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hi everyone! Incase you haven't noticed my webpage has changed alot! It now features only gymnastics! If you want to see something not related to gymnastics, check out my other site. I have lots of stuff for you to do on this page:
see info on gymnasts!
Check out links to gymnastics related sites.
Learn about my gymnastics
All about YOU
See my Gymnastics pictures!! NEW
Or check out my other page!
Come back soon for more updates and sections, which will all be running soon!
*Please don't use any of my pictures or ideas without asking first, they took a long time to come up with. If you wanna be placed on my links page E-mail me! Thanks!

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Gymn Ring

This Gymnastics Ring site owned by Chrissy .
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Incase u havent noticed.. i joined the webring so check it out.. k? Great! Luv ya'all! Chrissy Last Edited: April 6, 2000
