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UFC Summer Rumble (Live from The Nassau Colosseum)

Fireworks exlpode in the arena,

Fireworks exlpode in the arena, signifying the start of UFC's Summer Rumble. The crowd goes wild.

READ CAREFULLY!!!! Some wrestlers don't come out with a honk, they might sneak out somewhere along the way!!

Royce Gracie: Hello everyone and welcome to UFC's Summer Rumble!!! I'm your host, Royce Gracie and alongside me is UFC Middleweight Champion, Frank Shamrock. Frank, what are your thoughts on tonight's big Rumble?

Frank Shamrock: Well Royce, tonight is going to be a night to remember, all of the UFC's best competitors, ALL in one ring!! It's gonna be great, so let's get it underway!!!! Now as you all know, the last one in the ring will be named Ultimate Fighting Champion., second is Ultimate Ultimate, third is Toughman, and fourth is World. The last Cruiserweight in will recieve The Lightweight Belt, and will be forced to leave afterwards.

*HONK!!!!!!!* Out comes The Pimp!!

RG: WHOA!!!!! It's Hunter Hearst Helmsley!!!! I don't believe it. Pimp waisting no time now, attacking HHH before he even gets in. Sends his head into the turnbuckle and HHH falls off the apron. Now this isn't Inner City Rules, he's gonna have to let him in there. And the refs are giving him the business. HHH climbing back in, and meets with a knee to the face. Pimp sends him into the ropes, back body drop over the ropes, but HHH holds onto Pimp's chin as he goes over, AND THEY BOTH GO OVER THE TOP!!!!!

FS: Juventued Guerrera comes out now. He's gonna have to wait a little while.

FS: Here comes Sting. He gets into the ring and the two men circle for a bit. Here comes Sting with a hard right, but Juventued comes back with his own hard right, and then a roundhouse kick. It sends Sting into the corner. Juvy comes in with a dropkick to the knee. Sting falls, and Juvy drags him out to the center and applies a half crab.

RG: It's Curt Hennig. As you know, Sting is a part of The Wolf Pac. And Curt proves it by dropkicking Juvy right in the face, knocking him off Sting. Juvy gets up and looks at Curt, which sets him up for a Stinger Splash from behind!! OUCH!!! Look at Hennig, he's laughing, what an asshole. (Curt hears him and looks over, while Sting is appealing to the crowd on the other side of the ring). Yeah, you heard me!! (Juvy comes up from behind and dropkicks him over. Curt gets up and grabs Gracie out of the chair. Gracie slams his head down into the table, then they start fighting all the way to the locke rooms).

FS: Ok, I guess I'll be dictating from now on. Juvy just tried to dropkick Sting in the back, but Sting turned around and slammed him to the ground. Sting, picking Juvy up into a Power Bomb, but Juvy spins around and turns it into a DDT! Juvy's going wild, he's up on the top rope....

FS: Out comes Booker T. Juvy is still up on the top, he's waiting for Sting to stand. Booker T from behind pulls Juvy off the top. JUVY IS OUT!!! Booker T gets in the ring, off the ropes and he comes in with an Axe Kick on Sting. Now HE'S up on the top, and he Missile Dropkick's Sting. Sting goes flying across the ring.

FS: Out comes Tommy Dreamer. Him and Booker T double suplex Sting out. Then they go at it. Tommy Dreamer hit Booker T with a Death Valley Driver! Tommy Dreamer picks him up for a Running Tombstone!! (The lights go out) What's this? Ladies and Gentlemen, there's nothing wrong with your T.V.'s, the lights have gone out all over the arena. What a dump, can't the prez even rent a descent aren...... (All of a sudden, the ramp lights up with bright red fireworks and flames) IT'S KANE!!!!!! THE BELL HASN'T EVEN RANG YET!!! Kane gets into the ring, and Booker T and Tommy Dreamer both go after him. Kane Choke Slams Booker T!! Tommy Dreamer gives Kane a running forearm to the back, but it has no effect, and Kane Tombstones Tommy Dreamer.

