Welcome to my site. For those who've never been here before it's a mixture of Magick/Paganism and my own writings.  Hence the title.  For those of you who have been here and are looking for The Long Road to Morning the link to it is now on the writing page.  The third part is not finished yet.  When it's a little closer to completion I'll try to give a better estimate.

The Pagan/Wiccan page contains some beginner information on Paganism/Wicca and the Tarot.  I plan to expand this section in the coming months, after the third part of my novel is finished.  Latsric will be working on a section about the Runes for this section that I believe will be up soon so check back for that.  Click here to go to the section.

The writing section contains as I mentioned earlier, the first two segments of the Long Road series as well as my poetry.  The section will be expanded whenever something comes along to add to it.  The characters in the Long Road series are lesbians so if that isn't your cup of tea I suggest finding something else to read.  For now all the works in the section are by Chakan, though that may change in the future.  Click here to go to the writing section.

This section has links to general and LGBT suicide prevention resources. Right now it hosts the reading assignments for the suicide panel in my Women's Studies class.  Click here to go to the section.

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