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Royal Bavarian Hunting Lodge

Xaver welcomes you

1970 Old Royal Bavarian Hunting Lodge;

Baron vonGlower joins the Royal Bavarian Hunting Lodge.Be it out of desperation or just plain loneliness he appears as Baron vonGlower and joins the hunting lodge searching for companionship and trying in his own way to find others with similar beliefs and philosophy's as himself.

With his previous failures behind him he tried in his own misguided way to gradually bring the men around to his way of thinking so that when they were changed to werewolves themselves it would not be so traumatic on them.That was the problem he had faced from the beginning.When he tried to create others like himself the trauma of the change was just too much for them and they went slowly mad.

Baron vonZell was the best of the club and for a while it seemed that he could handle the change. At last he thought he had found a soulmate.But that was not to be.He became more arrogant and felt he had outgrown Baron vonGlower. VonZell was becoming a great risk to the club and particularly to vonGlower.He killed very blatantly and took great risks which would in time bring the law down upon them all. VonZell needed to be replaced.

Enter Gabriel;

Along comes Gabriel Knight, heir to the Ritter Estate. Baron vonGlower takes an immediate interest in him. Did he see Gabriel as the prodigal companion he has searched endlessly for? He knew of Gabriels mystic blood and thought that would enable him to handle the change very well. Also a plus was the fact that Gabriel was a much kinder, more gentler soul than the arrogant vonZell.

Baron vonGlower wanted to slowly bring Gabriel into his world, but that was all changed at the hunting lodge. By accident Gabriel stumbled onto vonZell in his wolf form and that was when he attacked Gabriel and bit him on the leg. Gabriel had to kill vonZell with vonGlower's rifle. Even though vonGlower himself could not kill vonZell he seemed to be remorseful that vonZell was dead.