FS: Oh my god, it's GOLDBERG!!!! This should be interesting. Goldberg hops up onto the canvas, then into the ring. He meets with a Choke Slam. Goldberg gets up and spears him, but Kane gets right back up as well. Both men staring eachother down now. Meanwhile, Booker T and Tommy are in separate corners shaking off the pain. They both get up, and run toward Kane and Goldberg. They just pushed Kane and Goldberg together, and they just banged heads, and they both go down. Booker T and Tommy both wrestle Goldberg over to the ropes and throw him over. Booker T turns to Tommy and clothslines him over!!

FS: It's Hollywood Hulk Hogan. Wait, look who's behind him, it's our President KEN SHAMROCK. What does he want? Oh, Harlem Side Kick on Kane and the big man goes down. In comes Hollywood and he wastes no time, and attacks Kane also. Hollywood Leg Drop on Kane. Hey Ken..

Ken Shamrock: Hey Frank, you didn't think I'd miss The UFC's FIRST EVER Pay Per View, did you? Oh look at that, Kane's out!!! Look, Hollywood and Booker T are going at it, nice scoop slam by Hogan.

FS: Here comes Randy Savage. He goes right after Hogan, giving him a forearm to the head, followed by a knee to the head. He sends him into the ropes and gives him another elbow. Booker T comes up from behind Savage and picks him up and brings him over to the ropes, and drops him out. That was quick.
KS: You got that right, excuse me... (Ken goes over and belly to bellies Savage and tells him to give that to his leader) Ok, oh nice arm drag by Booker T on Hogan. He holds onto it and applies an arm bar.

FS: What was that all about? His stupid leader, KILLER, thinks he's cute trying to hurt me with a Power Bomb, and I'm not even done yet. I hope you don't get your ass kicked. Any way, there's no one coming out. There he is, it's The Midnight Rider. He wastes no time in getting Booker T off of Hollywood. But he picks up Hollywood and throws him over!! Now he grabs Booker T and gives him a Pedigree. Booker T gets back up and throws a right cross. But Midnight Rider reverses it into an arm bar.

KS: Look who's coming, it's the Sandman. He picks Midnight Rider up off of Booker T and Atomic Drops Booker T over the top rope. Sandman takes Midnight Rider and flips him over for a Tombstone, but MR kicks it over and now he gives Sandman The Dark Mist (a running tombstone)!!! He picks him up and throws him over too. That was quick!!

FS: It's Tracker. He gets in the ring, but Midnight sends him right back over!! This guy is good!!!!!!

KS: Hey you're not kidding. And here comes DDP. He gets in and Diamond Cuts Midnight Rider!!! He didn't even see that one coming!!! Hey what's this, look who's coming out from under the apron, it's Hardcore. He gets in the ring, and DDP and him start going at it, trading punches.

FS: Here comes Killer!! It sure is Killer (Ken gets up and waits for Killer to get in the ring, then he goes in and throws Killer out. He warns Killer that if he even touches Shamrock, that Shamrock will tear up his contract. Killer walks out in disgust.) Killer don't look too happy about that. In the ring, DDP and Hardcore are fighting it out and here comes Midnight Rider. He clothslines them both over, and his shirt gets caught on Hardcore's chain, and he goes over also!!!!!

KS: OK, I'm back, and here comes Extreme Enforcer. And right behind him is Mr. Shock. Mr. Shock "escorts" EE from behind into the ring. He picks him up and EE tries for a hurricanrana, OUCH!!! The man is SEVEN feet tall, but still manages a hurricanrana on Mr. Shock. They both get right back up and EE tries for another, but Mr. Shock reverses it into a Billy Kiddman Spine Buster!! WHAT POWER!!!!

FS: It's Fire Ball!!!! He comes up behind Shock and Slop Drops him!!!! Now he's dropkicking the big guy, EE. Once, twice, three times, this guy won't go down. Fire Ball goes off the ropes and stops right in front of EE. Then Shock clothslines EE right in the back. EXCELLENT teamwork by those two. Now Fire Ball hooks on a Camel Clutch while Shock hooks on an Ankle Lock. HEY!!!! Shock let it go, you scared him!! He shouldn't be using my move!!! Shock now, slamming EE's knee into the ground.

