___ ____ ______ __ __ ____ | | | _ `.| |__ \_\ / ,'---.| _ `|`. ,΄| | _| . | | `. |_ __ | | |\ / / \ | `. \ \ / | | |_ / \ | |_,΄ / | | | | | | \ /\ / | ||_,΄ / \/ | | _| / /\\ | ,΄ | | | |__| |\ \/ `/ | ,--. | ,| |\ /| | | |_ / /__\\_| |\ \ | | | .--. | \ /\ / \ `--΄ / |\ \| | \/ | | '---, .----..--' \_\ |_| |__| |_| \/ \/ `.__,΄'-' \_\_| |_| ΄--' '-` ____________ /\ __ __ _ /____ __| |――――/-/―| / \ / \ / \ /| | | | /-/ | / \ / \ / | |\ | | | | | |――| | | \/ | / | | \| | | | | |__| | | | /__ _|_ __ | | | /-/ | | | \ \__,' | | /-/ | | |\ /| | G U I D E `._______,' |/-/_____| |___| \/ |___| Version 1.3 \/ By AstroBlue ******************************************************************************* Welcome to the Earthworm Jim 2in1 Guide! It covers the two EWJ Games for the Super NES, but it probably does cover the Genesis/Mega Drive versions to some extent. These two games are probably close to being the most innovative and enjoyable platformers to date, so I thought they deserved a good FAQ! Hopefully I have supplied it! C O N T E N T S *************** 1)GENERAL INFORMATION i)Earthworm Jim: Profile ii)Friends and Foes 2)EARTHWORM JIM i)Controls ii)Level Guide iii)Codes 3)EARTHWORM JIM 2 i)Controls ii)Story iii)New Stuff! iv)Level Guide v)Codes VERSION HISTORY --------------- Version 1.0 15/07/00 Everything is finished, but it hasn't been run through a Spell Checker or scanned for mistakes. Version 1.1 17/07/00 I ran it through a Spell Checker and scanned it for mistakes. Version 1.2 08/08/00 Fixed some mistakes and added some tips & secrets! Version 1.3 19/01/01 Changed e-mail address and removed all trailing spaces. =============================================================================== 1)GENERAL INFORMATION =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i)Earthworm Jim: Profile ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ |JIM'S STATISTICS| ―――――――――――――――― Height: 6'4" Weight: 280lbs Money in pocket: £208 Love Interest: Maggie Thatcher Number of crows destroyed: 3,467 Fave TV show: Blue Peter Fave Movie: Squirm ________________________ |GENESIS OF EARTHWORM JIM| ―――――――――――――――――――――――― It was a day like any other! A crow pursues a worm through a field. Today, the worm makes it home... The crow, however, eats some grass... Wham! Meanwhile, out in space, a tiny renegade ship piloted by Snott a booper-being escapes from the evil Queen with a stolen ultra-high tech, indestructible, super space cyber suit on board. The craft is being pursued by the infamous bounty hunter Psycrow. Psycrow pulls out a gun to make Snott hand over the suit. Snott reaches inside for a slightly bigger gun. This of course worries Psycrow because he has gun envy. He reaches inside and pulls out the huge Motha' Blaster of them all! Snott throws up his hands in numb despair, but as Psycrow pulls the trigger Snott jumps in the backpack of the suit... Blaze! The ship is cooked away, the suit falls helplessly to Earth, Psycrow sees he must pursue the suit. Back on Earth the worm wonders if it is safe to come out of his hole. He looks right, he looks left.. It seems to be safe unknown to him the suit falls to earth. The suit land right on top of the worm. Luckily, he rest safely within the neck section of the suit. The space particles interact with the worm's soft flesh causing some kind of radical light speed evolution. Suddenly, the worm realises he is in control of the suit. Thus ...The birth of EARTHWORM JIM. Jim's creativity is kicked into action as he realises he has something attached to his belt He pulls it out Unknown to him, its a plasma blaster. Meanwhile the crow in the background investigates the hole... BLAM! Jim fires off a plasma shot ...SQUAWK! Is heard in the background. The crow attempts to get up. Earthworm Jim lean against a tree to rest a bit, but he doesn't realise that the suit possesses overwhelming power and he topples the tree with ease... on to the crow, destroying his old nemesis. Earthworm Jim figures he has it easy from now on, until he hears something over his shoulder. Spying over the toppled tree, Jim sees Psycrow talking to the Queen, announcing that he has evidence that her suit is very near. Jim disappears into the city and embarks on the greatest adventure of his life. ____________________________________________ |QUESTIONS ABOUT EWJ (Answered by Dave Perry)| ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Where did the suit come from ? It was invented by Professor Monkey-for-a-Head for the evil Queen of planet Insectica. What was the suit's purpose ? To house the Queen's army of grubworms of course. Only one prototype was made before it was stolen by a spy. How did Jim end up with the suit ? It was stolen by the Booper-beings who ran as far away from the Queen as they could. Unfortunately, the ship that was carrying the suit was blasted out of the sky by the Psycrow, a freelance bounty hunter, the suit fell out of the sky and landed on a lowly earthworm, who was then transformed into the mighty Earthworm Jim by the suit's molecular moulding properties. What is Jim's favourite food ? Earth dirt. What is his favourite saying ? Eat Dirt! What is his goal in life ? To protect Earth from hostile aliens. Who is Earthworm Jim's idol ? David Perry, head of Shiny (of course). ******************************************************************************* GENESIS OF EARTHWORM JIM is from Issue #18 (September 94) of NINTENDO MAGAZINE SYSTEM. JIM'S STATISTICS & QUESTIONS ABOUT EWJ is from the Earthworm Jim supplement free with Issue #8 (November 94) of SUPER GAMER. ******************************************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii)Friends and Foes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________ |Peter the Puppy| ――――――――――――――― Peter is Earthworm Jim's best friend! But with friends like this who needs enemies. He is a normal mild mannered cute puppy until you piss him off then he becomes a real pain in the arse, literally. He turns into one huge Purple Monster with a penchant for super powered Earthworm's. _____ |Snott| ――――― A booper-being spy who stole the super suit in the first place, before Psycrow blasted his ship into smithereens. Now Snott has vowed to join EWJ in his quest against the Evil Queen. ________________________ |Princess-What's-Her-Name| ―――――――――――――――――――――――― Twin sister of the Queen, fraternal twins obviously. EWJ's love interest and damsel in distress. She hates her sister and most of the people of Insectica because of the constant teasing she is the butt of because of her misfortunes in the look's department (Their bugs remember). ________ |Psy-Crow| ―――――――― Psy-Crow is one psychotic crow, hence his name. He will follow Jim to the far reaches of space for that Super Suit. He is loyal only to the evil Queen, which is quite strange since he is a crow and crows eat bugs. ____________ |Evil the Cat| ―――――――――――― This is one twisted Cat. His home Heck is filled with lawyers and demons, not to mention elevator music (OH! NO! The Humanity!). When not in Heck, Evil swaps jobs with his cousin Flagitious and runs "The Circus of the Scars" a travelling circus with a difference. Evil likes nothing more then inflicting pain, well maybe after cleaning his fur. ___________________________ |Professor Monkey for a Head| ――――――――――――――――――――――――――― The Professor created the prototype suit that Jim is wearing. The Professor wants it back and is willing to create anything to stop EWJ. Jim is going to have a tough time tackling this foe (He cracks up every time he sees that monkey, wouldn't you). _______________________ |Bob the Goldfish and #4| ――――――――――――――――――――――― Bob is a goldfish with plans of universal domination & #4 is one giant drone cat that does what Bob say's. EWJ's Super Suit is Bob's ticket for universal domination so he & #4 are going to make EWJ's travel through their underwater city hard. ___________ |Major Mucus| ――――――――――― A booger with a penchant for adventure sports and indestructible suits, So expect a Bungee Jump duel to the death. ___________________________________________________________________________ |The evil Queen Pulsating, Bloated, Festering, Pus-filled slug for a Butt...| ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― She is one giant Queen termite/ant that is mighty angry that you have her suit. Maybe you should just explain that it fell off the back of a spaceship so it's rightly yours (she'll understand). =============================================================================== 2)EARTHWORM JIM =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i)Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (These are the controls for all the basic platform levels) Control Pad- ·Moves Earthworm Jim Around. ·While shooting it aims the Blaster. A Button- Whip, used as a weapon or to swing from hooks. B Button- ·Jump ·In mid air if pressed repetitively causes jim to spin his head around fast, which causes him to float. AKA the helicopter. Y Button- Shoots the Blaster Start- Pauses game ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii)Level Guide ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It would be silly to write a walkthrough for a platformer. So I will just give you tips, secrets & strategies on the bosses. **************************************** N E W J U N K C I T Y **************************************** ____ |Tips| ―――― • Crows can be killed with a single whip. • Fifi's can be killed with a couple of shots from your blaster • Pressing up while swinging across a chain prevents Fifi from taking a good chunk out of your arse. • At the start whip the fridge to launch the cow so you can continue. • Jumping while climbing the conveyer belt speeds up the process. • Hooked rocks and mounted moose heads are great things to swing from. Use the Whip (A button) to grapple onto them. • At the second continue point the level splits into two paths the high road to the right that has lots of weapon power-ups and the low road to the left accessible from swinging from the moose antler which in the end gives you an extra life, I suggest taking the "high road" then backtrack and take the "low road". • If you are on a zipline that is going nowhere, shoot in the opposite direction you want to move. _______ |Secrets| ――――――― • A Extra Life & a Mega Plasma Blast- Just ahead after launching the cow there will be a ledge leading to a pile of tires, between the ledge and the tires is a gap. You can jump of the ledge and helicopter (Tap the B button repetitively ) down the gap to a lower section of the level. Now swing across the long chain and you will find a Extra Life & A Mega Plasma Blast (MPB). • Shortcut & 7 Mega Plasma Blasts- Climb to the top of the first tire pile then bounce to the left there should be a platform there. From this platform jump onto the zip-line now jump when you see another zip-line and whip so you grapple onto the moose antlers, you should land onto a chain. Now climb across the chain to a platform. From this platform jump to the zip-line. Now jump from zip-line to pulley to the next platform. Now make your way to the warp toilet killing two Fifi's and collecting one MPB. Now jump on the toilet and you will warp. Now collect the close MPB and jump on the platform on the right with another MPB then jump again and collect another MPB. Now jump and whip the hook collecting another four MPB's in the process. Walk left now and you will emerge into the cavern below the Junk Thing. • A Extra Life & 2 Mega Plasma Blasts- Climb to the top of the first tire pile then bounce to the left there should be a platform there. From this platform jump onto the zip-line now while on the zip-line hold right even once you fall off, you should land on the next zip-line. This will lead to a tire cavern with a MPB, jump in the alcove to the right until a swirl of light appears now there will be a Extra Life next to the MPB above the conveyor belt to get them carry after the conveyor belt there is a Continue point from that walk right till you see a higher platform. Jump up to it and from it jump and swing across the hooks to the bonuses. • 750 Plasma Rounds and 2 Mega Plasma Blasts- After the first tire pile climb up the platforms to a level with a Fifi. Now walk left till you can't any more then climb up the rock face jumping while doing so. It should unlock 3 Plasma Power Cells below the chains to the right. Now after collecting them walk right until you see a cow road sign. Now jump to the rock face and climb as high as you can then move to the left, you should be climbing on a offscreen chain, follow it to the two MPB's. • 100% Suit Power after fighting the Junk Thing- After killing the Junk Thing walk right and jump up and pull yourself up from the edge, then walk a little right till you see a swirl of light. Now swing from the hook above you to the left so you collect the 100% Suit Power. • 500 Plasma Rounds and 16% Suit Power while fighting Chuck- After Chuck starts moving back jump on the spring but hold down B once you land on it. You should fly up to a platform with bonuses. You can also do this before Chuck even appears. __________ |Junk Thing| (Mid-level Boss) ―――――――――― WARNING! will flash up on the screen halfway through this level. Now you will have to fight the Junk Thing. First it will be in it's Human phase where it will stomp so trumpets fall on you, simply shoot it. Now it will go to it's Tank phase where it will shoot anvils at you, so shoot it some more till it starts moving. Now you must not let it get close to you or it will quickly change back to the Human phase and uppercut you. So continue shooting while avoiding it with well timed jumps. _____ |Chuck| (Boss) ――――― Ok, this guy is pretty easy when you know what you're doing. Do not shoot Chuck or he will just regurgitate fish at you. To kill him you must wait for the magnet to drop a crate, then you must whip it to right onto the spring so it bounces up and hits Chuck. Beware though if there is already a crate on the screen the magnet will drop a trumpet which is quite painful, so whip it or shoot it before it falls on you. After being hit he will regurgitate fish at you so walk towards the spring. Now after you whip three crates at him he will start moving, now you must time your whips so the crates will hit him. After six crates to the hiney, he will explode off screen. **************************************** A N D Y A S T E R I O D S - Sub-level **************************************** Control Pad- Steer Pocket Rocket A Button- Use Asteroid Shield B Button- Accelerate This level is sandwiched between most levels. In it you race against Psycrow on your Pocket Rocket, while avoiding asteroids on the way to the finish line. If you lose you will be forced to fight Psycrow, if you lose just shoot him till he's dizzy then whip him. Try to collect the Asteroid Shields because when used they give you invincibility for a short time and any contact with Psycrow will cause him to drop back considerably. Obviously always try to beat Psycrow to the Atomic Accelerators, try nudging him into the asteroids. Also collecting 50 Fuel Pods will earn you a continue. **************************************** W H A T T H E H E C K ? **************************************** This level is kind of cool! The music and Evil the Cat dancing in the back gives it real atmosphere. Evil the Cat is one of the coolest bosses, He acts like a real cat; cleaning and preening himself in mid-battle and the 9 lives to kill him is a comical touch! ____ |Tips| ―――― • Kill Demons with the whip attack. It is more economical then blasting them. • Lawyers can be killed with a whip then a flurry of plasma, You will be given a Mega Plasma Blast for your trouble. • Watch out for the blisters on the ground if you step on them you will be chased by a wall of fire, so jump over them. • Run on the Gems in the opposite direction their spinning for varied results. • Whip the cranks to open the gates. But be quick they will only be open for a short time. • After killing the Snowman, To avoid the stalactite shower caused by Evil's bomb do not go near the 100% Suit Power (Orange Orb) up ahead. • After floating up on the Gems that don't require running on them jump to the left to collect a life. _______ |Secrets| ――――――― • Extra Life and Shortcut- After the first fire wave there is a large hill with a 100% Suit Power on top, from the top jump off to the left and helicopter to the left you should land on a platform now whip the hook above and you will swing to a Extra Life. Now run back up the hill and helicopter down to the platform again now jump to the platform above by jumping out then back in, you should pull yourself up onto the platform. • Avoid the Snowman- When you meet the first Lawyer there should be a crank nearby. So stand in front of the crank then press down (while facing right) then whip. You should grab onto a hook and you will swing down. • A Extra Life & 4 Mega Plasma Blasts- After the Snowman there is a Continue Point. Above it is a hook, jump and swing to the right from the hook and you should land in a cavern with a Life and 4 MPB's. • Shortcut- On the platform after floating up on the Gems that don't require running. Jump