Broadway And Beyond

Broadway And Beyond

Shows reviewed

Big River

Jekyll & Hyde

Side Show

The Life


Old Shows and Personalities
Dan Emmett
Good News

What musical do you want to see a review of???
Make your opinion heard, choose a musical from the list of show's I've seen and the one that is chosen the most by April 1st will be reviewed.

Ragtime was chosen for this update because I had to do a review for a class...I honor of it's recent closing.>

Hello, My name is Brad Barton. I designed this web page for anyone who like me, enjoys intelligent conversation and expressing opinions to gain feedback on Music Theatre. Also to find some great links to other broadway related sites that may help you do some research on "the musical."

I am a Musical Theatre major @

School of Education.

Which happens to put me in the center of all Musical theatre that goes on...NYC.



I in no way claim that the information comes from anywhere but my own observations, not even the spelling may be right.

Also, for those who want detailed dramaturgical analysis of every show...Sorry, I don't have time for that right now, but if you really want it, we can talk.

last updated 3/18/00

General Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
CDHS Central Dauphin Music Homepage
Neil Stroup's Page
NYU Home Page (My University)

Reasearch Materials

Links to New Works or works in progress

Twilight (a New Musical by Brad Howell Houghton)--give it a listen

Attension Lyricists!!!

Fully Written music and book to a musical Written by Scott Kochman. In need of a lyricist. E-mail me if you're interested or would like more information. E-mail Brad
Links to other things that intererest me.

Dave Mathews Band Official HomePage

Phish Official Home Page


Broadway, AL Webber, The Life, Sunset, Jekyll & Hyde, West Side, Joseph, Phanton, Les Miz, Secret Garden, Ballyhoo, Rent, Saigon, Forum, Beast, Cats, Company, Carnival, Playbill, tkts, NY, NYU, Side Show, Night Music, Sweeney Todd Little Me, Lion King, You're a good man Charlie Brown, Peter Pan, Blue Man Group, Ragtime,