KS: Here comes New Jack, this should even things out here. But Shock and FB see who's next and quickly throw out EE. Now New Jack is just standing there, while Shock and FB wait for him. Wait, Shock is telling NJ to watch something. HE JUST CLOTHSLINED FIRE BALL OUT!!!!! Now Shock, tempting New Jack to enter the ring, and that's exactly what he does. New Jack, telling Shock to wait now, and he's bringing in a chair. (The refs try to stop him) HEY, leave him, let him bring it in. This should be interesting. Shock is now daring NJ to hit him. NJ swings, Shock ducks under and gives him a bulldog right onto the chair.

FS: Here comes the Disciple. Another member of The MOB, who eliminated most of themselves earlier!! He enters and gives Shock an Apocalypse!! He goes to pick up the chair from under NJ, but NJ nails him in the face, then in the gut, then gives him an uppercut with it, sending him flying over the top in a bloody mess!!! NJ spinning around now and nailing Shock in the head with the chair!!! OUCH!!!

KS: Now it's......hey, BOTH members of Insane are coming out!! Deranged AND Hell Warrior are making their way to the ring. Shock and NJ are going to have to work together now, even if it kills them, and it will if they don't!!!!!! NJ goes after Deranged and Shock goes sraight for Hell Warrior, with an "insane" look in his eyes. Hell Warrior steps in, and Shock clothslines him right back out. Shock lands upright on the apron, and Hell Warrior grabs a hold of his pants!!!! Hell Warrior, now hanging on Shock's pants in an effort not to be eliminated!! WHOA!!! Shock's pants just gave way, they're down!! And that's all the "slack" Hell Warrior needed to be eliminated. Too bad. Meanwhile, NJ and Deranged are exchanging blows, and Shock comes over to help out NJ. But Deranged fights them both off, giving them scoop slams and snap suplexes. Now remember, these two have been in here for a long time, while Deranged is a fresh guy.

FS: Here comes Stevie Ray, he wastes no time in joining in on Deranged's "beat down". SR hits Deranged with a Spinning Heel Kick, and he goes down hard. He picks up New Jack and throws him out, but the ref is right there, and NJ falls onto one of the ref's shoulders, giving him enough time and momentum to grab onto the ropes and slide back in. He grabs Stevie Ray and throws him into the turnbuckle, giving him a Super Plex off the top rope. Shock and Deranged are on the other side of the ring, and are acutally handing eachother the chair and taking turns hitting eachother, this is ludicrous!! Wait, Shock just got spread wide open, and tells Deranged to hold on. Deranged looks on to see what happened, and Shock grabs the chair and hits him on the head, then gives him The Shocker, and throws him over. Look what Shock has in his hand, some blood pellets! It was a trick!!!!

KS: Here comes the new-comer, Poseur. And Shock goes right after the rookie, but meets with a Fireman's Carry right over the top rope!!! Shock holds onto the canvas, and slides low enough on it and hangs sideways, so Poseur would think he's out, and it works. Shock now, re-entering and he jumps onto Poseur with one of those "Bret Hart Sleepers" (when you jump on to the guy's back). Poseur is down, but not out yet. Back to Stevie Ray and New Jack, they were BOTH badly hurt from The Super Plex, but NJ sends him in again and attempts another one. But Stevie Ray hooks his feet and lifts NJ up instead. This isn't smart, if he does that, then they'll BOTH be out. OOHH!!!!! He just fell forward!!! They both hit their faces hard on the mat. Someone's bleeding, and I'm not sure who it is. It's Stevie Ray. No, it's New Jack, NO it's both of them!! A cool move, but not very smart on the part of Stevie Ray.

