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Descriptions of Power Moves

1. The Windmill. (Continuous Backspin, Corkscrew, "The Mill", Shoulder Rolls)

The Windmill is a complete rotation of the body around a vertical plane, while rolling betwwen hands and upper back, or chest/forehead and upper back. Legs are high in air and spread wide apart. This move was created by Crazy Legs of Rock Steady Crew. Variations include hands on chest, hands on crotch, hands on knees, hands on head, hoping from back around to back again (body hops), doing more than one mid-air hop (aerials), arms in a circle in front of you(donut) etc...

2. The Flare.

The Flare is a complete rotation of the legs around a vertical, circular plane. Hips are high, legs are spread wide, and the only body part to touch the ground is your hands, alternately as your legs swing around. Variations include elbows instead of hands touching ground, and one-handed Flare? (I have never seen this one!)

3. The Halo.

The Halo is like the Windmill, except that you spin in a circle only on your head, catching yourself with your hands each time you come around. Variations include one-handed Halo, and no-handed Halo.

4. The Turtle. (Crabs, Floats)

A complete spin of the body performed on two hands, with elbows tucked under body for support, and body parallel to ground. Spinning is accomplished by shifting weight from one arm to another, and placing hand without body weight on it progressively in a circle, then the same with other hand. Variations include legs together and straight, and kicking legs like riding a bike.

5. The UFO. (Bhudda, Flying Bhudda, High Turtle)

A spin, similar to the turtle, except body is upright, in a crouch, arms are straight, and knees to the outside of arms, and legs not touching ground. Variations include legs straight and spread, body parallel/diagonal to ground, doing same motion as Crickets (see below...), and, once enough speed is built up in Handglide, put one hand on top of other, pull in legs, and straighten arms.

6. The Bhudda. (UFO)

Similar to the UFO, except knees are inside of arms which are kept straight, and legs are kept off of ground.

7. The Headspin.

A spin of the body performed on top of head while inverted. Variations include, kicking legs while spinning, spinning in a position like an inverted crouch (knees at chest), using hands to spin (Taps), and, While standing on head, with legs spread, bringing them together quickly to initiate a spin (Drills).

8. The Handglide. (The Flow, Handspin)

A spin of the body performed on one hand, with elbow of that hand tucked at hip, and body parallel to floor. Spin is accomplished by pushing off with free hand. A touqe is usually used to prevent hand from sticking to floor. Variations include, elbow tucked at side, and body facing sideways (Side Glide [people who call it the Handspin usually call a Side Glide a Hand Glide.]), with arm straight and body in a crouch with knees on outside of hands, and finally, with head touching floor while spinning (Icey Ice).

9. Swirls.

Similar to the Handglide, except you spin on forearm, not hand.

10. Crickets.

A spin performed almost identically to Hand Glide, except no touqe is used, and weight is trasferred temporarily to pushing hand, while spinning hand lifts off of floor, rotated, and replaced on floor. If done well, looks like continous spinning motion. Variations include UFO crickets, Bhudda crickets (see above), and one-handed cricket (Tommy Jack, Jackhammer).

11. The 1990. (1999, One Hand 99)

A spin performed on one hand, with body inverted. Not much more to it than that.

12. The 2000. (Two Hand 99)

Similar to 1990, except on two hands.

13. The Elbow Spin. (2010)

A spin performed similar to the 1990, except on your elbow, not hand.

14. The 4000

Similar to Elbow Spin, except on two elbows.

15. Backspin.

A spin performed high on back, with legs close to body. Spin is initiated before going on back, since it is very hard to start spinning once on your back. Usually, spin is started with chest facing floor. Hands suppor body while legs are spread, and ae spun in circular motion.

16. Swipes (Air Swipes)

A complete rotation of the legs around a horizontal axis. Legs touch when chest facing up, hands rotate body and twist, which causes legs to spin 360 degrees in air. Variations include forearm swipes, and one-legged swipes.

17. Air Track

The Air Track is actually more like a flip than a power move, but in the hands of an expert, can be used in combos. The Air Track is one complete rotation of the whole body around a horizontal plane. You start on your hands, facing downwards, flip around once (similar to windmill motion, except totally airborne), and catch yourself on your hands again. Variations include catching yourself and immediatly going into a power move (usually a windmill), or bringing your legs together and quickly catching one and a half to two spins.

If you have any info on other power moves (ie. Rubber Band, Headglide [I know what it is, just can't seem to find a way to describe it.]), please E-mail me. I would also like to give partial credit of this list to Marc K Sambueno.

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