A Wonderful Beginning

I don't own these characters so don't sue me.

Author's Note: This takes place almost immediately after Finally and The Absolute Truth. I reccomend reading those first because you probably won't understand much if you don't. By the way, I am definitely pro-Joey and Dawson.

A Wonderful Beginning
Finally Part 3

By: Nicole

"Yeah, well," Joey looked down and smiled, then looked up at Dawson, "I'm gonna be seeing a lot more of my dad now, I'm going to visit him this weekend." Dawson and Joey had walked home from school to Dawson's house to wait until detention started at 5. They had intended to watch a movie, but had ended up talking about anything and everything. They sat indian-style and facing each other on Dawson's bed.

"I'm so glad for you, Joe." Dawson took both her hands in his and kissed her lightly on the lips. Joey enjoyed everything about being Dawson's girlfriend, but couldn't deny that there was an underlying akwardness to every romantic thing they did. Joey knew that this was normal for any starting couple. But I bet it's harder for two best friends that know everything about each other.

Uh, Dawson...I heard about your parents..." Joey felt terrible about this and wanted to comfort him in any way possible. Dawson squeezed his eyes shut and inhaled slowly. Joey was surprised to see a single tear slide down his cheek. Oh Dawson, she thought. She quickly leaned over, kissed away the tear, and hugged him.

"I don't know Joey, I don't know if I can handle them being apart...I can't even imagine it."

"Hey, you know I'll be there whenever you need me, and the same with Pacey and...Jen." She had said the last name with reluctance, she didn't want to bring up this morning again, "I mean it's not like you have to go through this alone."

"But, what if I have to choose? What if I have to choose between them, I mean who to live with?" suddenly a thought occured to Dawson, "Joey, what if I have to leave Capeside?"

Joey hadn't considered this before, but it scared her more than anything ever had. "Oh Dawson, don't think like that, that isn't going to happen." She sounded more convinced than she was.

He smiled at his girlfriend. "I love you so much, Joey, I just want you to know that."
She kissed him gently on the lips, but Dawson turned it into a deeper one. Joey felt his tongue slide into her mouth, but didn't mind it at all. They started to fall back on his bed while continuing to kiss, all akwardness gone. Dawson let his hand stray downward, and Joey tensed up a little when she felt his fingers travel to the area underneath her shirt. But she still didn't stop him. He's my boyfriend and I love him, why not let him? In fact, I want him to. They continued to kiss and Joey let out a gasp when she felt Dawson's hand reach it's final destination, but decided she liked it. They continued on like this for quite a while, and would've done it longer, but Joey caught a glimpse of the clock and pushed Dawson away.

"Argh, Dawson, it's 5:05! We're late for detention!" Joey quickly grabbed both their jackets and they ran down the stairs.

They were at the front door when Dawson yelled over his shoulder, "Mom, I'm leaving, me and Joey are going to detention."

They heard a distracted voice from the living room, "OK, bye." Joey looked up at his crestfallen face, she knew that the only reason Mrs. Leery didn't ream them both for getting detention was because of the divorce.

She gave Dawson's hand a little squeeze and he looked down, giving her a preoccupied smile. Then they were out the door and running to the school.


When Gail Leery was sure she heard the kids shut the door she continued talking to her husband, "Mitch, couldn't you just think this over? I mean," she moved to sit down next to her husband and tried to put her hand on his shoulder, "I love you, honey."

Mitch quickly jerked away from her touch, "Don't! Just don't do that Gail, you think I don't know he still calls here? Well, I do!"

"Oh honey, Mitch, when he calls here it's strictly buisness, no more romance! I swear sweetheart, please think this through!" Gail tried a last ditch effort to win back her husband.

"Oh...so the kissing noises you make over the phone while hiding in the laundry room are for research?! Because somehow I find that hard to believe." Mitch's face softened, "Oh honey, just tell me you're not seeing him, just tell me and I'll believe you, I really will. Just say the word."

Gail started sobbing, she couldn't bring herself to lie to her husband anymore, "Yeah," she sobbed, then cleared her throat, "Yes, Mitch, I'm still seeing Bob, but I can't help it! I..I don't know."

