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An Angel's Cloud

Hi! My name is Grace, I live in NY, and though i don't like to admit it I am 28 yrs old, I am married and have 2 beautiful children. As of now my main goal in life is to satisfy my soul and be the best person that I can be. Not an easy task! I am a great person with lots of wonderful qualities, if you ever get to know me well enough you will find out.

As i have learned over the past few years there are so many things in life that can be taken for granted and we don't always realize it until it's to late. So I am always trying to re-evaluate my life and get the true meaning of things. One thing I know for sure is that life is precious and too short for all the nonsense we all go through and pass around. This is why I have alot of faith in the Man above to show me the reality of things even when I think it's all worthless,,,,,he shows me light.:)

I love ANGELS and alot of my page will be filled with Life , Love, Happiness and of course, Angels.

I feel that in today's world people tend to forget about the simple things like Love and Family and tend to be more self absorbed and greedy, therefore my home page is dedicated to all the honest and kind hearted people in the world who know that there is nothing more important than the love of their family and friends.

As each year passes on I realize more and more how lucky I am. I have 2 wonderful parents and a great brother whom I love dearly. I have a very loving family and many special friends.

And most importantly I have my kids who mean more to me than anything in this world,,,,They are why I was put on this earth, and I will always keep that in mind,,no matter what life has to offer me.

I also write alot of peotry and songs, when I get the chance,, it''s amzing how you feel when you see all your heart spilled out on a piece of paper. I hope to publish some one of these days. The key to life is opening your heart and soul to yourself before you give it to someone else.:)

As i look into the eyes of my baby girl, i see the answers to all the questions i've ever asked, and if ever i feel the need to ask God, why?,,Her bright little smile tells me!