Riley Says:

"Probably every beautiful girl in the world has some jerk telling her she's a mystery, but I swear, you really are. There's a lot about you that needs puzzling out."

"So tell me about your dream. As a Psych major, I'm qualified to go, 'hmmm.'"

"Wow! That flippy thing that you did was..."-on Buffy's slaying techniques

"But I can feel my skin humming. My hands. My every inch of me. I've never been this excited about anybody before."-on his feelings for Buffy

"But last night with your friends was a disaster. I mean, could I have been less convincing? I was trained to be sneaky and stuff and I'm like, 'Hi! Paint ball. Just passing by.' I should have just given them my security code and rank."-about Willow, Xander, and Spike seeing him in his commando gear

Riley and Friends say:

Buffy: "You know, I was just wondering. Proffesor Walsh isn't planning on yelling at me and kicking me out of the class, is she?"
Riley: "It's not in her lesson plan."

Buffy (commenting on the Lesbian Alliance poster Riley just hung): "Is there something you want to tell me?" Riley: "Hey, you know, we were talking about having a picnic? I was thinking, do you ever hang out at Rugg's Field? It's beautiful there, usually not that crowded either. I thought maybe we could have a little spread — sandwiches, maybe some ants. Could be fun."
Buffy: "We were talking about having a picnic?"
Riley: "Oh, so was that a conversation I actually had, or one I was just practicing?"
Buffy: "Practicing?"
Riley: "OK, yes, I have been known to do a little prep work before our conversations. It's not easy, you know, talking to you, sometimes. It's like an oral exam."

Riley: "You can have the best time in a car. It's not about getting somewhere. You have to take your time. Forget about everything. Just relax. Let it wash over you. The air, motion. Just let it roll."
Buffy: "We are talking about driving, right?"
Riley: "Thought I was."

Buffy: "Riley, look. Aren't they beautiful?"
Riley: "Uh, yeah. They're nice. A little dressy, maybe, for school, but..."
Buffy: "Riley."
Riley: "Buffy."
Buffy: "I really like you. I hope you know that you mean a lot to me. And if things were different —"
Riley: "Different than what?"
Buffy: "I want you to promise me that we can always be friends. And I'd really like you to be there on the day."
Riley: "The day when...?"
Buffy: "The wedding!"
Riley: "The wedding. What wedding?"
Buffy: "My wedding! I'm getting married, can you believe it?"
Riley: "I don't think 'no' is a strong enough word."

Riley: "What's his name?"
Buffy: "Who?"
Riley: "The groom?"
Buffy: "Spike."
Riley: "That's a name?!"
Buffy: "Don't be mad."
Riley: "I'm not mad!"
Buffy: "No, you are mad!"
Riley: "No, I am. I... I really... Wow. Who is this guy? Does he go here?"
Buffy: "Spike? Oh, no, he's totally old!"
Riley: "Old?"
Buffy: "Well, not as old as my last boyfriend was."
Riley: "OK. It's late, and I'm... I'm very tired now, so, I'm just gonna go far away and be... away."
Buffy: "But —"
Riley: "No. Stay."

Buffy: "I saw that fear in your eyes when you caught me looking at wedding dresses, and I just had to give you a hard time."
Riley: "I did not have fear in my eyes."
Buffy: "Yes, you did. You were looking at me like I was a cartoon ball and chain."
Riley: "So you decided to tell me you're getting married?"
Buffy: "Uh huh."
Riley: "So, you're insane?"
Buffy: "Uh huh."
Riley: "But you're still single?"
Buffy: "Yes."
Riley: "OK then. Just another little piece of the Buffy puzzle."
Buffy: "You really have a lot to learn about women, Riley."
Riley: "You're gonna teach me."

Riley: "Well, did I appear at all in this dream?"
Buffy: "There might have been a cameo."
Riley: "Is that right?"
Buffy: "Maybe more like feature role."
Riley: "Romantic lead?"
Buffy: "I'm not saying a word."

Riley (covering up their true occupations from passersby): "I mean, you're a... fry cook. And so am I."
Buffy: "Yes, but you're an amateur... fry cook. I come from a long line of fry cooks that don't live past twenty-five."

Riley: "Yeah, I was just passing by, and I thought I heard people inside."
Willow: "You were just passing by in your G.I. Joe outfit?"
Buffy: "No offense, but you do look wicked conspicuous."
Riley: "I do? I... paint ball! I was just playing paint ball... and then the aftershock...

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