Y+Z (7)Bolders- QCB Y (8)Fireball- QCF A _________________________________________________________________________ Eternal Champion Stage:Song Hong Delta (1)Change form- Full circle forward + any button (2)Attack 1- X+Y+Z (3)Attack 2- A+B+C ________________________________________________________ Hooter the owl Stage:Salem Special Moves (1)Horizontal- Back, forward Z (2)Spin upper- QCT Z (3)Retract- QCB A (4)Horizontal Up- Back, forward Y+Z (5)Horizontal Down- Back, forward B+C (6)Head Butt- Forward Y+Z ________________________________________________________________________ Senator Stage:Washington D.C Special Moves (1)Red Tape- Back, forward Y (2)Veto- Back, forward X+Y (3)Impeach- A+B+C (4)Ban Violence- Back, forward C (5)Diplomatic Imm.- X+Y+Z (6)Donate- QCT B+C (7)Mud Slinger- Back, forward X+Z Skill Moves (1)Rebuttal- Back, forward X (2)Voter Spin Stab- QCT Z (3)Kickback- Back, forward B+C (4)Out of office- QCB C Vendetta:(Anywhere) Down, Down, Back, Down Z Overkill: Far right side of the screen. Sudden Death: Victim must land on the right manhole cover. _______________________________________________________________________ Slither (1)Lunge- Back, forward Y (2)Chew- Back, forward Z (3)Cartwheel- QCT B (4)Spit- Back, forward X (5) Tailspin- QCT C (6) 1000 bite- X+Y+Z __________________________________________________________________________ Thanatos Stage:Salem Special Moves (1)Muskateer- QCT Z (2)Flying guillotine- (in air) X+Y+Z (3)Witch fire- QCB A (4)Iron maiden- Back, forward X+Y (5)Death form- X+Y+Z, release (6)Rack- Back, forward C (7)Deaths door- Down, up X Skill Moves (1)Tombstone- Back, forward X (2)Handmans axe- Down, up B (3)Corpsifier- Back, forward B+C (4)Rising dead- QCT C Vendetta:(close) Forward, forward, back, back, back X Overkill:same as Xaviers. Sudden Death:same as Xaviers. ______________________________________________________________________ Yappy Stage:Washington D.C (1)Jump head butt- QCT Z (2)Sonic Bark- Back, forward Y (3)Dirt kick- back, forward B (4)Razor kick- QCT C (5) Whirlwind- X+Y+Z (6) Hotdog- Back, forward A+B+C ________________________________________________________________________ Zuni the monkey Stage:Stone Temple Monkey Special Moves (1)Cross over- QCT B (close) (2)Cross over 2- QCT C (close) (3)Banana- Back, forward Y (4)Coconut- Back, forward Z (5)Face slash- QCT Z (close) __________________________________________________________________________ Section 3 In this section are the keys to the Cinekill. I have dubbed them Power Combo's. Here are some of the best I could find. Ones marked * are for expert's only. ____________________________________________________________________________ Blade- Jump in with C, press forward and X, forward and A, then follow with A+B+C. *Jump in with C, forward X, back, forward B+C, A+B+C ____________________________________________________________________________ Dawson- Jump in with C, forward C, QCT B *Jump in with C, forward B, forward C, back, forward B+C ____________________________________________________________________________ Jetta- Jump in with C, forward B, forward B, back, forward Y *Jump in with C, forward Y, back, forward Y, forward A, back, forward Y+Z ____________________________________________________________________________ Larcen- Jump in with C, forward B, forward Z, QCT A. *Jump in with C, forward B, bavk, forward B+C. ____________________________________________________________________________ Midknight- Forward Z, back, forward B+C, back, forward Z (as a juggle) *Jump in with C, forward Y, forward X, forward A, back, forward B+C, back, forward B+C. ____________________________________________________________________________ Ramses 3- Jump in with C, QCT C, QCT Y. *Jump in with C, forward X, forward Y, back, forward B+C, QCT C. ____________________________________________________________________________ Raven- C,C, back, forward A. ____________________________________________________________________________ R.A.X- Jump in with C, forward A, forward A, Z, QCT B. *Jump in with C, forward A, forward Y, forward Y, back, forward B+C, QCT B. ____________________________________________________________________________ Riptide- Jump in with C, Back, forward B+C, QCT Z. *Jump in with C, forward B, down A, forward B, down Z, QCT Z. ____________________________________________________________________________ Shadow- Jump in with C, back C, forward C. *Jump in with C, back, forward B+C, back, forward C. ____________________________________________________________________________ Slash- Jump in with C, C, back, forward C. *Jump in with C, forward Y, forward X, back, forward B+C, back, forward B+C. ____________________________________________________________________________ Trident- Back, forward Z, X+Y+Z, UP-FORWARD Z. *Jump in with C, forward A, forward B, back, forward A+B. ____________________________________________________________________________Xa vier- Jump in with C, forward A, forward B, QCT C. *Jump in with C, forward Y, back, forward B+C, QCT C. ____________________________________________________________________________ Hidden Characters Combo's Blast- Jump in with C, forward C, forward C, forward C, QCT Z. *Jump in with C, B, C, X+Y+Z. ____________________________________________________________________________ Chin Wo- Jump in with C, forward A, forward Y, back, forward B+C, back, forward C. ____________________________________________________________________________ Senator- Jump in with C, forward X, back, forward B+C, back, forward B+C. *Jump in with C, forward B, back, forward B+C, back, forward B+C. ____________________________________________________________________________ Thanatos- Jump in with C, forward Z, back, forward C. *Jump in with C, down X, down B, down B, back, forward B+C, QCT C. ____________________________________________________________________________ Section 4 This is the Fourth installment to my ongoing FAQ series. I guess I am looking mainly for combo's and Slither. This FAQ is available through Ftp at Netcom.Com. It is also available from Rec.Games.Video.Sega, and Keyword Gamewiz...Gamesters Library at AOL. ___________________________________________________________________________ Section 5 Special Thanks to the following people for there help with the FAQ...... Justin JV2356A@American.Edu Branden JerryHughes@Msn.Com Data296595 @Aol.Com LordBBH @Aol.Com JohnP83876 @Aol.Com Demon 2550 @Aol.Com David "Sprite Master" Russ Graphic artist who drew lots of excellent fighters in EC:CD.