For a second,Gail saw a look of pure hurt in his eyes before he covered it up with hardness. He turned and walked out of the house, slamming the door so hard it fell off of it's hinges.

Gail started to sob again, she walked over to the couch and crawled up into a ball, letting the tears fall.


Jen was on her way back to the school, she had gotten detention for being late to class. I knew it was the wrong idea to help Joey! She was dreading this one especially because she knew Joey and Dawson would both be there. She didn't know how she was going to handle it. Well, at least Pacey agreed with me on the kiss. Jen couldn't imagine what she would do if Pacey had liked it. The school was only a few steps away. Here goes nothing...


Joey and Dawson were running as fast as they could to the school. Dawson was trying to figure out a way to explain their tardiness, I can't use the truth, thats for sure. He laughed at this and looked over at Joey. He saw she was looking at something and he followed her gaze to a distant figure.

"Who is that Joey?" Dawson asked.

"Um, isn't that Pacey?" she called out to him and the figure turned. It was Pacey.

"Hey you guys, where are you headed?" Pacey was careful not to look at Joey, he wasn't sure if he was mad at her for this morning or not.

If Dawson noticed this, he didn't let on that he did, "We got detention for, um, kissing in the cafeteria.." Dawson laughed, emmbarassed.

"Oh yeah, I saw that, and I've been meaning to shove it in your faces about how right I was about your raging hormones." Pacey said this matter-of-factly and smiled at them.

"Yeah, you were right," Dawson leaned over and kissed Joey on the cheek, "I just regret waiting so long to realize it." Joey blushed slightly, but still didn't say anything.

Dawson wondered about her quietness, "Joe, whats the matter?" Joey just looked down and said, "Nothing, Dawson." He let it drop.

Pacey also looked down, but then he broke the tension by saying, "Hey, I'm going to detention too."

"Uh oh, I don't even wanna know what you did this time Pace," Dawson laughed and so did Pacey, but Joey could only manange a half smile.

"Nah, it's completely innocent, well as innocent as getting detention could be..I was writing on the desk in school and Mr. Wall got all pissed at me."

All of a sudden Joey spoke up, "Hey Dawson, could you keep walking towards school, I have to talk to Pacey about...something." Pacey looked at Joey, a questioning look in his eye.

"Uh, yeah, sure." He looked at Joey with a look that was a mixture of hurt and curiosity, then walked away from the pair.

"Pacey...I'm really sorry about this morning, I don't know what got into me."Joey was silently pleading with him to forgive her, for no matter how much they teased each other she really valued their friendship.

Pacey had decided earlier to forgive her, "Hey Joey thats OK, I can see you got it bad for our little Oompa Loompa." Pacey laughed.

"Watch it, thats my boyfriend your talking about!" Then they linked hands in a friendly way, and walked toward the school once more.


When Joey and Pacey reached the room where detention was held, they were surprised at what they saw. It was Jen and Dawson off in a corner talking. there was no teacher to be seen. Joey whispered to Pacey, "Why am I feeling a strong sense of deja vu?" he laughed.

Dawson saw Joey and quickly jumped out of his seat, going to welcome her. His face fell when he saw Joey and Pacey holding hands.I knew I shouldn't have left them! "Hey, whats going on here?" He asked testily.

Joey was going to ask what his problem was but them remembered that she was still holding Pacey's hand. She dropped it, "Nothing we were just talking."

Dawson still looked hurt but he accepted the excuse, "Well, Jen says there wasn't a teacher when she got here, and she was on time."

Well, then what the hell are we doing here?" Pacey asked irritably.

"I don't know.." Jen called out from her seat across the room, "Hey Pacey, did you have another rendezvous with your hand?"

"Very funny, Blondie. Actually, I was defacing school property, pretty low-key for me, I know." Jen laughed. Wow, Pacey's really funny.

Pacey looked longingly at Jen, I wish she liked me back. I really like her. I can't take another rejection. Suddenly, Jen's voice broke into his reverie, "Pacey, come over here and talk to me will ya?"