and helicopter to the right, you will land on a glitched platform. No jump up and to the right. _______ |Snowman| (Mid-level Boss) ――――――― Simply attack him while jumping to avoid his fireballs. ____________ |Evil the Cat| (Boss) ―――――――――――― In the first phase Jim will be without his suit and Evil will have a really big gun that shoots fire. Simply jump the fire it shoots out. After 20 blast go into the pillar below Evil, it will move to the next phase. Now you will have to use your reflexes (hopefully their like a steel trap). Evil will jump from seemingly random places, so shoot him when he pops up. After each hit 2 waves of fire will appear so jump and helicopter to avoid them. After he loses all 9 lives you will win. **************************************** D O W N T H E T U B E S **************************************** I consider this and Tube Race one level, since the graphics are the same and there is no Andy Asteroid level in between. ____ |Tips| ―――― • Sea Mines can be killed with single whip. • To avoid the Drone Cats, wait till they start walking away from you then follow them up to the bubble, Now jump up and press up to pick up your bum then after it walks past jump down and continue. • To get past the Drone Kittens find the switch (it is above the hamster cage) and whip it. Then jump on the hamster and hold down any button so the hamster chomps all of the Kittens. • In the Sea Pods use short bursts to prevent cracking the hull. • If you cannot go any further because of a airlock look for a switch to whip. • To refuel the Sea Pods with air, line the spout to the left of the pod with the tip of the air supply station. _______ |Secrets| ――――――― • 100% Suit Power & 3 Mega Plasma Blasts- In the first Sea Pod float up then follow the sea roof (?) to the right until you get to a steel bar coming out of the rocks. Then float up and to the left to collect the bonuses. • A Extra Life- After the 2nd Sea Pod you will have to be beaten up by a Drone Kitten to continue. Right after being thrown by the kitten jump. Now you will float up to the Extra Life. **************************************** T U B E R A C E **************************************** This level contains the hardest boss in the game, Bob is so hard I won't even give a strategy to kill him, your on your own. ____ |Tips| ―――― • Jump over the kitties at the start, don't bother shooting them. • In the Pod Race you can probably go full boar for the first half, but slow down when the turns get sharper. • After the Pod Race in the mine field jump up a lot you will be sucked up and you will be able to collect 750 Plasma Rounds. _______ |Secrets| ――――――― • 100% Suit Power- At the start after a walking past some kitties then through another tube you should appear in a large room. Whip the hook above you and swing to the right as hard as you can, you should cling onto an edge above the hamsters cage. Climb up and you will be rewarded with 100% Suit Power. • 2 Extra Lives and 750 Plasma Rounds- In the Pod Race after the first steel bar lattice slow down and inspect the rock above you should find a hole to a grotto with an Extra Life, Now exit and soon above you is a cache with 3 Plasma Power Cells. Now continue but after the 2nd lattice inspect the rock above for another cache with a Extra Life. • Hidden Air Supply- After the small gap which is a shortcut there is a U-Turn. Inspect the bottom left of this U-Turn for a passage into the Hidden Air Supply. **************************************** S N O T A P R O B L E M **************************************** Control Pad- Shifts jim's weight in the direction pressed. A Button- Shoulder barge. This one of the most fun levels in the game. You and Major Mucus have a bungee jump contest to the death that is quite easy to pass once you get the hang of it. Mucus Phlegm Brain in the goo below is the biggest threat in this level. He can kill you with one bite so stay away. The easiest way to beat Major Mucus is to follow this pattern. On way the way up hug the wall but hold up on the Control Pad so the Major can't hurt you, he will follow your example and hug the wall too. Then when you reach the top push out then down then back, Now press A and barge the Major into the wall a lot, repeat. **************************************** L E V E L 5 **************************************** ____ |Tips| ―――― • At the start swing to the left from the hook above to get some Plasma Rounds. • Shoot at the One-Eyed Slimes till they explode then shoot all the grubs they release though it is possible to kill them with whips. • The Brains can be killed with one whip. • To get the escalators working jump from the ions at the start (but time it so so you don't get electrocuted), then swing from the hook to the plasma balls then make your way up to the target then shoot it. • Whenever EWJ disappears behind a pillar jump to collect power-ups. • When you hop in a cage it will take you to two places with 8 chutes that amoeba will come down at you, you must shoot them so you don't loose any life. So here are the sequences that they come down from the chutes: Think of it like a compass. eg. The left chute is the W chute. 1st set of chutes- NE, W then NW, W then NW, NE, W then NW then finally NE. 2nd set of chutes- W then NW, E then NE, W then NW, E the NE, W then NW, E the NE, W then NW then finally E the NE. • If Professor Monkey for a Head is beside a value, whip him then shoot all the flying eyes he has released. • In the "Naked Worm" sub-level when you are naked for the second time jump for two 100% Suit Powers and Plasma Rounds. • Also when you are naked jump in the fans as they will speed you up. • If Professor Monkey for a Head is swinging on a chain jump up onto the chain and shoot him till he goes to the next chain. • To destroy the irises that release flying eyes, whip them. • Whip the red valve for bonuses, beware after a couple of spins it will produce One-Eyed Slimes. _______ |Secrets| ――――――― • Who Turned Out the Lights? - Secret Level After your third encounter with Professor Monkey for a Head there should be a group of red lights in this pattern up ahead after you swing from a hook : : · • · Jump into the larger middle light to warp to the secret level. : : ·1st Area- Head right till you get to a spotlight then jump up to the left to the spotlighted platform but kill the eyes before you jump. Now shoot the eyes to your left then jump towards them then jump to your right so you can grab onto the chain. Now follow the chain to the right till you get to a Extra Life then drop down to the exit door. ·2nd Area- Move right till you can't any more then shoot the eyes above then jump up to where they were. Now jump from spotlighted platform to spotlighted platform till you get to the exit door. ·3rd Area- Go right till a wall blocks you then jump up to a platform, then walk right till you hit another wall then jump to the left for another platform. From this platform jump and helicopter to the right. Now walk as far as you can to the right then walk left to collect a Extra Life then walk left through the. Now go back to the platform you helicoptered from then walk left till you get to a spotlight. Now jump up and walk right to the exit door. ·4th Area- Walk to the right till you hit a wall, then swing to the left from the hook (It sparkles), hold left constantly and whip again to latch onto the next hook which will take you to the exit door. ·5th Area- Walk right till you meet the huge eyes then run left till you are much higher then the eyes. Then jump over the eyes and make a run for the teleporter. • 20% Suit Power & a Extra Life- In the "Naked Worm" sub-level after the first time your re-united with your suit head left on the conveyor belt but jump before the caged roof ends. Now whip up the hooks with a pendulum motion to the platform with the bonuses. • 100% Suit Power & 1000 Plasma Rounds- After your re-united with your suit for the second time and you have to swing from a hook to continue, jump down below instead then jump left and collect the bonuses. Once your finished go up the suction tube. ______________ |Chicken Walker| (Boss) ―――――――――――――― Avoid the Chicken Walker by jumping over it when it is walking, and running under it when it is floating. Shoot all the eggs it lays. To kill it you must whip the target when it is below the chute so a amoeba falls on it. After a couple of hits you will warp to the next phase. Where you and the Chicken Walker are falling in a shaft. Now you must shoot it a lot, when it starts laying eggs instead of bombs you know it's almost dead. If it gets too low pull up