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Jessy's Home Page

Vote for your favorite movie!
Your Top 10 Movies
  1. Half Baked
  2. Top Gun
  3. Billy Madison
  4. Dirty Dancing
  5. Big Daddy
  6. Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me
  7. Star Wars
  8. Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
  9. Liar Liar
  10. Cruel Intentions

Hey everyone! This is new to me, so I hope you enjoy it and please keep coming back, cause it gets better each time I edit it. I want you to put it in your favorite places and go to it at LEAST once every...hour! Well, I guess I should start out by introducing myself. My name is Jessica and I'm 19 years old (my birthday is 9/25/83-get me a present!) I'm a recent graduate of Connetquot H.S., class of 2001, and now am a Sophomore at Ithaca College. I'm 5'1", with auburn hair and brown eyes. I have a lot of hobbies.....lets see, I like to sing, dance, act, write, watch "Friends", run track, work out, and drink Peach Snapple...a lot. I love getting mail, so please e-mail me any time at or or I like most music. Some of my favorite artists are Dave Matthews Band, Billy Joel, Avril Lavigne, Hoobastank , Green Day, Incubus, John Mayer, Josh Grobin, No Doubt, Usher, Vertical Horizon, Weezer, Blink 182, Linkin Park, and Goo Goo Dolls. Yeah, I know I have a very diverse selection! I also love watching movies. Some of my favorites are Cruel Intentions, Fight Club, Benny and Joon, Half Baked, Beauty and the Beast, There's Something About Mary, All of Adam Sandler's movies except for Waterboy, and all the Kevin Smith movies, especially Dogma...yeah, I like a whole lot of movies, so its hard to even narrow it down to just those. Here are some pictures of me and my friends, so happy viewing!!!

Suite girls livin' it up!
Jessica and Daniel, Forever and Always
Here is my friend, Billy, and I at our junior prom.
Here is my friend, Gregory, and I at his senior prom.
This is my friend James and I just fooling around.
My beautiful friend, Heather, posing for the camera at our junior prom.
Nikki, Sam, and Bethany lookin' pretty
Everyone before junior prom.
James, Gregory, and Adam chillin at my house
Josh, Cupo, Christian and Daniel having fun in Virginia

Well, anyway, please scope out the rest of my web page and it may look bad now, but when I learn more, I'll fix it. Oh, Don't forget to sign my guestbook! It's really important, so if you're visiting, please take a little time to write a short message-thanx!

This is the 1999-2000 Show Choir at my school...(I'm all the way in the far right being held by the two guys)

My Favorite Links

ANGELFIRE-Easiest Free Homepages
My brother Zach's Webpage
The Delia*s webpage
The Nike webpage
Godzilla vs. Tamagotchi
Connetquot School Webpage
Ithaca College homepage


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