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"I have desired companionship for more years than you have lived"-
-Baron Friedrich vonGlower

Baron Friedrich vonGlower ;

Being the son of Baron vonRalick would have been terrible for any young man but to be turned into a werewolf at the age of 12 would be horrendous.

Perhaps he was happy his father was gone from them to cause no further abuse but then again...It was his father.

Did he miss his dad? He probably did, he was such a lonely man. Always seeking companionship yet never truly finding it.

Excerpt from letter, vonGlower to Gabriel;

"You can feel the night wind on your face, taste the heartbeat of the kill beneath your jaws. It is glorious. Much more so than the priestly life the Schattenjager offers.

Don't confuse yourself with ideas of good and evil. Nature shows us that there are no such destinctions. You and I both inherited something from our fathers. Is your legacy any less of a curse or blessing than mine?"

"Join me."
