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WinLock 2.05

The new WinLock is the best way to lock your computer.
WinLock comes with many security options :

* Hide the desktop icons, the 'Start' button, the TaskBar.
* Disable The HotKeys.
* Lock any and as many programs or directories of your choise.
* Disable the Mouse clicks.
* Lock the boot options.
* Use a secure folder to lock up to 250 files from being copy-paste,renaming,opening etc.
* Change/Disable the 'Start' button menu options ('Find','Run','Settings' etc').

All the new setting will remain when you run your Windows again, and couldn't be access without the right password.

Enjoy a secure Windows.

WinLock is shareware.

It costs $10 (US dollars) for every computer
you're about to install it on.

You can also register the Site License for $500
with unlimited number of users.

Email me for more details.