and it will follow. **************************************** F O R P E T E ' S S A K E **************************************** _____________________________________________ |How to care for your Purple Worm Eating Puppy| ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― • My puppy keeps falling into the abyss? This is easily solved, just give the little dear a good whip to the arse and it will send him flying with a sharp yelp! • My puppy is too fast, I can't keep up? Shoot a Plasma Blaster at the little dear and he will hit the decks faster then someone on the other side of Mike Tyson's fist. That should slow him down. • My puppy gets angry when he is constricted by the tentacle of a Unipuss, is this preventable? Yes, Simply shoot the tentacle till it hides in submission or whip your puppy so it flies over it. Anyway, it doesn't matter if it does get constricted that tentacle won't bother you any more. • I cannot attend to my puppy, U.F.O's keep getting me with there magnets? Try shooting the U.F.O's till they explode. • Are asteriod showers good for my puppy? Your puppy has been applied with Scotch Guard™ Asteriod Plus so it shouldn't be affected by asteroid showers, but they do affect you so blast away at them. • How do I use springs with my puppy? Whip him onto them then jump on the spring, when he reaches the edge jump off. • How do I play with my puppy on the See-Saw? Jump on the See-Saw so it dips to the left side, then when your puppy walks on this side quickly run to the other it will send him flying. But you and your puppy would have more fun if you just whip him constantly to get over gaps! • I cannot attend to my puppy, cement mixer things get in my way? Just shoot them till they explode. ______________ |Advanced Route| ―――――――――――――― Once you reach Peter's House whip him so he glides over it so you can take the Advanced Route. The Advanced Route is fairly hard but you will net many Extra Lives on the way to Peter's Castle. **************************************** B U T T V I L E **************************************** ______________ |Use your Head!| (Sub-level) ―――――――――――――― All you basically have to do is jump of the platform then helicopter all the way to the bottom while avoiding thorns, but it does split into two ways twice. So here are your choices: ·1st Fork- The left way is narrower & more twisty, it has 2 MPB's and an Extra Life. The right way is wider & less twisty but it's bonuses can only be got with a well timed whip to a hook. It has 4 MPB's and an Extra Life. You can also get the left way's Extra Life if you helicopter to the left as hard as you can, and the you land on a thorn so you jump up to collect it. ·2nd Fork- The left way is much easier, but you will only get some health and a Extra Life. The right way is much harder but you will get 4 MPB's and an Extra Life. ____ |Tips| ―――― • The hanging moss can be swung across like chain's and rope's • To get the power-ups below the hanging moss that are out of reach, swing across all the way to the right edge. Then swing all the way back. • To get the 2 MPB's below the column of hooks. Swing from the lowest hook from both sides. • If you are having trouble with the 2 columns of hooks. Try holding up when you swing from hook to hook in a pendulum motion. • If you are stuck try looking for a hook or take a leap of faith and helicopter over some thorns. • To destroy the hives, shoot them till they explode. Then the bugs they produce won't affect you. • To destroy the Butler Worms which can chop you in half with one bite. Lure them out then whip them. • The Green Grubworms that lick you to death are invincible so just avoid them. • You can only stand on the cocoons (look like basketballs) for a limited time, so jump around on them. • The swirl of light that appears on a cocoon makes a Continue point appear on the Queen's butt. • If you see any swirls of light on your final walk to the Queen. Backtrack for bonuses. _______ |Secrets| ――――――― • A Extra Life, 100% Suit Power, a Mega Plasma Blast and 1000 Plasma Rounds- After the first Green Grubworms you have to helicopter past thorns to get to the lower platform, walk all the way to the edge of this platform so a swirl of light appears. Now continue with the level until you land on a cocoon after you helicopter past spikes. Then you must whip the hidden hook to the left of this cocoon, this will take you to a Continue point. Now jump to the left and helicopter to the platform with the Extra Life and the 100% Suit Power. Now jump up on the platform above it and walk on it till a swirl of light appears. Now jump up to the MPB then jump again. Now jump and helicopter to the right collecting Plasma Rounds on the way. • A Extra Life & 4 Mega Plasma Blasts- After you land on the Queen's butt you will find some cocoons with Butler Worms above them. Kill them then on the 3rd cocoon jump and whip to the left. You should grapple onto a hook and swing to a platform. On this platform grab the Extra Life and set a swirl of light. This swirl of light will make 4 MPB's appear further on. ___________________________________________ |The Evil Queen... ...slug for a butt's butt| (Warm-up Boss) ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Just jump and whip her butt while you avoid the spike platforms that appear. After several whips it will die. Remember to collect the 100% Suit Power after you kill it. ____________________________________ |The Evil Queen... ...slug for a butt| (End Boss) ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Simply shoot her in this pattern: When you are directly above her shoot down, when you are directly to the left of her shoot right, When you are directly below her shoot up then suprisingly when you are directly to the right of her shoot left. This will suppress her enough that she won't be able to sick her bugs on you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii)Codes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***PLEASE READ*** All codes mentioned below are input while paused in any stage Some acquire you to unpause right after they have been input. __________ |Debug Menu| ―――――――――― Left + A, B, X, A, A, B, X then A. After a black & white view of the creators of the game. You will be able to view the Debug Menu; from it you have the options: ·Cheat Mode- Invincibility ·Start Level- Level select. ·Freezeability- No dim when paused. ·Map View Mode- Select where you want to start. Press Y to enable codes and select the level in the Start Level option. Press B to disable codes. Press Start to reset game with the options you have selected. ________________ | Cheats | |――――――――――――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――| |Energy Refill | A + X, B, A, B, B, X + Y, B then A. | |Extra Life | B, B, A, X + Y, A, A, A then A. | |Extra Continue | Y + X, B, Y, B, X, B, X then X. | |Ammo Refill | A + X, B, A, B, X, X, X then X. | |9 Mega Plasma | A + X, B, B, A, A, X, B then L + R together. | |Level Skip | A, B, X, A, A + X, B + X, B + X then A + X. | |Skip to The End | Left + A, X, X, X + B, X, A, X then Left + A. | ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ________________ | Skip to Level | |――――――――――――――――|――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――| |Andy Asteroids | A + R, A, A + R, A, B, B, X then B. | |What the Heck? | Y, X, Y, X, A, B, A then X. | |Down the Tubes | Up, Down, Left + Down, Left, Down, Down, | | | Up + Left then Down. | |Snot a Problem | A, B, X, B, A, B, B then B + L. | |Level 5 | A + B, B + X, Y + X, Left, Left, Right, Left then Right. | |Secret Level | A, B, Up + Y, Up + Y, Left, Right, Left then Right. | |For Pete's Sake | A, B, X, A, B, X, A then B + R. | |Buttville | A, X, Left, Left, X + Y, Up, Down then Left. | ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― _____________ |Map View Mode| ――――――――――――― A, X, A, X, A, A, A then A. ________________________ |Many faces of Nick Jones| ―――――――――――――――――――――――― *CAUTION* This code resets the game! Y, A, B, B, A, Y, A then B. =============================================================================== 3)EARTHWORM JIM 2 =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i)Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (These are the controls for all the basic platform levels) Control Pad- ·Moves Earthworm Jim Around. ·While shooting it aims the gun. A Button- Whip, only used as a weapon in this game. B Button- ·Jump ·If pressed while in mid air it causes Snott to flick out of your backpack, it's used to swing from mucus dripping from platforms. Y Button- ·Shoots the Gun Selected. ·If pressed while in mid air it causes Snott to become a parachute, it replaces the helicopter move. X Button- ·Scrolls through the guns you have collected. ·When pressed with Up makes Jim use the Manta Shield which will leave Jim Invincible but unable to move for 4 seconds. Start- Pauses game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii)Story ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (From the Instruction Booklet) ____________________ / WHASSUP WITH JIM? / ―――――――――――――――――――― Psy-Crow has kidnapped the lovely aristocrat Princess What's-Her-Name. A the only heir o the throne, her husband would become Monarch of the Galaxy! Ruler of the Universe! Master of All! Psy-Crow wants that crown for his own diminutive head. Jim has to stop them before they reach the Lost Vegas system where they can get a quick, non-consenting wedding 24 hours a day. Jim blasts off on their trail, following them from planet to planet. Many of these worlds are summer homes of his worst enemies like Evil the Cat (let's face it, Heck gets just too darn hot in August, even for Evil). Jim's not going alone this time. He's enlisted his pal Snott to help him chase down Psy-Crow and nab the woman of his dreams. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii)New Stuff! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • All new levels (dah!). • Snott swing replaces the whip swing. • Snott parachute replaces the helicopter head. • Andy Asteroids is replaced with Puppy Love which is far more infrequent. • Different Animations (Jim is running constantly). • More Power-ups ·Meal Worms: Currency for use in the Mini-Games ·Chip Butty: Increases Suit Power to 200% ·Can O' Worms: Extra Continue ·Television: Changes colour configuration of level. • More Weapons · 3-Finger Gun: Shots bullets 3 ways. · Barn Blaster: Destroys everything on screen. · Homing Missile: Homes in on closest target. · Bubble Gun: Blows pretty bubbles • Password System It's not really a password system it's just called that. You have to collect 3 flags (A Earth Flag, a Worm Flag & a Jim Flag) and finish the level. Then if you reset the game or die you can skip in front of that level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv)Level Guide ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *********************************************** A N Y T H I N G B U T T A N G E R I N E S ? *********************************************** ____ |Tips| ―――― • At the start, snott swing from the from mucus patch to mucus patch from the last one to the left. To get a Extra Life. • You can kill the musket wielding Octipi with a single whip, but you will probably be move successful with normal Plasma Rounds or Homing Missiles. • To get past the Goldfish and it's Drone Cat, get a pig from the "Happy Oinkers" pigpen (press down while standing in the pen). and walk past the pigcute with it in tow. Now walk past the switch at the bottom of the chute. • To collect the 2 Barn Blasters out of reach near the Bubble Gun, Go to the platform just after the first Continue point and snott swing across the two mucus patches to the branch that has them below it. • Before the stair climber, go left and whip the bike chains above the Drone Cat to get past them to collect another 2 Barn Blasters. • On the stair climber press forward to speed up and backward to slow down. So to get past the grannies speed up, slow down, speed up, speed up then slow down. • You can kill the halfpiping Goldfish with a Mega Plasma Blast or a Homing Missile. • To lift the weighted plug, pick up a pig from the "Heavy Pigs" pigpen, then stand on the wooden platform connected to the plug and whip to let it go. After putting two pigs on that platform the plug should rise. • Before Bob there is a platform above you, climb up on it and walk around till a swirl of light appears then backtrack for 1000 Plasma Rounds. _______ |Secrets| ――――――― • 32% Suit Power & 1000 3-Finger Gun Rounds- Before the "Happy Oinkers" pigpen is a base of a large tree with a hole in it. Stand so you can see EWJ through the hole and jump. • 12 Homing Missiles & a Television- Drop of the rail after the Stair climber and parachute to the left, you will land in a cavern with bonuses. • A Extra Life & 6 Mega Plasma Blasts- This ain't that secret but anyway. When you see a sign with the word "BONUS" take it's advice and follow it to a teleporter. It will teleport you to another stair climber. To get past the grannies slow down, speed up, slow down, speed up, slow down then slow down. Now jump off the platform & parachute back to get the Extra Life, Now after teleporting out go back to where the first teleporter was to get 6 MPB's. • 100% Suit Power & a Television- After the Can of Worms you have to swing across rope like branches to get the next platform, a swirl of light should appear on that platform. Now go back across the branches then jump to the right to get the bonuses. NOTE: If you collected the other TV then went into the "BONUS" level the TV will do diddly squat. • A Chip Butty & 2 Ammo Refills- Right after falling down the hole that you had to lift a plug to get to. Face to the left and press B twice really quickly. You should snott swing to a secret chamber with the bonuses. _____ |Flags| ――――― • Earth Flag- At the start while your walking you will notice some Suit Power atoms below you. Go down the hole to the right of them then walk to the left until you collect a Homing Missile, then walk to the right until you get the flag. • Worm Flag- On the way up the waterfall. Hard to miss! • Jim Flag- Below a completely mucus covered roof is a pond follow this pond to the left to get the last flag. **************************************** L O R E N Z E N ' S S O I L **************************************** This is a bit different to a normal EWJ platform level since you use the Plasma Drill to dig through the level and you have to continually collect Stopwatches to delay a earthquake; that will damage your suit. I tried doing the usual Tips & Secrets for this level but it was too hard to put it in that format, So I decided to write a walkthrough in which you collect all the secrets on the way. Here it is, it's quite comprehensive: ______________________ |Excavation Walkthrough| ―――――――――――――――――――――― Walk right and drill at the soil blocking your way. Collect the first Stopwatch and kill the two larvae up ahead with the drill. Now drill a hole diagonally right (Diagonally always means diagonally up in this walkthrough) until you break through (The screen will stop shaking). Walk right then drop down and kill the two larvae down there. Now stand a little back from the right wall then clear all the soil above it by pivoting the drill back and forth (Rub your thumb between the up and right arrows of the control pad). Now do the same for each step till you get to top of the wall and then collect the next Stopwatch. Now drill diagonally left until you break through then climb up to the Continue point. Now head left drilling any soil in your way and collect the Stopwatch. Kill any ants then bury their hole by drilling the soil above it. Now head up and to the right until you get to a flame. Ignore it and jump and snott swing to a Chip Butty. Now head back to the flame, but ignore it again and jump to the left onto the platform with the mucus dripping off it. Now shoot the Psy-Crow Statue before it shoots something at you. Now snott swing from the mucus above you to the left to get to the next platform, then jump to the right and snott swing from the mucus above you to the left. Now jump to the right and destroy the statue, then jump to the left to another platform then jump up again to the platform above it. Then head right drilling any soil or larvae in your way and collect the Extra Life. Now jump of the edge of the platform and parachute to the right. You should collect a Worm Flag & a 100% Suit Power on the way down. Then distinguish the flame by drilling at the soil above it. Continue right, killing larvae on the way then once you reach the right wall excavate all the soil above you so you can snot swing to the left. Head right and kill any ants then bury there hole. Now jump up to the platform with the Psy-Crow Statue and quickly destroy it. Snott swing to the right from the mucus Now continue through the level destroying any statues on the way till you get to a Continue point. Head up collecting the Stopwatch on the way. Now from the right wall drill diagonally left pivoting a bit until the platform is cleared. Then jump up to the cleared platform and drill diagonally to the right again pivoting a little bit to clear the platform. Then