FS: It's King Thunder. He picks up Stevie Ray and throws him over. Harlem Heat is out of it!!!! He goes after New Jack, but but NJ head butts him in the groin and Power Bombs him out!!! Well, at least he got ONE person out before his quick elimination!!! Poseur is STILL being held in that Bret Hart Sleeper by Shock. One of the refs gets in and lifts his arm once.....twice......New Jack pulls Poseur out of The Sleeper!! What a save!!! Shock looks pissed, and the ref immediately exits, I wouldn't want to be caught between that either!!!! Shock gets up and spears New Jack, but New Jack reverse it into a Guillotine Choke (DEF: taking someone's head as if about to do a DDT, sliding onto your back, wrapping your legs around opponent's body, and pushing his hips while pulling on his throat. It clogs up the main breathing passage as well as cuts off circulation. Used often in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. A VERY DANGEROUS choke, not to be used lightly!!!! This is NOT THE ANNOUNCER SPEAKING, THIS IS THE OWNER, BE CAEFUL WITH THIS CHOKE!!!! I'm saying this because numerous people have died from it. It's NO JOKE!!!! Back to the match..) The ref climbs back in and starts lifting Shock's arms. I think it's over for Shock, he's been in here too long!!!

KS: It's The Degenerate!! He knocks NJ off of Shock and kicks him in the ribs. I think I heard one crack Frank. He goes to kick Shock, but Shock grabs his foot and pulls him to the floor. NJ grabs the other foot and Shock nods to him. OH SHIT!!!!! They just gave Degenerate a DOUBLE WISH BONE!!!!!! (They pulled his legs to either side I.E. forcing Degenerate to do a split) OUCH!!!! Now they're double body slamming Degenerate out!!! I tell you, when these two want to work together, they can do one HELL of a job at it!!! But now they're back at it, Now they're taking Poseur and they are about to double body slam HIM out.

FS: Here comes XCA, part of The Canadian World Order!!!!! As he approaches the mat, Shock and NJ throw Poseur at him. XCA catches Poseur and brings him up on the apron. He Press Slams Poseur back at them and they both catch him sideways. XCA jumps up on the ropes and executes a cross body!!!! He nails all three of them!!!!!! Poseur is out cold...STILL!!! XCA picks up Poseur and tosses him over the top rope.

KS: Here comes K-Dawg. The refs are telling him that since there are no more Light Weights, he is The Light Weight Champion. K-Dawg looks both happy and frustrated at the same time, I guess he wanted to come into the ring and kick some ass, but now that he has the title, he can't. XCA meanwhile, just threw Shock over the top rope, and after about 5 times, Shock finally hits the mat. Well, we got ourselves a new World's Champion, which in this fed would be about the same ranking as a T.V. Title in another fed. Well, at least he's going home with something tonight, after all that fighting!!

FS: It's our last person out, Kevin Nash!!! As he makes his way to the ring, XCA spots him. NJ is out cold on the floor. XCA tells Nash to go kiss his ass, and Nash slides in and takes the footing right out from under XCA. NJ, still out cold, falls out of the ring, UNDER the ropes. The refs try to get him back in, but he's too heavy. Meanwhile, XCA kicks Nash in the face, picks him up and gives him Da Nuke (Steiner Screw Driver). Then he Press Slams Nash out. That guy's got a lot of power for 6' 5!!! Well, Nash is now our Toughman Champion (which ranks as an Intercontinental Title in here). Ken is getting up now, where's he going. Oh, he's picking up NJ to put him back in the ring. But XCA Press Slams him out as well, right onto Ken!!!! That's it!!!! XCA is our Ultimate Fighting Champ (our World belt) and New Jack is our Ultimate Ultimate Champ (our Hardcore belt)

...........XCA - Ultimate Fighting Champion...........New Jack - Ultimate Ultimate Champion..........Kevin Nash - Toughman Champion..........Mr. Shock - World Champion.........K-Dawg - Light Weight Champion.......

Ken Shamrock: OK, Now New Jack, you MUST defend our Ultimate Ultimate Belt in THE OCTAGON!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is all, and goodnight. P.S. KEEP ROLEPLAYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FS: Well this is Frank Shamrock here at UFC's Summer Rumble wishing you all a good summer. Also, don't forget to catch Wednesday Wrestlefest this week!!!!!!

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