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Oz Says:

"This cheerleading trophy, it's like it's eyes are following you wherever you go. I like it."

"See, our band is kind of moving toward this new sound where... we suck, so we practice"

"But we know the world didn't end. Cuz, check it out."

"Looks dead, smells dead, yet it's moving around. That's interesting."

"Now, you both kill vamps and who could blame you. But, I'm wondering about your position on werewolves. "

"As Willow goes, so goes my nation. "

"So Cordelia wishes for something? Well, if it was a long healthy life, she should get her money back."

Oz&Friends Say:

"Larry:"Oh, let me guess. That little innocent schoolgirl thing is just an act, right?"
Oz:"Yeah, yeah. She's actually an evil mastermind. It's fun."

"Oz:"I don't know. I think we're kinda getting a rhythm down."
Xander:"We're losing half the vamps."
Oz:"Yeah, but rhythmically."

Willow: "I'm trying to get to cute really, but I'm still sorta stuck on strange."
Oz:"Well, I'd be willing to bargain down to eccentric with an option on cool."

Willow: "How am I supposed to react to this rather alarming news?"
Oz: "Well actually, I was pretty much banking on you finding it cute."
Willow: "Well traditionally, repeating a grade isn't exactly a turn-on. And you're practically a genius. You're Mr. Testscores. It's all a little weird."
Oz: "So the cute thing is out?"

Buffy:"We have a marching jazz band?"
Oz:"Yeah, but since the best jazz is improvisational, we'd be going off in all directions, banging into floats. Scary."

"Giles: "Well clearly, we're looking for a depraved, sadistic animal."
Oz: "Present. Hey, I maybe a cold blooded jelly donut, but my timing's impeccable."

Oz:"Well, victim number one, Jeff, he was in jazz band with us. They used to horse around."
Faith:"They were screwing?"
Oz:"I... don't... think so, but he hid her music comp book once."

Willow: "He's just being Oz."
Oz: "Pretty much full time."

"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" TM and (c) Fox and its related entities. I do not own or have the rights to anything related to Buffy, unfortunately. All rights reserved. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution of these materials in any form is expressly prohibited. This web site, its operators and any content on this site relating to "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" are not authorized by Fox. In the words of Willow: a vague disclaimer is nobody's friend. I'm just a major fan who wants to express and project her love for BtVS through the web with the others.