jump up to the platform you just cleared and drill directly up, killing the larvae in the process. The distinguish the flame ahead. Now you will have to dig a very low tunnel, to do this hold left and tap Y just a little faster then once a second. You should dig a tunnel that just misses the chambers of ants and larvae above you. Now after you break through collect the Stopwatch and jump down and parachute to the left collecting Suit Power atoms on the way. Now dig a low tunnel to the right using the process stated before. Once you break through head right and collect the Stopwatch and the Earth Flag while destroying the larvae. Now jump up to the mouth of your last tunnel and drill diagonally left until you clear the platform above. Now jump up on the platform you cleared and drill directly up killing larvae in the process, then jump up and walkright setting off a swirl of light, then from this platform drill diagonally left until you clear the next platform then jump up on it. Now stand in the middle of the platform and clear all the soil directly above you, then stand on the right edge of this platform and drill diagonally left. Then climb up to the platform shaped like this '―― . Now from that platform drill diagonally right until you clear the platform then jump up. Now from that platform drill diagonally left until you clear the next platform killing larvae in the process. Now drill diagonally right until you break through then head up and collect the Stopwatch. Now head right and you will see mucus on the other side of a wall. Jump and snott swing at the mucus and you will swing through the wall to the other side. Collect the 100% Suit Power, a Extra Life & a Stopwatch and kill the larvae. Now snott swing back and head left distinguishing the flame on the way to the Continue point. Now jump up to the right and excavate the soil clinging to the platform above you from the right to the left. Now it should be high enough to jump onto the platform above you. Now walk to the right till you get to the edge then jump and parachute to the Chip Butty below. Now jump down and head right then excavate all the soil above you pivoting a lot. Now jump to the left and bury all the ant holes but drill all the way up above the middle one. Now from where you buried the middle hole excavate the soil above from left to right. Now it should be high enough to jump to the right and snott swing but as soon as you finish swinging parachute to the right you should land on a platform with a Stopwatch an some Suit Power. Now drop from this platform and parachute to the right you should land on another platform. Now drill the soil to the right, then drill all the soil above you, then jump up and walk left drilling any soil in your way you should collect 100% Suit Power, a Extra Life & the Earth Flag. Now head back to where you buried the ant holes and excavate the remaining soil from the right to the left. Now jump up and head right collecting a Stopwatch and setting off a Continue point on the way. Now drill diagonally right until you break through. Then jump up and head to the left distinguish the first two flames and jump over the third. Now bury the ant hole and excavate all the soil above you. Then jump up and snott swing to the right then jump to the left. Then snott swing to the right, then head right and set off the Continue point and head to Pedro Pupa. __________ |Pedro Pupa| ―――――――――― Whip him to wake him up and now he will ride back and forth on his unicycle. You can probably kill him by whipping him until he dies. But if you really want to be safe shoot him until he gets close then jump over him, then shoot him again until he gets close then repeat... **************************************** P U P P Y L O V E - Sub-level **************************************** Control Pad- Moves Earthworm Jim back and forth. A Button- Makes Jim dive for puppies. B Button- Makes Jim face the other direction. In this level Psy-Crow has kidnapped all 600 of Peter's Puppies and he is flinging him out of an abandoned house. To save them from hitting the pavement in a yellowy mess you have to bounce them with a giant marshmallow across a courtyard to Peter's House. Puppy Love is featured three times in this game, each time getting progressively harder. It is sandwiched between Lorenzen's Soil & Villi People, The Flyin'King & Udderly Abducted and between ISO 9000 & Level Ate. If you drop enough puppies and the expendable puppy limit in the corner says 0, Peter is gonna put a can of whipass on you. This level is split into 4 Rounds, to finish a round you have to bounce a bomb thrown by Psy-Crow into the funnel then Peter will get it out and throw it at Psy-Crow. Psy-Crow will also toss Flags, Extra Lives & Can O' Worms if you get them in the funnel they will be counted as being collected. **************************************** V I L L I P E O P L E **************************************** Control Pad- ·Moves "Blind Sally" around. ·While shooting it aims the Blaster. B Button- Hold to swim upwards Y Button- Shoot the Plasma Gun ____ |Tips| ―――― • Do not touch the digestive lining (villi) or you will get hurt! So stay away at all costs. • Shoot the little bluish sheep thingies from a distance because the explosion can hurt you. • Collect at least 9 Meal Worms on the way to the Game Show. you can get Extra Lives and a Can O' Worms. • After the first Continue point if you see a swirl of light backtrack. • At the 1st split in the road if you go the Hard way you will get 4 Meal Worms If you go the Easy way you will bypass the Hard section. (dah!) • At the 2nd split in the path the Hard way has twice as much Suit Power to collect on the way but it is harder. • Since you collected at least 9 lives if use the answers below you will get: 200% Suit Power, 3ΧAmmo Refills, a Meal Worm, Chip Butty, 2ΧExtra Lives and a Can O' Worms. • For "Repeat the Sequence", I'd have a pen and paper ready to jot down the sequence, repeat the sequence all 12 bumps of it and you will get a Suit Power atom, a Chip Butty, a Extra Life & a Can O' Worms. _________________ |Game Show Answers| ――――――――――――――――― • How does Jim spell his first name? (B) MIJ • What color is Jim's red gun? (B) Green • What is Doc Duodenum's favorite cheese? (Y) Camembert • What is Princess What's-Her-Name's real name? (Y) What's-Her-Name • When is Jim's birthday? (B) June 9, 1994 • In what year did the battle of hamstrings take place? (A) 101 D.M. • Can you rub your stomach and pat your head? (B) No • Phrase your response in the form of a question? (Y) Yes • May I please be excused to go to the bathroom? (B) The Industrial Revolution • Can Jim speak french? (B) No • Can Jim speak german? (A) Bitte, woist de toileten • Can Jim speak spanish? (Y) Si • Can Jim speak japansese? (B) Lie • Can Jim tie himself into a knot? (Y) No • Does Jim have a piranha in his aquarium? (A) Both A & B • Does Jim's mother approve of the girls he dates? (Y) No she does not • Can Peter Puppy have a bite of your icecream sandwich? (A) Over my dead body • In a dogfight between a spitfire and a harrier which plane would win? (B) The harrier • How long is a piece of string? (Y) The same shape as something beige • What broadway musical is based on annelids? (A) the worm of the opera • How do you compute the area of a circle? (A) Ask your doctor • What is a paradox? (A) I don't know • How many legs does a shark have? (Y) As many as it wants • What is the Union Jack? (B) Organised labor's tool for changing a tire • Coal is to water as a lightbulb is to: (A) Wet coal • If cigarettes cause cancer what causes Capricorn? (A) One and one half pounds of butter • Hey kids, what time is it? (A) Nick • Who is the king of the animals in Africa? (A) Earthworm Jimba • What is the meaning of life? (B) 42 • Does misery love company? (Y) None of your biz • What food isn't available on the streets of New York City? (B) Real beef hot dogs • Use what in place of butter while cooking? (Y) Shortening • Who are you? (Y) Who, who, who, who? • If tim runs east with two apples, when does the train arrive with peaches? (Y) As soon as herb arrives • I don't get it. (A) The right answer is wrong and the rest don't make sense • Seven times seven equals: (A) C'mon, I really need this power-up! • W.W.W stands for: (Y) Weewy wascawy wabbit • These walk down stairs, alone or in pairs: (Y) Shoes • How many donuts are in a dozen? (Y) 8, by the time you get home • How fast does Jim's plasma gun fire? (Y) A bazillion round a second • What is Earthworm Jim's favorite christmas carol? (A) My funny valentine • "Alas, poor yorrick... " was