"What? Oh yeah you bet!" and he practically ran over.


A little while later there was still no teacher in sight, and Joey and Dawson were ah humming ( you know, making out) in the corner. But Dawson broke apart when he saw Jen and Pacey, "Hey look at that, doesn't it look like they're interested in each other?" Dawson didn't say this in a jealous way, just curiously. And, although he was ashamed to admit it, he was suprised he wasn't jealous when he saw Jen flirting with another guy. Well, at least now I know my love for Joey is complete... He leaned over and kissed hers lips once more...


Pacey's dream was coming true, Jen was so obviously flirting with him. He wondered what he did to make her change her mind. But that isn't whats important, she really likes me! He said one of his famous funny lines and Jen laughed and put her hand on his arm. Oh wow, I don't know how long I can take this without kissing her. He actually felt like he was going to explode with anticipation.

He didn't have to wait long. Jen leaned over and whispered in his ear, "I really don't know what I was thinking when I said I didn't like that kiss, Pace, because I'm beginning to realize I loved it."

This is your chance Pacey, don't blow it! "Well, if you liked it that much," he whispered back to Jen, we could...do it again."

"Mmm, I'd love to." Jen leaned over and their lips met.

No, Pacey's head was screaming, No! this isn't right. I'm the rebound guy! I'm replacing Dawson. this realization made Pacey want to cry.

He quickly pulled away, "Jen, I'm not going to be your toy, you come back when you're over Dawson, OK?" This statement took all Pacey's strength to say, he turned around to walk out of the room. But he soon heard Jen's distressed call.

"Pacey..look, that isn't true! I thought it was at the beginning but, it isn't! I really, really like you!"

Pacey wanted to give in, but he wouldn't allow himself to, "No, Jen not this time.."

Jen didn't know what he was talking about. Not this time...what does that mean? All she knew was how much she really did like Pacey. She felt the tears come to her eyes and they fell silently.

"Hey, what's this?" Pacey asked when he spotted a white slip of paper on the teacher's desk. He read it out loud:

Detention is canceled for today. I am busy
with a previous engagement.
Detention will be postponed to
this Friday.
Ms. Tingle

"Oh man, this sucks." Pacey sat down at a desk and banged his head against it, "A day in detention when I didn't even have to be here!"

Jen secretly didn't mind wasting the day at detention. I found out that I like Pacey..and he likes me I know it! Just a little scheming and I've got him.

Dawson and Joey looked up from their ah humming, "I don't mind at all.." they said together, then laughed.

The foursome walked out of detention together, maybe not all of them at their happiest times, but still, together.


Jen was in her bed, but found she couldn't sleep. Her thoughts kept returning to one thing, Pacey. I always was sort of attracted to him...ever since the beginning. She remembered their first kiss, at the other detention. She laughed at the irony of it all. At that detention she was still obsessed with Dawson, yet that was the day his eyes were opened to Joey. And that was also the day Jen's eyes were opened to Pacey. But she hadn't let the feelings into her mind. That day of detention was like a look into the future. She knew she still had to win Pacey over completely, but had no doubt in her mind that she would one day soon. There isn't anything to keep me and Pacey from becoming an us....


Joey and Dawson were saying goodnight in front of his house. They were having difficulty doing this.

"Oh I don't know how I can wait till I can see you tommorrow," Dawson smiled tenderly at Joey, half meaning what he had said.

"Dawson, don't make me quote 'Romeo and Juliet' again, it's making me think we might end up the same way!" Joey said jokingly.

"Joey, I can't help it, it's the truth," he kissed her deeply and she responded.

Joey was only partly enjoying the kiss. This is perfect. But, how long can this perfectness last?

The End
.....but to be continued...I have a few ideas for the next one, but I'll take your suggestions..I promise to give you credit if I use your idea! So if you have a suggestion as to what should happen next...e-mail me! But E-MAIL ME anyway!! I love getting it from you guys. It makes me want to keep writing.(NiXiE10@aol.com)

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