written by: (B) Chocolate Shake • What exactly is "Mojo"? (B) A tiny Elvis • Jim's super suit's what size? (A) One size fits all • What is Earthworm Jim's favorite disco dance step? (A) The funky cow • During his short-lived rap career, Jim was known as: (Y) M.C. Sweet N Low • Can Psy-Crow beat Jim at arm wrestling? (B) Jim has no arms • Jim's super suit is: (A) Filled with healthy oat bran • What is Jim's favorite magazine? (Y) Annelid Monthly • Why are Jim's eyes different in color and size? (Y) The ladies love it • Have you read the instruction manual? (Y) No • In college, Jim played what sport? (Y) Jousting • When bowling Psy-Crow needs 7 more pins to win. He should: (Y) Hit reset and get a spare if nobody is looking • What is Jim's second favorite disguise after "Blind Sally"? (Y) Steve's Shop Vacuum • Have you seen the Earthworm Jim cartoon? (Y) Yes • Is this a trick question? (Y) The sock • What was the answer to the previous question? (B) Y • Who is Leo Tolstoy? (Y) Dead • What is Jim's favorite fighting game? (B) Samurai Slowdown • Jim was born in what state? (B) Texas • What kind of license do you need to fly a pocket rocket? (Y) Class 'C' • Where does Mrs. Schultz lie? (A) Germany • Animotion 2 is: (Y) Vaporware • In China, this American cartoon character was renamed, there he was called: (Y) Mickey Mao • Psy-Crow was named after which Shiny employee? (Y) Steve Crow • Where is Jim originally from? (Y) Texas • Is Jim dyslexic? (Y) Sey • What is a Chip Butty? (A) A totally radical power-up • What flavor is a cow? (Y) Milk • Which character was not in the first EWJ game? (A) Shemp • Fore! (Y) Nice shot! • Would you like that on account or gift certificate (B) On account of I'm cool • What is " The Manta"? (A) A Secret Jim move _____ |Flags| ――――― • Earth Flag- To the left of the first bumpers you see, go under them. • Worm Flag- In the darkened section if you look up you'll see a small tunnel with the flag in it & a Ammo Refill as well. • Jim Flag- Near the end. Hard to miss! **************************************** T H E F L Y I N ' K I N G **************************************** Control Pad- Steer Pocket Rocket B Button- Use to flip the Pocket Rocket around, so you can fly backwards Y Button- Shoots the Pocket Rocket's Plasma Blaster You just have to bounce the "Boom Balloon" across the level to Major Mucus then you have to detonate it by shooting it. Then the tower Major Mucus is standing on will disintegrate and he will fall into the abyss. ____ |Tips| ―――― • Pirate Ships can be killed by shooting them. • If a Sumo/Roman Centurion grabs on to your ship, press B a lot. • Shoot at the boulders, so they roll down hills and destroy all the catapults flinging Sumo/Roman Centurions at you. • Destroy the Snott Saucers to get a Big Block Engine, so your Pocket Rocket can move around better. • To bounce the balloon far, put it in front of an express lane then jump on the express lane. or just try to hit it after jumping onto a express lane. • To get the balloon past the mucus barriers, bounce it off screen to the right. _____ |Flags| ――――― • Earth Flag- After a express lane to the left. • Worm Flag- Above a body of water. • Jim Flag- In the mucus section to the right. **************************************** U D D E R L Y A B D U C T E D **************************************** In this level you have to take a certain amount of Cows to Milking Sheds, So you can continue with the level. ____ |Tips| ―――― • To snag a Extra Life at the start swing from the mucus hidden behind the rocks & then when you get high enough parachute to the right. • Shoot all the Udder U.F.O's and Super Penguins before you go for any cows, So you have a easier road to the shed. • If you are carrying a Cow don't stand on the hinged platforms for too long or they will collapse on you. • If the U.F.O starts abducting a Cow, whip it to stop it. • If you snott swing at the mucus to the left of the 1st Cow of the 2nd Shed you will get many power-ups. __________________ |Dairy Farmer Guide| ―――――――――――――――――― • 1st Milking Shed- Only Cow: This cow is hard to miss. Press down to pick it up the head right and jump over the gap on the way. • 2nd Milking Shed- 1st Cow: This cow in the 1st chasm of this section. Once you pick it up jump to the platform on the left then to the one on the right. Do it quickly so they don't collapse. Then head right and when you get to a ledge jump up to the right and you will just get to the next platform, then head right to the Shed. 2nd Cow: This cow is in the chasm before the 2nd Shed. Just head right in the chasm, then snott swing from the mucus on the roof to the left. After you pick her up drop down the head left and jump up to the higher bit. Now jump from platform to platform till you get to the highest one to the right, then just head right to the milking shed. • 3rd Milking Shed- 1st Cow: This cow is in the chasm before the Continue point to the right of the bath tub. This cow is loaded so you must dunk it in the bathtub to put out it's fuse. Just jump to the right onto the little platform then jump to the left, then jump into the tub. Now once the fuse is out jump to the left out of the tub, then jump up onto the collapsible platform then to the right to the Continue Point. Now head right and jump or climb any obstacles on the way. 2nd Cow: This cow in the right section of the chasm before the shed. After picking her up drop to the right then jump over the iron maiden and the electric chair. Now head left and climb up onto the ledge, then jump up the collapsible platforms and head right to the shed. 3rd Cow: This cow is in the left section of the chasm before the shed. This cow is also loaded so drop down to the left. Then head right and jump up the collapsible platforms and head left to the tub. Now once the fuse is out jump to the left out of the tub, then jump up onto the collapsible platform then to the right to the Continue Point. Now head right and jump or climb any obstacles on the way. • 4th Milking Shed- 1st Cow: This cow is in the higher path of this section. It is loaded so jump off the ledge to the right. Now once the fuse is out head left and jump over the electric chair. Now head up the collapsible platforms a and head right jumping over chasms and climbing ledges on the way to the canon. Now load the cow into the canon the quickly snott swing to the right and ick it back up. 2nd Cow: This cow is at the bottom of the chasm with the Continue Point. It is another loaded one so just head right to the Bath Tub. Now once the fuse is out head left and jump over the electric chair. Now head up the collapsible platforms and head right drop down, jump over the gap, climb the ledge & then load the canon and do what you did with the last one. 3rd Cow: This cow is to the left of the canon, just drop down. Surprise, suprise it's loaded so jump off and head left to the tub. Then do the same walk you did with the last two. _______ |Secrets| ――――――― • 7 Ammo Refills, 3 Homing Missiles, a Chip Butty and the Earth & Worm Flags- Just after the 1st Cow is a ledge. Fall off it then stand at the left wall and jump while holding left. Now walk left in the secret passage and collect the 4 Ammo Refills, then jump to the left and into the teleporter. Now collect the 2 Ammo Refills and the Homing Missile, then jump over the teleporter and collect the Earth Flag. Now from where you collected the Earth Flag jump to the right and snott swing, you should swing to platform with a Worm Flag, a Ammo Refill & a Chip Butty. • 2 Mega Plasma Blasts & 4 Ammo Refills- After the first shed climb up to a solid platform then run all the way right, but don't drop off the edge instead head back to the left. Now from this higher section jump up to the above platform and collect the bonuses. • 100% Suit Power, 2 Mega Plasma Blasts & 4 Ammo Refills- Below the last shed is the last secret cavern of this level, simply snott swing into it from the mucus just under the ledge the shed is on. Then head right to drop down to the section with all the bonuses head right to collect the Jim Flag. _____ |Flags| ――――― • Earth Flag- See the first secret • Worm Flag- See the first secret • Jim Flag- See the third secret **************************************** I N F L A T E D H E A D **************************************** ____ |Tips| ―――― • After walking near a air pump, The A button deflates your head and the B button reinflates your head. • Watch out for Evil's pea shooter, if you get hit by a pea our head will burst and you will plummet to the ground. • In the section where Evil helicopters up the drops down on you with claw retracted. Where he disapears from the top of the screen is where he will drop down from. • To win always in the "Test your strength" Mini-Game, stand in the middle of the screen and as soon as the power-up appears from the lion's mouth jump and hold B and land on the pad. _______ |Secrets| ――――――― • 8% Suit Power & a Meal Worm- At the start jump over the air pump then head right to the Meal Worm and Suit Power atoms. • A Chip Butty, 2 Meal Worms, a Ammo Refill and the Worm Flag- After your first encounter with Evil the Cat, head way to the right and deflate down the tube into the bonus chamber. _____ |Flags| ――――― • Earth Flag- To the right after the 2nd time Evil the Cat pea shoots you. • Worm Flag- See the second secret • Jim Flag- When the paths splits in two during the part where Evil drops down take the right route. **************************************** I S O 9 0 0 0 **************************************** ____ |Tips| ―――― • To kill the Bondage Lawyers/Accountants just whip them. • To get the machinery to work ,find a mouse in a cage then pick it up (press down) and walk past the circular impression. Then jump into the grinders to go for a ride. • To get past the Filing Cabinets run around so papers fly up then jump on the drawer then jump over the Filing Cabinets. • After the 1st set of Filing Cabinets and before the 1st Furnace jump and snott swing to the right from the post to get a MPB. • Before the candles jump down to get some Suit Power and a 3-Finger Gun. • Whip the switches to turn off the furnaces. • After the 2nd continue point drop off to the left then parachute to the right, now climb up to get a 100% Suit Power. • To get to the end door, chase the door so it's on the left edge of the top platform. Then pick up (press down) the wardrobe with the foot hanging out of it and jump up at the door so you grab onto the platform. _______ |Secrets| ――――――― • 4 Ammo Refills and a Chip Butty- At the start head all the way to the right then jump up onto the ducting. Now follow it left collecting Ammo Refill's on the way then drop down and head right to collect the Chip Butty. • 36% Suit Power, a Television & The Worm Flag- From the first furnace snott swing then parachute to the left. Then jump up to collect the bonuses. • A Chip Butty, 250 Plasma Rounds & a Extra Life- After the 2nd Continue Point, snott swing twice across the mucus to the Chip Butty and continue left on a hidden chain, now drop off and collect the Plasma rounds then jump and parachute to the left to get a Extra Life. _____ |Flags| ――――― • Earth Flag- To the right of the 1st printing press. • Worm Flag- See the second secret • Jim Flag- Jump and parachute to the right from the furnace after the going through the 2nd Print Press **************************************** L E V E L A T E **************************************** Very straight forward level. ____ |Tips| ―――― • Just whip or shoot the Bendy Straws to destroy them. • Avoid landing on forks. • Run for shelter from the salt shaker or destroy it with a Homing Missile. • Whip the switches to turn off the hotplates. • Shoot the eggs then jump on them to cross the hotplates. ____________ |Secret Level| ―――――――――――― To get to the secret level "Totally Forked", just after the first mucusy eggs there will be three forks with a platform of bacon to the left of them and a platform of salami to the right. You have to parachute between the bacon and the forks and you will teleport to "Totally Forked" AKA Secret Room No. 37. _____ |Flags| ――――― • Earth Flag- It's in plain sight, just whip from the salami to get it. • Worm Flag- Same as the Earth Flag but in a different spot. • Jim Flag- At the end walk near the teleporter then walk back to get it. ____________ |Flamin' Yawn| ―――――――――――― He is easy enough, just stand on the pepperoni to avoid sinking in the cheese, and watch out for his paper plate. To kill him when he jumps down from his plate and spits fire, shoot him. After a couple of blasts he will die. ********************************************** S E E J I M R U N . R U N J I M R U N . ********************************************** __________________ |Sprint Walkthrough| ―――――――――――――――――― Start running and collect the first Mega Plasma Blaster, but don't collect the 2nd just jump over it to the next platform. No keep running and jump for the next MPB. Now shoot the rotor till all it's blades are gone then continue and jump up to the higher route but avoid the Bubble Gun (If you do collect it quickly press X). Now blast the gates ahead, just shoot them and jump before the last one for another MPB. Now snott swing at the moving mucus pad to swing ahead. If you are to slow Psy-Crow will drop a gate down and giant balls :) will roll down at you, if this happens just shoot at the gate (I think it speeds up the process). Now destroy all the rotor blades up ahead and avoid the Homing Missiles as they are too slow. Now when you get up to a backwards rotor just jump on it and it will hopefully fling you to the next platform. Then there is really nothing new just make sure you destroy all gates and rotor blades, swing off all the mucus pads, collect all the Turbo's (Blue J's) & avoid the balls at the end! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v)Codes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***PLEASE READ*** All codes mentioned below are input while paused in any stage. Some acquire you to unpause right after they have been input. __________ |Debug Menu| ―――――――――― Select, Left, Right, A, X, X, Left then Right. The Debug Menu will now appear, from it you have the options: ·Cheat Mode- Invincibility ·Start Level- Level select. ·Pause / Dim- No dim when paused. ·Map View Mode- Select where you want to start. ·Sound Effects- Use left and Right to select the sound and A or B to hear it. Press Y to enable codes and select the level in the Start Level option. Press B to disable codes. Press Start to reset game with the options you have selected. ________________ | Cheats | |――――――――――――――――|―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――| |Invincibility | A, A, X, A, Left, Right, Right then Left. | |Energy Refill | X, Select, X, B, X, Select, X then A. | |Extra Life | Left, Select, Right, Select, Left, Select, Right, Select. | |Extra Continue | A, Select, A, B, X, Y, X then Y. | |Ammo Refill | Select, X, X, X, X, X, X then Select. | |Mega Plasma | X, X, X, X, A, A, A then Select. | |3 Finger Gun | X, X, X, X, A, A, X then Select. | |Barn Blaster | X, X, X, X, A, B, X then Select. | |Homing Missiles | X, X, X, X, A, A, B then Select. | |Bubble Gun | X, X, X, X, A, B, A then Select. | |Level Skip | Select, B, X, A, A, X, B then Select. | |Skip to The End | Select, Left, Right, L, R, Left, Right then Select. | ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― _________________ | Skip to Level | |―――――――――――――――――|――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――| |Lorenzen's Soil | A, X, Left, Right, X, Left, Right then Left. | |Puppy Love 1 | Left, Right, A, B, X, Left, Right then A. | |Villi People | A, B, X, A, B, X, Left then Right | |The Flyin' King | A, B, X, Left, Right, Left, A then B. | |Puppy Love 2 | Down, Right, A, B, X, Left, Right then A. | |Udderly Abducted | Up, B, X, Left, Right, Down, A then X. | |Inflated Head | Up, Down, X, A, B, Y, Left then Right. | |Puppy Love 3 | Up, Right, A, B, X, Left, Right then A. | |ISO 9000 | A, B, X, Left, Left, Right, Left then Right. | |Level Ate | X, X, Down, Down, A, Left, Right then Left. | |See Jim Run... | A, B, X, Left, Left, Left, Left then Right. | ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― __________________ |No dim when paused| ―――――――――――――――――― Also causes the soil to not refresh in Lorenzen's Soil. A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A then A. _____________ |Miscellaneous| ――――――――――――― ·No soil refresh in Lorenzen's Soil. ·10 Meal Worms in Villi People & Inflated Head. A, A, B, A, A, X then B. __________________________ |Many faces of Nick Jones 2| ―――――――――――――――――――――――――― *CAUTION* This code resets the game! Y, A, B, B, A, Y, A then B. ******************************************************************************* FAQ STATS --------- Version 1.3 Update No 3 Size 73.3KB Pages 24 Words 13021 Characters 72120 Paragraphs 1379 Lines 1504 GameFAQ's CONTRIBUTER PAGE- www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/4127.html EMAIL- astroboy_blue@yahoo.com If I don't reply it's either I don't know the answer to the question or your sending me info I already know or someone has sent before you. LEGAL JUNK (Not a Chinese boat full of lawyers)